Mueller, Holder, Lynch, Rosenstein, Weissmann and Chuang worked together to quash whistleblower William Campbell's revelations
@Imperator_Rex3 connected some important dots in a threaded tweet. Here are some of the points he brought up. William Campbell, a whistleblower, led Mueller's FBI to start an investigation that led to 4 indictments by Holder's DOJ. Campbell was gagged by Holder and Lynch, and none of the 4 indictments was ever publicized. There was no public testimony, and the indictments were quietly settled or dropped with extremely lenient punishments for extremely serious crimes like fraud, bribery & money laundering. These crimes were covered over- they just disappeared.
Here are some weird facts:
All the cases were assigned the same prosecutors: Rod Rosenstein and/or Andrew Weissman
All the cases were assigned the same FBI officer: Andrew McCabe
All the cases were assigned the same Judge: Theodore Chuang
A little more on Judge Theodore Chuang:
Chuang was an Obama appointee
Chuang attended Harvard at the same time as one Barack Obama and both were editors of the Harvard Law Review and likely knew each other well.
Chuang advised Hillary Clinton and John Kerry as Counselor on detail to United States Department of State (which likely included Benghazi)
Chuang's wife, Jacinta Ma, was Senior Policy Advisor for Michelle Obama
Chuang struck down Trump's Travel Ban
Chuang is assigned to Mark Lambert
The thread can be found here:
Here is an article on the matter:
When I hear about the FISA court giving permission to the govt to spy on citizens - I often wonder who the judges are that sit on that court and if we can trust them. What if they are in the mold of Theodore Chuang?
And how in the world did Mark Lambert's case get assigned to Theodore Chuang?
OMG! This is SUCH an AMAZING post! Thank you for sharing! I gave you a vote!!