Paul Craig Roberts: Identity Politics Leads to White Genocide
A former high-ranking U.S. official has written a warning on his personal blog that identity politics leads to white genocide:
“The subversion of fact-based science and scholarship by the emotion-based ideology of Identity Politics is laying the groundwork for the genocide of white people. This sounds like an outlandish statement. However, it follows logically from the identification of white people with violence, oppression, and every evil in the world.”
Roberts offers an example. The Nobel Prize-winning discoverer of the DNA helix, James D. Watson, also believes that genes explain a difference in IQ between different races of people. For this belief, he was excommunicated from the scientific community. Instead, critics maintain that any lower IQ found in non-whites must be the cause of “white oppression”:
“We do know that there are IQ differences between Asians, Europeans, Blacks, and Jews. A large number of studies have come to this conclusion. But the emotion-based ideology of Identity Politics maintains that the difference is caused by environment, and the lower average IQ for blacks is caused by an environment of ‘white oppression.’”
However, Jewish people have the highest average IQ of all people in the world. Yet, no one accuses Jewish people of oppressing other races:
“It is not clear how this Identity Politics explanation of average IQ differences explains why Asian and Jewish average IQs are higher than the average for blacks. Asians and Jews are not races that Identity Politics identifies with oppression of blacks.”
Roberts explains that such emotion-based identity politics leads to white genocide because it “creates a range of other [invented] ‘facts’ that demonize white people.” In other words, Roberts believes the acolytes of identity politics are building a case for the extermination of all white people worldwide.
“They [white people] have been forced into the position that they cannot defend themselves without being branded ‘white supremacists,’ which elicits more demonization of them. Many white people themselves have been brainwashed into apologizing for being white. Whereas it is increasingly dangerous for a white person to open his mouth, anything can be said about white people.”
Roberts concludes, “Everywhere we see among white people a loss of confidence.” As in Jean Raspail’s novel The Camp of the Saints, Roberts foresees that whites will soon be forbidden to marry and eventually bred out of existence. “The novel could just as well have ended with blue-eyed blonds being bred as sex slaves to perpetuate the memory of the triumph of ‘sun people’ over whiteness.”
President Reagan appointed Dr. Roberts Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and he was confirmed in office by the U.S. Senate.