5 Facts Regarding the Eruption of Mount Sinabung
Mount Sinabung in Karo Regency, North Sumatra, erupted again, Monday (19/2/2018) at 08:53 pm.
Panic had appeared in the middle of the people who live around Mount Sinabung emerged irresponsible information that mentions the death toll.
Is it true?
Here are 5 facts of Mount Sinabung eruption on this day as submitted by the Head of Data Data and Public Relations of BNPB Sutopo Purwo Nugroho:
- The eruption height reaches 5 kilometers
The eruption as high as 5 km was pressurized strong and dark gray in color. Long earthquake eruption 607 seconds. The eruption was also accompanied by a roar.
The eruption is accompanied by a glide of hot clouds as far as 4.9 km to the south and southeast and 3.5 km to the southeast and east. The wind is blowing west and south.
- Ash and rocks rained down 5 districts
Volcanic ash surrounding a number of areas around Mount Sinabung, including District Simpang Empat, Naman Teran, Umbrella, Three Nderket and Munthe.
Conditions in five sub-districts were darkened with visibility of about 5 meters.
In addition, small rocks also showered the 5 districts. Small pebbles are still going on like in Kuta Mbaru Village and Kuta Rakyat until 10.00 Wib.
- Aircraft must not pass
Post-eruption, Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) raises the VONA (Volcano Observatory Notice for Aviation) status from orange to red. Thus, the aircraft is prohibited to pass around Sinabung Mountain because it is dangerous.
- No casualties
No casualties from this eruption. The reason, the entire dangerous area which is a red zone has been emptied.
Some residents have also been evacuated for a while to anticipate the worst. But during the day, the activities of the citizens have been normal again. Residents are considered accustomed to see the eruption of Mount Sinabung.
- Still status "Beware"
PVMBG reported, volcanic activity of Mount Sinabung is still very high. The phenomenon of earthquakes and hot clouds still continue to accompany.
From 6:00 am to 12:00 pm, there has been 1 earthquake eruption with 607 seconds, 1 times the eruptive heat clouds, with a duration of 607 seconds, 10 feet of hot clouds with a duration of 195-792 seconds, 14 times earthquake, 5 times earthquake gusts, 1 times low frequency earthquake, and 5 times deep volcanic earthquake.
Based on the report BPBD Karo, no casualties and no additional refugees.
"People and visitors or travelers are encouraged not to engage in activities within a 3 km radius of the peak and within 7 km for the south-southeast sector within 6 km for the southeast-east sector, and within 4 km for the north-eastern sector of Mount Sinabung, the people who live and settle near the rivers that head on Mount Sinabung to stay alert to the potential danger of lahar, "said Sutopo.
Residents who live and move around the downstream of the Laborus River area are also reminded to remain vigilant because the dam is said to be broken at any time because it is not strong to hold the volume of water.