UpliftNation, an EOS blockchain charity that all of Steem Charity groups can integrate with for Fairly Distributed Global Charity DAC with Transparent Blockchain record Keeping and Steem SMT Social Media rewards
At first I was honestly envious of the success of this project but realized this is what happens when you base your charity on a more successful blockchain like EOS. You end up with Uplift Nation! And I am finally coming around to seeing just why all of the steem charities need to come rally behind @mblucrypto and his @upliftnation project
I want to show @surfyogi @mcsamm and @lordjames this project by @mblucrypto and to get ALL of our steem charities unified into ONE place here with Michael Blue whose youtube channel can be a GREAT way for us to simply MENTION all of the projects we can FORMULATE into a Non profit the way HE has done with his UPLIFT NATION DAO which has raised money that anyone can check on the blockchain, and so this has the potential to take the place of the Red Cross and the UNICEFs of the world which are bleeding money into embezzlement and misallocations, but with a DAO we can avoid these problems. We can support Uplift Nation by going directly to the website. https://upliftnation.io
We can allow MBlueCrypto to take the torch of ALL the best Steem charity that organically came about in 2017 2018 during the bull run. @gilrsfoundation by @mcsamma nd ALL the other projects by @surfyogi @lordjames @prettyjules158 and @steemgh and many more than im missing can all come wave the banner of upliftnation NOW on steem (I sent the account keys to mbluecrypto and we can now use steem for uplift nation as well.
decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) is an organization represented by rules encoded as a computer program that is transparent, controlled by elected community members and not influenced by a central government. A DAO's financial transaction records and program rules are open-source and maintained on the EOS blockchain.
UpliftNation is a DAO that manages a blockchain based token aggregator that allows community members to fund legitimate projects that uplift humans globally.
100% of the beneficiary rewards this post go to @girlsfoundation run by Ghanaian doctor and local humanitarian aid distributor and Blockchain Developer @mcsamm
So come to the telegram and check out the project if you'd like to show them that STEEM can play a BIG role in this project! @sircork @battleaxe @guiltyparties @thejohalfiles @stellabelle I know there many im forgetting but we can really combine forces here and get a lot of people to donate to upliftnation after we show the transparency of the project and how we are able to support a GLOBAL reach, with a project in at least 5 different countries to start with from Haiti to Venezuela Nigeria Ghana, Indonesia, using funds we can boot strap ourselves without taking away from the current Upliftnation project in Haiti.
Here is the Haitian Charity MBlue works with
Id like to expand to more charities in Ghana and Nigeria like @girlsfoundation and others that may not have had the luxury of getting federal funding to purchase the paper work to become a "licensed charity" something I dont believe in at all because that money needs to go right to people who need it and we have the tools with steem to do this, and which were ignored . If we start up a new charity DAO that has all of the EOS world donating to it, it needs to take advantage of all the work done in the @wafrica organization and @guiltyparties projects about many of the best charities on steem aren't sustainable, and they didnt plan on being so. We need to be real and plan for the worst this time and using the upliftnation system can achieve this with @eosdac (the only dac tools easily available besides telosdac)
Steem had charity looking EASY during its bull run, and even during sideways action above $1. But if EOS prices dropped, no one on EOS would be giving charity either :D We need to also question the fundamentals of why we are giving to others, would Ayn Rand be ok with it? We need to see this as an investment in human capital, and that every person in a developing country we help with a phone and some bandwidth will end up generating content and value for our networks, and there's no other way to make this work, otherwise your just a rich white guy in an ivory tower trying to look good from being the "charity" guy, and that's what many people accused me of doing last year. :D Id like to avoid that this time around by following in the foot steps of Michael Blue and his Charity DAO (or DAC is better since ethereum's dao failed and tainted the word heh) I know that we can gain the mainstream support of many academics and big brains if we follow this example of UpliftNation to allow all spending of money donated to be voted on by a DAC.
SO come to the telegram and come tell them about steem! I just created their account @upliftnation and sent the keys to Michael, and we should be on our way to a great working relationship!