Short Story about Game Addiction + Law and Beer and Murder [Urban Legend Flash Fiction Contest]steemCreated with Sketch.

in #urbanlegendflash307 years ago (edited)

Hi everybody on Steemit! This is a hair-raising, full-on crazy story about... me, cops, and a very dangerous computer game you don’t wanna play.
Maybe after reading this you’re never going to play anything ever again!!! No kidding... If you dare though, read at your own peril!


With one great wallop from the Steemweiser bottle in my hand, I splattered the cop’s brains and possibly my entire future along with it. And to think the last time I had resorted to violence was in the kindergarten during a sloppy five-second scrap with some kid whose bruised face I could not even remember!

I wiped the sweat from my forehead across the back of my shaky hand. My heart hammered like crazy. Hell, I’ve just killed a man, a breathing man, out here in the real world! The alcohol content in Steemweiser, while the reason for the cop trying to fine me 99.000 Steem Backed Dollars, was no excuse for such a brutal act on my part.


Of course, it was the latest computer game to blame. I should never had stopped playing it in favor of going out and drinking Steemweiser in a public square that some city officials had arbitrarily declared ‘alcohol free.’ Still, it was never too late to go back home and load my last save!

Resolved to do just that, I dropped the jagged bottleneck on the cop’s barely twitching torso, pulled the hood over my long hair, and turned around. Unfortunately for this particular police officer, in the real life there were no saves to go back to if one dropped dead. Perhaps he should not have assumed that a police badge gave him the freedom to interfere with other peoples’ freedom.

I took a deep breath. Ideally his colleagues would learn from his experience, but I doubted their eagerness to do so. One became a cop for a reason, and it wasn’t a formidable intellect or the ability to reflect on how one’s choice to become the ruling class’s puppet might impact the lives of the average Joe and Jane down the line.

Catching myself too deep in thought, I set off fast along the street under some shady building. The next leg of the trip back home became a blur, although it stuck with me that I had to circle around a street protest featuring a triple-penis minority group clamoring for equality and such. What a shame nobody had told them that having a little less sense of entitlement might make for a better start than dressing up like a bunch of degenerates and posturing in the middle of the street.

Not remembering getting on the train, I stepped out of a carriage, feeling the crowded trip had sucked the last dregs of strength out of my system. Luckily my apartment wasn’t far, just a short walk if I skipped the grocery shopping.

I did skip it, aware that the computer game would not forgive me any further delays.

A few minutes later I lunged into my apartment through the door I must have forgotten to lock, then skidded to a stop and leapt back to lock it behind me this time. A few strides along the corridor and I ended up before the glowing screen. Yes, it was actually on, welcoming me with the cool menu.




I grabbed my wireless controller. Thinking back to the dead cop, I was even tempted to hit QUIT for a moment of creeping remorse. I shook my head and, instead, hovered the cursor over CONTINUE. Stop playing – what a stupid idea. Was I going off the rails now or what?

The instant I clicked CONTINUE, somebody bashed on the front door, a few times and hard. This was not a pizza-delivery girl since I hadn’t ordered any girls yet. Maybe I should? I was hungry.

Playing off pepperoni versus tuna and boobs in my mind, I looked out the window, and spied a van parked on the curb there, all white and yellow and blue. I cursed while my suddenly loosening sphincter made me realize the cops must have tracked me with the street cameras all the way to my apartment. I made a conscious effort to clench together my unruly butt cheeks as they had begun to part against my best wishes.

“Open the door! Open the door, now!” a voice demanded. “It’s the police! We know what game you’ve been playing and what black-market stuff you’ve been drinking. We need to talk to you about that!”

“What,” I shouted at the door behind me, “if I don’t wanna talk but drink and play?” I looked around, hoping to spot a bottle of Steemweiser lying around the room. There was none in sight.

“We’re gonna make you,” the voice answered, causing me to regret I had opened my mouth. “You’re surrounded,” the voice went on, "so don’t be silly. You should know when to quit. You’re not going anywhere. Oh, and we also know you killed one of us today. He wasn’t a friend of mine or anything, but still, under the circumstances that was a bit of overkill, don’t you think?”

My throat got painfully dry. That was it. The punishment for murder was a deduction of 23.000 Steem Backed Dollars from the murderer’s wallet, and I wasn’t going to fork out the money I’d rather spend on BATTLE FOR FREEDOM II once it came out next year.


Resigned, I used my wireless controller to move myself to the kitchen, where I immediately picked up my Steem-launcher from the counter. I knew the heavy weapon was loaded full of Steem-bullets. Software glitch or not, in BATTLE FOR FREEDOM, all weapons were always loaded. You just needed the courage to use them when the time was right, even while you were about to crap your pants.

With the Steem-launcher in my hands and a sticky feeling around my crotch, I swung around and walked up to face the front door.

“New game, bitches,” I said and pulled the trigger, vaporizing the door and hopefully the cops that stood behind it. The controller fell out of my hands and hit the floor.


was the last thing my eyes saw before they melted out of my sockets...

Now, my dear Steemian reader, will you load that game and play it?

Thanks for reading. Make sure to resteem this and follow me, as more crazy stories are on the way. Take care for now!



What a pissed-off dude this one!

This is freakin epiccccccccc. Can't wait for more content from you buddy :)

Hi @chiefmappster. I’m epically pleased you had a good time reading. Thanks!

you're welcome buddy can't wait for more content :)

Hey, for more content right now, you may wanna have a look at my fantasy story over here:
Bear in mind there’s more buildup, and the pacing is different from the piece above.
Happy reading!

Heck yeah thank you buddy. on it :)

Ha ha ha, that's a good one!

Your story was absolutely amazing. I enjoy a good narrative that makes you feel as though you're in the moment. Thank you.

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Hi @jacobchamplain. Thank you for your kind comment and the share offer. Of course I’d feel grateful if you shared my post with other readers. I’ll be checking out your @ocd project in the morning. All the best for now!

Great story, keep the work up!

Thanks you, @sam-b!

Packed a real punch - loved it. Interesting take on the concept of a game within a game. Multiple layers of reality. Add Steem into the mix and bam!

I’m so glad you liked it, @naquoya!

That was a great read mate. Keep on gaming. All hail the wireless controlers!

Cheers, @cem. Wireless life rules ;-)

Hello... I am new to this platform follow me and check my blog and vote please... help me!

@gemdi, brother, that is not how it works. Find me on discord and I'll see what I can do for you

What a brilliant, brilliant story...I loved it!!!

Hi @scottish01. And thank you.

Hello... I am new to this platform follow me and check my blog and vote please... help me! @gemdi

Happy to see more posts coming from fellow gamers! Keep up the good work

Thanks @ma1neevent, I'm happy about that too!