[suggestion] beneficiary payout amount for paid out posts

in #utopian-io5 years ago (edited)


Project Name: Busy

Issue: https://github.com/busyorg/busy/issues/2220

While this can be applicable to any UIs, I show Busy as an example, since Steemit is currently now even showing any beneficiaries information.

I've already implemented the idea and all screenshots are from the actual implementation. The PO also acknowledged the idea and I will submit PR after a few more testing.


Payout information

Proposal Description

Currently, there is no beneficiary payout amount information for paid out posts.

That is, total payout amount = reduced author payout + curator payout.

However when the percentage of beneficiaries is high, this has several problems:

  • Discontinuous payout amount just before payout and after payout.
  • Bad UX due to discontinuity. With 100% beneficiaries this difference can be highly significant.
  • Inconsistency (when pending, total is really total, why without beneficiaries after payout?)
  • Bad UX due to inconsistency.

Mockups / Examples


  • no beneficiaries payout amount is shown and it isn't included in the total, which is inconsistent with the pending total payout that includes everything.

  • This is an actual implementation screenshot on my dev server.
  • now beneficiaries payout amount is shown and included in the total payout.

  • In particular, this difference can be quite significant when beneficiary percentage is high, e.g., 100%

All screenshots are from my actual implementation and will submit PR.

Technical Details

While I've already done the implementation, here is some technical details.

Unfortunately, the Steem chain doesn't provide an efficient way to get the exact beneficiary payout amount. Even the field 'total_payout_value' is author payout only not actual total, whereas curator_payout_value is curator payout. What an inconsistency!

Anyway, the beneficiaries payout can be estimated from the curator payout even when author payout is zero.

That is, under HF20 (75:25 system)

beneficiaries payout = 3 * curator_payout * total_beneficiaries_pct / 100

Under HF21 (which will likely to be 50:50)
beneficiaries payout = curator_payout * total_beneficiaries_pct / 100


There are so many use cases of beneficiaries.

  • Someone may want to donate payout to other accounts, or dapps can charge/use beneficiaries for various purposes.
  • But users may not want to see too much reduced total payout.
  • Improved UX for both consistency and continuity.

Personally I strongly believe that this should be implemented on all UIs. Previously the importance of beneficiaries was too much overlooked. I'll probably work on condenser too.

GitHub Account



Hello, @blockchainstudio! Thank you for your contribution. This looks like a pretty cool idea. I agree with all the benefits that you cited here. I think this feature may have even more benefit. Well, good luck implementing this feature. I hope it'll not be as complex as I think.

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Thank you for your review, @knowledges! Keep up the good work!

Korean: 와 제가 만들고도 감탄스러운 제안인데ㅎㅎ 기존에는 payout된 포스팅에는 beneficiary payout정보가 전혀 없었습니다. 금액도 안나오고 이게 저자보상에서만 나가는거다보니(그래야죠 큐레이션보상은 그대로여야 말이 되니) @finex등을 써서 bene가 100%일 경우 아예 저자보상이 나중엔 0이 되는 문제가 있었습니다. 이론적으로는 맞지만 total 정보에는 bene를 합친것을 보여주고 상세정보에 세분화해서 보여줘야겠죠.

그럼에도 불구하고 스팀블록체인 포스트 정보의 바보같은 설계 덕분에 베네 보상을 쉽게 보여줄 길이 없었습니다. 그런데 이걸 estimation으로 보여주는 기능을 추가 한 것입니다. Finex 스팀파워 보상 현금화 서비스 - 글 작성기준 7월말까지 수수료 무료!와도 관련된 제안입니다.

Busy는 스샷에 나온대로 이미 구현이 완료된 상태이고 테스트와 코드 수정 조금만 더해서 내일 중으로 올릴 예정입니다. 주인장 승인은 이미 낫습니다. Busy가 (저로인해ㅎㅎ) 이렇게 한기능 또 앞서가게 되나요?ㅋㅋㅋ

이런 깨알자랑할 날도 이제 며칠 안남았으니 함께 즐깁시다ㅎㅎ

오우 total에서 베니 합쳐서 보여주니 보기 좋군요. 감사합니다~ Nitrous에도 함께 적용되면 좋겠습니다.~

곰돌이가 @dakeshi님의 소중한 댓글에 $0.006을 보팅해서 $0.017을 살려드리고 가요. 곰돌이가 지금까지 총 5984번 $65.627을 보팅해서 $76.688을 구했습니다. @gomdory 곰도뤼~

감사합니다. 그런데 nitrous는 어차피 스캇보상을 보여줘서 아마 문제가 없을 것 같습니다.

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