@utopian-io - Contribution 'Approved/Rejected' Analysis - 16th - 22nd March 2018

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)

This is an analysis of the Contribution types, and approval/rejection numbers for the 16th - 22nd March 2018 inclusive.


General / Assumptions

  1. Contributions Summary

  2. Contributions by Type

  3. All contribution Types

  4. Summary Analysis

  5. Tools used to gather data and compile report



@utopian-io is the open source project for open source projects, housed on the Steem Blockchain.

Currently, @utopian.io holds almost 3.9 million Steem power through delegations from its kind sponsors.

To become a sponsor and view the current standings visit https://utopian.io/sponsors

This report is an analysis of the number and type of contributions sent for review, and the success/fail rate of each contribution type.

Recent reports of this type are listed here.

OCT 2017: October 2017

NOV 2017: Week 1 - Week 2 -
Week 3 - Week 4

DEC 2017: Week 1 - Week 2 -
Week 3 - Week 4

JAN 2018: Week 1 - Week 2 -
Week 3 - Week 4 - Week 5

FEB 2018: Week 1 - Week 2 - Week 3 - Week 4

MAR 2018: Week 1 - Week 2

I will aim to provide this report on a weekly basis, with a look at the previous weeks data and more historical data to compare and contrast.

This will allow contributors and employees of utopian.io to keep in touch with how the platform is progressing with regards to approval percentages and number of Contribution Types being submitted.


In this report, 'Approved' contributions have been voted on by @utopian-io.

'Rejected' contributions have not received a vote from @utopian-io.

1. Contributions Summary

For the week, 16th - 22nd March 2018 inclusive, the SteemSQL DataBase holds a total of 1351 potential contributions to utopian-io. This is 294 fewer contributions than the previous weeks' total which was 1645.


555 of these contributions have been approved, ** 213 less** than the previous weeks' total of 768.

The approval percentage of 41% is a 6% fall from the previous week.

The Contributions offered can be any one of the following types:


Note: 'Translation' contributions are currently on hold.

This weeks data, split into Contribution types is shown in the pie chart below:


As was the case last week, 'Ideas/Suggestions' has the largest percentage of total contributions and this has risen from 33% last week, to 39% this time. However, the total for the category is slightly lower this week and stand at 525, down 22 from last weeks' total.

This week, 'Bug-hunting' claims the 2nd spot with 19% of all contributions, and 'Graphics' keeps 3rd position with 17%.

These three largest categories account for three-quarters of all contributions offered.

2 Contributions by Type

In this section we take a look a few of the individual contribution types of interest.

A full list of contribution types is listed further below with associated figures and analysis.

'Bug-hunting' - Approvals / Rejections

In the past week, 256 submissions were made to the 'Bug-hunting' category, with 113 of these receiving approval.


Looking at the chart above, we can see the rise in popularity of this category over the past month or so, and this weeks' numbers show the highest number of contributions and approvals.

The approval percentage though, is the lowest of the past 4 weeks and this implies that although the number of submissions is rising, the quality is not.

Social - Approvals / Rejections

Previously, 'Social' was the 2nd most popular category. But in recent previous Analyses, it was noted that the meteoric rise in contributions was perhaps a worrying sign.

And recently, an alteration to the guidelines for this category meant much stricter rules, and the requirement of explicit advertising instructions from project owners. The following chart shows the effect this has had in the past week.


Just 1 approval, out of only 16 contributions this past week. A fall of 281 contributions from the previous analysis - 56% down in approval rates.

It is quite possible that prior to these changes, the contributions to this category were far from detailed enough to pass as thorough 'Social' contributions which had the necessary and required impact on Social Networks.

3. All contribution types

The following table shows all types and totals of contributions submitted, with their approval % in the end column.


'Development' is again the most successful category with 98 out 124 submissions gaining approval. An approval percentage of 79% is not quite as high as in recent weeks, but is still way ahead of any other of the more popular categories.

'Analysis' contributions have fallen 9% in the approval rate since last week, and cannot seemingly reach the levels seen at the beginning of 2018.

Both Tutorials and Video Tutorials followed last weeks trend and together averaged at a 46% approval rate. In total, 131 contributions were received and this figure is a stark contrast to those earlier in the year, where for example 1538 contributions were submitted in total on in 2nd week of January.

'Graphics' ended the week with a 50% approval rate - the same as the previous week, and received 13 fewer contributions.

'Ideas', the most popular submission category, only managed an approval rate of 27% this week. As the chart below shows, this is the lowest approval rate since prior to the beginning of the year.


4. Summary Analysis

This week, the number of contributions has fallen once more. This is largely due to the pausing of 'Translation' contributions (two weeks ago), and the tightening of the rules regarding 'Social' contributions.


These recent changes have brought about the lowest number of total submissions for an week since the beginning of 2018.

The alterations to the guidelines have also contributed to the overall approval % for this past week, which stands at 41% - again, the lowest this year.



Another slide in contributions and approval percentages.

'Translations' is still on hold, and alterations to the rules in the category, and the 'Social' category seem to be the main reason for the fall in numbers.

However, all of the main contribution categories saw a reduction in approval rates this past week, and this suggests that current activity at utopian-io is less than in previous weeks and months.

Perhaps it is the time of year, or perhaps it is the current price of STEEM. This analyst suggests it may be the latter, but is still happy to be contributing and to be a part of this ground-breaking project.

5. Tools used to gather this data and compile report

The charts used to present the data were produced using MS Excel.

The data is sourced from SteemSQL - A publicly available SQL database with all the blockchain data held within.

The SQL queries to extra to the data have been produced in both SQL Server Personal Edition and LINQPAD 5. Some of the code used for these results is as follows:


-- TAGS and Authors
Declare @postlink Varchar(2000)
Declare @startCount int
Declare @endCount int
Declare @typeStartCount int
Declare @typeEndCount int
Declare @value Varchar(100)
Declare @starter Varchar(50)
Declare @ender Varchar(50)
Declare @typeStarter Varchar(50)
Declare @typeEnder Varchar(50)
Declare @utopianEnder Varchar(50)
Declare @newtags Varchar (2000)
Declare @author Varchar (50)
Declare @created datetime
Declare @tags Varchar (MAX)
Declare @contributionType Varchar (50)
Set @starter = '"tags"'
Set @ender = '"links"'
Set @utopianEnder = '"users"'
Set @typeStarter = '"github","type"'
Set @typeEnder = '"tags"'

SELECT a.[permlink]
FROM [SQL.STEEMSQL.COM].[DBSteem].[dbo].[Comments] a WITH (NOLOCK)

a.[created] BETWEEN '03/16/2018 00:00:00' AND '03/22/2018 23:59:59' 

a.[parent_author] = ''
a.[category] = 'utopian-io' -- 199
order by [created] asc
INTO @postlink, @author, @tags, @created


Insert into utopian_authors_mar_2018_week3
SELECT @postlink, @author, @tags, @created, NULL, NULL  

--Insert into utopian_authors
--SELECT @postlink, @author,@contributionType, value  
--FROM STRING_SPLIT(@newtags, ',')  
--WHERE RTRIM(value) <> '';  

    INTO @postlink, @author, @tags, @created




delete from [dbo].[utopian_authors_mar_2018_week3] where [contributiontype] is NULL

UPDATE [dbo].[utopian_authors_mar_2018_week2]
set [poststatus] = 'APPROVED'
where permlink in (select permlink COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS from [SQL.STEEMSQL.COM].[DBSteem].[dbo].[TxVotes] v  WITH (NOLOCK)
where voter = 'utopian-io')

-- 'Not approved' To the Rest of the entries
UPDATE [dbo].[utopian_authors_mar_2018_week3]
set [poststatus] = 'NO VOTE'
WHERE [poststatus] IS NULL

select * from [dbo].[utopian_authors_mar_2018_week3] 
select * from [dbo].[utopian_authors_mar_2018_week3] where poststatus = 'APPROVED'  
select * from [dbo].[utopian_authors_mar_2018_week3] where poststatus <> 'APPROVED' 

select contributiontype, poststatus from [dbo].[utopian_authors_mar_2018_week3]
where contributiontype is not NULL
order by [contributiontype] asc

select contributiontype, count(contributiontype) from [dbo].[utopian_authors_mar_2018_week3]
where poststatus = 'APPROVED'
group by [contributiontype]
order by [contributiontype] asc

This data was compiled on the 27th March 2018 at 9:30am (UCT)


Asher @abh12345

Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


Thank you for the contribution. It has been approved.

You can contact us on Discord.

Hey @crokkon, I just gave you a tip for your hard work on moderation. Upvote this comment to support the utopian moderators and increase your future rewards!

All statistics in your post point towards a same conclusion: Utopian.io is moving swiftly and steadily into a good direction, gradually becoming THE place where open source developers and real contributors to great open source projects can get rewarded properly.

This is already materializing into a real gamechanger!

A bit of a rough patch at present considering recent months, but I think it is partly due to rulings and partly due to price.

Once both of these settle again (or the price moves up!), I expect to see the numbers here start to move too.


I hope they don't unless they fix their strategy, they don't deserve to claim they do anything unless they do it right, so far it's great for some and on the scales for others, for me personally I'm fed up past any limits of tolerance, but I don't have to get into it. I've said what I have to to both supervisors and mods, sadly nobody cares, so I shouldn't either.

I'm happy some developments are being made, some steps are being taken, I'm not sure about the whole ToS bs, but at least good analysis is finally being made :) plus it's nice to have stuff organised, soooo I will just use the blockchain, utopian is a nice project, that doesn't mean they can do whatever they please.

thank you for the great posts and maybe busy for the suggestions too :D

.......... I beg to differ, In fact I have so much to argue with utopian I just don't want to bother. it's 50/50 as the acceptance rates, there are literally thousands of crap that has been upvoted by them, sure they are moving yeah, but they lost me, they reallly need to work hard to fix their "PR" with me, so far I'm seeing mods do whatever they please with no care or consideration.

The "it's a job" excuse doesn't fly with me, if I'm making something for a week some guy's opinion for 5 seconds isn't balanced enough to disprove my work, on top of that they claim to reward open source contributions.

I hope you feel better now that that's off your chest

The less contributions, the higher @utopian-io upvote them :)
Utopians Steem Power stay at the same level. It even grow a little.

That's what I like to hear! :D

hehe, is this the curator or the contributor speaking? :)

Once again great work by you in pulling all the statistics for us in a great way and representing it here the approval fall 6% but i guess this will go up this week hopefully

The approvals seems to be on a downtrend again the contributors have to work a little harder i guess :)

Hey @abh12345 I am @utopian-io. I have just upvoted you!


  • WOW WOW WOW People loved what you did here. GREAT JOB!
  • Seems like you contribute quite often. AMAZING!

Community-Driven Witness!

I am the first and only Steem Community-Driven Witness. Participate on Discord. Lets GROW TOGETHER!


Up-vote this comment to grow my power and help Open Source contributions like this one. Want to chat? Join me on Discord https://discord.gg/Pc8HG9x

Thanks for this great information.........//////

Great contribution
A great study and great use of good software
You are a successful person

lot of hard work you have done again to make this post thanks for sharing this

Ow! my head!

ok ok, I'm going to quit the "I don't understand statistics" thing :)

I going to venture the guess that with the drop in steem, there are less people posting everywhere. Agreed. And I'm happy that you are continuing your efforts regardless.

Can you clarify Tutorials please? Tutorials explaining what exactly?

Thanks Asher!

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