Microservice for QR png generation in Python
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- What is the project about?
A small server for running a simple QR generator in format png given a "data" to be converted in a png image. - Technology Stack
It runs on python, and rely on python "qrcode" module and Pillow for image generation. - Roadmap
Making configuration like a custom port, making a global binary, implementing unit tests. Caching images, adding to docs how to proxy it through nginx and apache. - How to contribute?
Suggesting new features and improvements in the code, or simply making for and doing something in the roadmap/todos.
pip install ekuerre
python -m ekuerre.main
Then you open from the browser
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What is different here from other QR open source project out there? Why not contribute to them?
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It’s an small web server, for self service/provide QRs in web applications