Promoting in Romania using Facebook ads

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)


This is not the first add campaign I've done but it's the first campaign I've done for the Utopian platform. The facebook page I've used was published one year ago, and I've mostly used for a movie review website i had, so the majority of the like and people who engaged with the page are people with an art side, interested in movies, art, videos and more. Recently I've re-purposed the facebook page to promote the Steemit platform and the side-websites that interacts with it, as
The goal of this add was to attract people from Romania, interested in crypto, programing, translating, logo design and more . Romania has great programmers, photographers, graphic designers, and maybe some of them will bring value to the utopian platform and some of the open-source projects.


This campaign targets people between 18-65 years, from Romania, with a potential reach of over 960.000 people .
reach 2.PNG

Add started on 14 march at 23:51 and it will continue to run until 20.3.2018 .
Interests include : Limbaj de programare( Programming languages) Design grafic (Graphic design) Blogger.


This is the Facebook page I've set up the add campaign on. >> FB PAGE <<. It has over 6,7k Likes. This is the Post I've wrote in romanian >> FB POST << .

Text in romanian : este singura platforma ce te plateste pentru contributiile tale pentru un proiect open-source.

Esti un grafician talentat si cauti libertate financiara?
Esti un programator cu idei pentru un software, un proiect open-source?
Cunosti cateva limbi de circulatie internationala si crezi ca poti traduce interfata sau cateva documente apartinand unui proiect open-source?
Ai cateva sugestii ce pot imbunatatii o aplicatie?
Crezi ca poti redacta un tutorial pentru proiectul tau preferat open-source?
Atunci, Utopian este locul unde trebuie sa fii ! Esti platit pentru efortul depus, si poti obtine visibilitate pentru proiecte viitoare, si de ce nu, poti chiar sa-ti pornesti propriul proiect open-source si sa fii recompensat generos pentru munca depusă.

Află mai multe accesând !

Translated in English : is the only platform that pays you for your contributions to an open-source project.

Are you a talented graphic designer and are looking for financial freedom?

Are you a programmer with ideas for software for an open-source project?

Do you know some international languages ​​and you think you can translate the interface or a few documents belonging to an open-source project?

Do you have some suggestions that can improve an app?

Do you think you can write a tutorial for your favorite open-source project?

Then Utopian is the place you need to be! You are paid for the effort, and you can get visibility for future projects, and why not, you can even start your own open-source project and be generously rewarded for your work.

Learn more by visiting !


Budget planed for this add is 120,00 RON = approximately 40 $. At the moment of this screenshots, we have spent about 45 RON. 1$ = 3,77 RON .

At the time of the screenshots we got 1.193 impact with 175 post engagement .
We will probably get over 6 -7k or more reach at the end of the promotion .

Evidence that the page Belongs to me

My facebook profile >> <<

Facebook page >> <<

proofof page.PNG

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


There is a rule: "The contribution should not contain any clear attempt to profit solely from a commercial perspective"

And I consider this contribution as a clear attempt to profit solely from a commercial perspective.

I was just trying to get involved, interact with utopian with some of the things i can do. It's not clear to me what part of this ad was me trying to profit from a commercial perspective.The ad, plus this post looks like any other regular approved posts from the visibility category on utopian.

But i don't mind

I' ll let the ad finish, as it still got 3 more days, with the budget it has.

Have a great day, @scipio

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