100 Articles on Utopia & Philosophy Curated Publications List
Utopian societies are an often discussed part of philosophy and form a kind of ideology and hope. Often related to science fiction, visions of a planned future and design can often descend into dystopia.
As cryptocurrency is a technology that is often credited to trying to shape new societies, a thorough reading of Utopian Philosophy is beneficial. Below are the 100 most cited publications mentioning utopia in their title.
- "Robert Nozick: Anarchy, State, and Utopia". P Vallentyne. 2014. taylorfrancis.com Central Works of Philosophy v5. 20536 cites.
- "Ideology and utopia". K Mannheim. 2013. taylorfrancis.com . 8171 cites.
- "Tinkering toward utopia". DB Tyack, L Cuban. 1995. books.google.com . 5285 cites.
- "Archaeologies of the future: The desire called utopia and other science fictions". F Jameson. 2005. books.google.com . 2400 cites.
- "Cruising utopia: The then and there of queer futurity". JE Muñoz. 2009. books.google.com . 1981 cites.
- "From apology to utopia: the structure of international legal argument". M Koskenniemi. 2006. books.google.com . 1785 cites.
- "The last utopia". S Moyn. 2012. books.google.com . 1773 cites.
- "Lectures on ideology and utopia". P Ricoeur. 1986. philpapers.org . 1679 cites.
- "The Grasshopper-: Games, Life and Utopia". B Suits. 2014. books.google.com . 1521 cites.
- "Do cabaré ao lar: a utopia da cidade disciplinar". M Rago. 1985. sidalc.net Rio de Janeiro: Paz e terra. 1429 cites.
- "Reification and utopia in mass culture". F Jameson. 1979. JSTOR Social text. 1216 cites.
- "The concept of utopia". R Levitas. 2010. books.google.com . 1206 cites.
- "Critique, norm, and utopia: A study of the foundations of critical theory". S Benhabib. 1986. books.google.com . 1159 cites.
- "Consuming the romantic utopia: Love and the cultural contradictions of capitalism". E Illouz. 1997. books.google.com . 1019 cites.
- "Smart cities: Big data, civic hackers, and the quest for a new utopia". AM Townsend. 2013. books.google.com . 990 cites.
- "Dreamworld and catastrophe: the passing of mass utopia in East and West". S Buck-Morss. 2002. books.google.com . 971 cites.
- "Utopia on trial: Vision and reality in planned housing". A Coleman. 1985. Longwood Pr Ltd . 961 cites.
- "Utopia and anti-utopia in modern times". K Kumar. 1987. Basil Blackwell . 936 cites.
- "A ideologia ea utopia". P Ricoeur. 2017. Autêntica . 841 cites.
- "Utopia in performance: Finding hope at the theater". J Dolan. 2010. books.google.com . 839 cites.
- "The anatomy of national fantasy: Hawthorne, utopia, and everyday life". L Berlant. 1991. books.google.com . 802 cites.
- "Utopia unarmed: The Latin American left after the cold war". JG Castañeda. 2012. books.google.com . 793 cites.
- "Economics and Utopia: Why the learning economy is not the end of history". GM Hodgson. 2002. taylorfrancis.com . 758 cites.
- "Black mass: Apocalyptic religion and the death of utopia". J Gray. 2007. books.google.com . 673 cites.
- "Scientific utopia: II. Restructuring incentives and practices to promote truth over publishability". BA Nosek, JR Spies, M Motyl. 2012. journals.sagepub.com … on Psychological Science. 662 cites.
- "Out of utopia: toward a reorientation of sociological analysis". R Dahrendorf. 2017. taylorfrancis.com Utopia. 645 cites.
- "Trouble in utopia: The overburdened polity of Israel". D Horowitz, M Lissak. 2012. books.google.com . 619 cites.
- "Utopia: a load sharing facility for large, heterogeneous distributed computer systems". S Zhou, X Zheng, J Wang…. 1993. Wiley Online Library Software: practice and …. 566 cites.
- "Architecture and utopia: design and capitalist development". M Tafuri. 1976. books.google.com . 562 cites.
- "Scraps of the untainted sky: Science fiction, utopia, dystopia". T Moylan. 2018. taylorfrancis.com . 562 cites.
- "Critique, norm and utopia". S Benhabib. 1986. New York: Columbia University … . 535 cites.
- "Paths in utopia". M Buber. 1996. books.google.com . 535 cites.
- "Kibbutz; venture in Utopia.". ME Spiro. 1956. psycnet.apa.org . 504 cites.
- "The spirit of Utopia". E Bloch. 2000. philpapers.org . 479 cites.
- "Progress versus Utopia; Or, can we imagine the future?(Progrès contre Utopie, ou: Pouvons-nous imaginer l'avenir)". F Jameson. 1982. JSTOR Science fiction studies. 462 cites.
- "A utopia antropofágica". O Andrade. 1990. Secretaria de Estado da Cultura de … . 458 cites.
- "Politics of utopia". F Jameson. 2004. search.proquest.com New left review. 446 cites.
- "Utopia and the ideal society: A study of English utopian writing 1516-1700". JC Davis. 1983. books.google.com . 444 cites.
- "Plato's utopia recast: his later ethics and politics". C Bobonich. 2002. books.google.com . 440 cites.
- "Uma utopia militante: repensando o socialismo". PI Singer. 1998. Editora Vozes . 439 cites.
- "Globalização: fatalidade ou utopia?". B de Sousa Santos. 2001. . 437 cites.
- "The end of utopia: politics & culture in an age of apathy". R Jacoby, D Soron. 2001. search.proquest.com Labour. 432 cites.
- "Five lectures: Psychoanalysis, politics, and utopia". H Marcuse, A Macintyre, RW Marks. 1971. philpapers.org . 429 cites.
- "Socialism the Active Utopia (Routledge Revivals)". Z Bauman. 2009. taylorfrancis.com . 421 cites.
- "A cidade modernista: uma crítica de Brasília e sua utopia". J Holston, M Coelho. 1993. sidalc.net . 418 cites.
- "A modern utopia". HG Wells. 2005. Penguin UK . 416 cites.
- "Anarchie, Staat, Utopia". R Nozick, H Vetter. 2006. Olzog München . 405 cites.
- "Translation, community, utopia". L Venuti. 2000. London: Routledge The translation studies reader. 399 cites.
- "Sustainable landscapes: contradiction, fiction or utopia?". M Antrop. 2006. Elsevier Landscape and urban planning. 398 cites.
- "The utopia of rules: On technology, stupidity, and the secret joys of bureaucracy". D Graeber. 2015. books.google.com . 396 cites.
- "The Slavophile controversy: history of a conservative utopia in nineteenth-century Russian thought". A Walicki, H Andrews-Rusiecka. 1975. Clarendon Press Oxford . 392 cites.
- "A crise da saúde pública ea utopia da saúde coletiva". JS Paim. 2000. A crise da saude publica ea utopia da saude coletiva. 391 cites.
- "A voice for the excluded: popular participation in development: utopia or necessity?". M Stiefel, M Wolfe. 1994. cabdirect.org . 380 cites.
- "Strains of utopia: Gender, nostalgia, and Hollywood film music". C Flinn. 1992. books.google.com . 376 cites.
- "The Boundaries of Genre: Dostoevsky's Diary of a Writer and the Traditions of Literary Utopia". GS Morson. 1988. books.google.com . 371 cites.
- "A utopia urbana: um estudo de antropologia social". G Velho. 1989. Zahar . 369 cites.
- "Resilience: new utopia or new tyranny? Reflection about the potentials and limits of the concept of resilience in relation to vulnerability reduction programmes". C Béné, RG Wood, A Newsham…. 2012. Wiley Online Library IDS Working Papers. 360 cites.
- "Imaginary communities: utopia, the nation, and the spatial histories of modernity". PE Wegner. 2002. books.google.com . 352 cites.
- "Stakeholding: confusion or utopia? Mapping the conceptual terrain". C Stoney, D Winstanley. 2001. Wiley Online Library Journal of Management studies. 351 cites.
- "The English Utopia". AL Morton. 1969. Lawrence & Wishart . 341 cites.
- "Utopia as method: The imaginary reconstitution of society". R Levitas. 2013. books.google.com . 330 cites.
- "Perversion and utopia: A study in psychoanalysis and critical theory". J Whitebook. 1996. books.google.com . 329 cites.
- "Utopia or oblivion: the prospects for humanity". RB Fuller. 1969. books.google.com . 327 cites.
- "A saúde perfeita: crítica de uma nova utopia". L Sfez. 1996. Edições Loyola . 322 cites.
- "Ideology and Utopia: An Introduction to the Sociology of Knowledge. Translated from the German by Louis Wirth and Edward Shils". K Mannheim. 1964. Harcourt, Brace & World . 314 cites.
- "Laboratory semen assessment and prediction of fertility: still utopia?". H Rodriguez‐Martinez. 2003. Wiley Online Library Reproduction in Domestic Animals. 314 cites.
- "The politics of utopia: A study in theory and practice". B Goodwin, K Taylor. 2009. books.google.com . 305 cites.
- "Cultura brasileira: utopia e massificação (1950-1980):[cultura de massa e cultura de elite, movimentos de vanguarda, arte e política]". M Napolitano. 2001. Editora Contexto . 296 cites.
- "Utopia and Reform in the Enlightenment". F Venturi. 1970. philpapers.org . 275 cites.
- "Pfade aus Utopia: Arbeiten zur Theorie und Methode der Soziologie". R Dahrendorf. 1967. R. Piper . 275 cites.
- "O ensino de enfermagem e as diretrizes curriculares nacionais: utopia x realidade". EE Ito, AM Peres, RT Takahashi…. 2006. SciELO Brasil Revista da Escola de …. 269 cites.
- "Qigong fever: Body, science, and utopia in China". DA Palmer. 2007. books.google.com . 265 cites.
- "Utopia and its Enemies". G Kateb. 1963. philpapers.org . 264 cites.
- "The concept of human dignity and the realistic utopia of human rights". J Habermas. 2010. Wiley Online Library Metaphilosophy. 262 cites.
- "Utopia". V Mauro, C Di Taranto. 1990. Elsevier Control, computers, communications in …. 260 cites.
- "Smart energy technologies in everyday life: Smart utopia?". Y Strengers. 2013. books.google.com . 260 cites.
- "Psychology in utopia toward a social history of soviet psychology". A Kozulin. 1984. philpapers.org . 257 cites.
- "A utopia do poderoso império: Portugal e Brasil: bastidores da política, 1798-1822". MLV Lyra. 1994. Sette Letras . 255 cites.
- "The Viking gas exchange experiment results from Chryse and Utopia surface samples". VI Oyama, BJ Berdahl. 1977. Wiley Online Library Journal of Geophysical Research. 250 cites.
- "Normative power Europe: a credible utopia?". S Scheipers, D Sicurelli. 2007. Wiley Online Library JCMS: Journal of Common Market …. 250 cites.
- "Performance, Utopia, and the" Utopian Performative"". J Dolan. 2001. JSTOR Theatre Journal. 240 cites.
- "Ambientalismo e desenvolvimento sustentado. Nova ideologia/utopia do desenvolvimento". GL Ribeiro. 1991. JSTOR Revista de antropologia. 239 cites.
- "An empire nowhere: England, America, and literature from Utopia to The Tempest". Jeffrey Knapp. 1992. books.google.com . 238 cites.
- "Ideology and Utopia: An Introduction to the Sociology of Knowledge; Preface by Louis Wirth; Preface to the New Edition by Bryan S. Turner". K Mannheim. 1991. Routledge . 237 cites.
- "Journey through utopia". ML Berneri, C Poggi. 1950. pmpress.org . 234 cites.
- "Curriculum for utopia: Social reconstructionism and critical pedagogy in the postmodern era". WB Stanley. 1992. books.google.com . 233 cites.
- "The shape of utopia: studies in a literary genre". R Elliott. 1970. University of Chicago Press . 222 cites.
- "Utopia & revolution: on the origins of a metaphor". MJ Lasky. 1976. books.google.com . 222 cites.
- "Frontiers of utopia: past and present". L Marin. 1993. journals.uchicago.edu Critical inquiry. 221 cites.
- "Utopia limited: the sixties and the emergence of the postmodern". M DeKoven. 2004. books.google.com . 221 cites.
- "A reasoned utopia and economic fatalism". P Bourdieu. 1998. search.proquest.com New left review. 218 cites.
- "From utopia to nightmare". C Walsh. 1962. archives.umc.edu.dz . 216 cites.
- "Millennium and Utopia. A Study in the Background of the Idea of Progress". EL Tuveson. 1951. philpapers.org . 213 cites.
- "Sustentabilidade: caminho ou utopia?". CM Afonso. 2006. books.google.com . 212 cites.
- "Development vs. utopia in communist policy". R Lowenthal. 1970. Stanford University Press Stanford Change in communist systems. 211 cites.
- "Fate and utopia in German sociology, 1870-1923". H Liebersohn. 1990. books.google.com . 209 cites.
- "Ideology and Utopia: An Introduction to the Sociology of Knowledge, trans. Louis Wirth and Edward Shils". K Mannheim. 1936. New York: A Harvest Book, Harcourt, Brace and World. 208 cites.
- "The concept of utopia". F Vieira. 2010. books.google.com The Cambridge Companion to Utopian Literature. 206 cites.
- "Spaces of utopia and dystopia: landscaping the contemporary city". G MacLeod, K Ward. 2002. Taylor & Francis Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human …. 202 cites.
- "Assignment in Utopia". E Lyons. 1938. books.google.com . 200 cites.
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