US Civilwar 2017 Moves Onto Next Phase As The Absurd Russian-Collusion Meme Became Too Absurd For Even Leftists To Believe

in #uscivilwar20177 years ago (edited)

Meet JASON KESSLER, who is simultaneously a radical leftist and a radical rightist/Nazi, if you can believe it (Don't!).

I systematically assume that if there is a terrorist attack or mass violence of any sort -- with strident publicity -- then the mayhem is a FALSE FLAG! A "false flag" is an act of violence or terrorism or war designed by those responsible for its realization to implicate a party other than themselves. Thus, they turn that party into the object of retaliation for the act of which it's not responsible, or at least they distract attention from the true perpetrators: themselves.

I wonder how close this assumption of mine comes to being 100% correct? The Charlottesville VA riots can only raise the percentage in my favor.

It turns out that the "Alt-Right" fanatic who captained the "right wing fanatics" (who were probably left wing or simply hired thugs) is a virulent leftist. A fanatical leftist leading "fanatical rightists"? How can that be? Well it is. Among other sources, there is this one:

Charlottesville VA is a false flag. Maybe George Soros has something to do with it?

Or maybe it's Obama himself, who dreams of being President for a third term (as Rick Wiles suggests)?

Greg Hunter's weekly wrap up provides some summary and background:


This is pure bullshit, from bullshit sources.

No. In fact, the cat at Truth Factory who came out with similar affirmations in her video was censored out by the fake-news sold-out-to-Soros Youtube censors. They can't win the debate, so shut the other party up, right? What more proof do we need to figure out who is the BS-er? This is the link to her video, which as I write is censored out:

Here's another more recent cat video, that is also censored:

This sort of censoring is to keep lite-minded Americans and leftists everywhere brain washed.

Alex Jones, whom the brain washed consider a cro-magnon and the "great unwashed" (read: normal and decent people, who aren't brain washed) consider a hero, does have a way of cutting through the lies. You find him offensive? Truth seekers like myself find him endearing. Look at him work on these leftoids (if it has not been censored by the time you view it):

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