[Crypto Report] GMT : 19:00 08 Feb 2019 / [Bonus] Payback SBD 100% to Vote Contributor
[Table] GMT :19:00 08 Feb 2019
Name | Volatility | Price 2 weeks ago | Current price |
LTC | 27.0 % | 0.00916272 BTC | 0.01164068 BTC |
NEO | 5.9 % | 0.00266001 BTC | 0.00281807 BTC |
XMR | 0.8 % | 0.01301198 BTC | 0.01312052 BTC |
ETH | 0.6 % | 0.03231 BTC | 0.03251322 BTC |
TRX | -0.8 % | 0.00000742 BTC | 0.00000736 BTC |
BTG | -2.6 % | 0.003168 BTC | 0.00308501 BTC |
XRP | -2.8 % | 0.00008795 BTC | 0.00008548 BTC |
REP | -3.1 % | 0.00393268 BTC | 0.00380917 BTC |
DASH | -4.1 % | 0.02054697 BTC | 0.01970049 BTC |
DCR | -4.6 % | 0.00476523 BTC | 0.00454508 BTC |
ZEC | -6.2 % | 0.01464254 BTC | 0.01373 BTC |
ADA | -6.3 % | 0.00001191 BTC | 0.00001116 BTC |
ETC | -6.8 % | 0.00121176 BTC | 0.00112966 BTC |
SC | -7.2 % | 6.9e-7 BTC | 6.4e-7 BTC |
LSK | -7.7 % | 0.0003441 BTC | 0.00031769 BTC |
WAVES | -7.7 % | 0.00077904 BTC | 0.00071874 BTC |
QTUM | -8.2 % | 0.00057737 BTC | 0.00053003 BTC |
OMG | -10.1 % | 0.000347 BTC | 0.00031182 BTC |
ZRX | -14.7 % | 0.00008084 BTC | 0.00006892 BTC |
STEEM | -17.4 % | 0.00009867 BTC | 0.0000815 BTC |
ZIL | -19.7 % | 0.00000614 BTC | 0.00000493 BTC |
XLM | -21.4 % | 0.00002791 BTC | 0.00002193 BTC |
XEM | -28.2 % | 0.00001531 BTC | 0.00001099 BTC |
@crypto-report reports on coins & tokens price changes in real time four times a day to help you establish various investment strategies.
The above table is a list of the 'Upbit Exchanges' listed coins within the top 50 CoinMarketCap market.
All coins are categorized as 'bull(+) / bear(-) ', and you should pay particular attention to additional price drops when investing on bear trap coins.
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