How to write a thesis correctly

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)


This article is intended to help those who want to write a thesis to earn a bachelor's degree. I want to help others to succeed when illustrating a thesis, this time I will discuss a little what the content should be described in a thesis.

What is a thesis

Thesis is a scientific paper from the exposure of research postgraduate research that discusses a problem / phenomenon in a certain field of science using the applicable rules.

Thesis itself is a scientific papers and is a mandatory mandatory final student duties, which contains the results of research according to their respective fields of science. In preparing the thesis each campus has its own characteristics, so that one campus with other campus different process of preparation.

Before Writing a Thesis

Before you take the time and effort to write a thesis, you should do some things first to make sure you are not wasting your Moderator time and time:

1. Select an option
  • At this stage you specify where the course you are interested in, usually can be seen from the
    Elective Courses (not mandatory, but must be selected to add the number of credits as a requirement of graduation). You can choose the one you like or the current trend. If your
    principles "are important fast lulua, regardless of what field", look for research information that
    does not take long, simple, cheap. If you want to follow the proyekan of lecturers, please carefully
    need to work on how long the project, how the level of difficulty.
2. Hunting info
  • If you have made a choice, you can hunting info about the field, what will you raise for research. While hunting info, do not forget to hunting the supervisor, so kouta, usually every lecturer is limited to be a thesis supervisor. Tips on finding a supervisor, find a good supervisor; that really guide; not busy or in college S2 or S3 let alone back and forth out of town; look for a senior lecturer because he is very experienced in guiding, abundant knowledge, usually respected by his junior; look for lecturers who are masters in their field, because it will be a helper during the exam.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
3. Define the title and supervisor
  • After getting enough info, specify what title you want to submit, suggest me to create some titles, as well as why you want to raise the issue. If you already have some alternative titles, see your supervisor, of course, after you enroll in the academic section and have made an appointment to meet with the lecturer. Try that day also you get a title that fix, the reasons, so you can find more info. After getting the title that is approximately right, before parting from the supervisor, set the schedule for guidance again. If you want thesis you immediately finish the distance between the guidance one with the next do not terlalau long.
4. Making Research Proposals
  • After discussing the title, make CHAPTER 1 to CHAPTER 3. The making of Chapter 1 (Introduction) is usually based on the results of discussions with the supervisor to 1.2, or 3. Read also the previous thesis that is similar to your title to know Chapter 3 (metodelogi ), materials, tools, research methods, and data analysis. As for the writing of Chapter 2, you can search on the internet (minimize secondary data, especially from the blog, prioritize from the journal); primary data from related books, so it is easier not to search for cross-campus book, you can ask to the supervisor, maybe they have a book. Remember the making of this UP should be completed as per your next guidance schedule.
5. Making Research Proposal (RP)
  • After the RP that you created is complete, you can meet to the supervisor to correct your writing results. From now on you take a good look at what improvements should be made, do not let further guidance the error is still there. You should also consider the way your lecturer guides, there is a lecturer who only reads anything you need to improve, there is only a sign that you write is wrong, not clear, no need to write, or there are added, replace paragraphs, etc. If the type of lecturer like that you should be diligent to record his words (if necessary recorded deh), if too fast do not hesitate to ask repeated. But there is also a nice lecturer, he will write you should write on your RP sheet, this is the most delicious lecturer. Usually discussions with supervisors will be asked during the trial (so note all the important things). There are times when lecturers can not check your results RP at that time, do not worry you can ask for guidance schedule, remember the schedule not too far, adjust with jadwan lecturers all mentors.

  • Problems that make confused is the opinion between the lecturers 1 and 2 different, naaah usually the first guidance to the supervisor 1, if it is different from the second lecturer you can express the opinion of the supervisor lecturer 1 to the supervisor 2, 2 follow the 1st.

6. Guidance, revision, guidance, revision, okay!
  • After you revisian, you guidance again, there is a revision ... more guidance, until the 1st and 2nd tutors say okay! (yaa guns should be okay also his words, which is yes yes). Do not forget to ask for an autograph signature that your RP has been approved by your supervisor.

component of thesis

To simplify the making of Thesis, it should be noted in compile. Therefore Systematic Thesis is good and correct is necessary.

Broadly speaking Thesis can be divided into three parts, namely the beginning, content, and end. Simply Simple, here is a thesis systematically in general.

1. The first part
  • thesis consists of title page, validation page, motto page and offerings, essence, introduction, table of contents, list of images, table list, and attachment list.
2. Content section

thesis consists of five chapters namely :

  • CHAPTER I: Introduction, in this case the author describes the background, problems, goals, benefits research, affirmation of terms, and systematic thesis.

  • CHAPTER II: Theoretical basis, the chapter that describes the study of literature both from scientific books, as well as other sources that support this research.

  • CHAPTER III: Research methodology, namely chapters that describe the object of research, variables, research methods, data collection methods, and methods of data analysis.

  • CHAPTER IV: Results of research and discussion, namely chapters that describe the results of research and discussion of data that has been obtained.

  • CHAPTER V: Conclusions and suggestions, namely chapters that contain conclusions of results and suggestions and research results.

3. The final section

The final section of the thesis consists of a bibliography and an appendix.

Systematics of thesis

Systematics of thesis proposal writing every campus is different, below is a systematic that is often used by various campuses:










1.1 Background Issues
1.2 Problem Formulation
1.3 Limitation Problems
1.4 Research Objectives
1.5 Research Benefits


2.1 Theoretical Basis
2.1.1 Bag. Landing the Theory
2.2 Thinking Framework


3.1 Location and Time of Research
3.2 Data Collection Techniques
3.3 Data Analysis Techniques
3.4 System Analysis


[more topics]
Every student will experience a thesis or final assignment for undergraduate degree (S1). They will prepare a thesis proposal to be submitted to the supervisor. But sometimes the thesis becomes a frightening specter for the students, especially during the trial or fear wrong when preparing the thesis.

Thesis itself is a scientific papers and is a mandatory mandatory final student duties, which contains the results of research according to their respective fields of science. In preparing the thesis each campus has its own characteristics, so that one campus with other campus different process of preparation. That's why many are looking for examples of good thesis proposals. @anime.lovers

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