RE: UPVOTE CHALLENGE FOR HEROES - Every Day Upvote Reward of 1.2 SBD - #18
Hello @tatjanastan if a hobby is something you enjoy during your free time then honestly my hobby is blogging
Currently am aged 23 and for the last 22 years I did not know I could write until I was introduced on steemit at first when some one told me about it in my heart i was like but that's
not my thing then my inner voice told me "Irene you can do it " I gave it a shot and am happy I did it . I joined last month so far i have written 449 posts and i have 193 people that enjoy my posts am not saying this because steemit pays me when I post but honestly I love what i write ,I love when i express my ideas and am able to transform some 's life in one way or the other
My blog and you can look at my post here
Before i became a blogger i had a low self esteem I lacked confidence and i always thought my words did not mean anything but when i started doing it at least every week i get a comment in the different discord channels that "my work is pleasing" only this statement has transformed my life a lot so i can move with my head up knowing am valuable to the community. Before I go to bed i have to look at my blog and it excites me a lot I cannot find the real words to explain how i feel about itand am on a trip right now but there is no any other activity I can do though there are other options but i have chosen to still blog
With my blogging i have created some really genuine friends some from my country and also outside my country if it was not blogging how would i know Tatjanastan i may not know you personally but at least i know you exist
Am also in the different schools like the steem school and shark school I attend the live classes and my knowledge is expanding
The different discord channels that have joined
There is a saying in the bible that knowledge is power and authority but truly with blogging I have the authority and am happy am doing it
That is interesting hobby, I have to admit...