Have a big update to announce

in #update4 years ago

Now for those that followed me on most of the social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram, you may know that I'm spreading out now to other platforms. From YouTube to Facebook I'll be now adding most of my content on my Facebook page, like reviews, discussions, and original content. However, it seems like Facebook may have a limit to how much I can truly put on, but that all depends on what happens. If I'm not able to put entire videos on one playlist, then I might have to create more playlists just to keep adding more videos. So Facebook is a bit of a curious set up. There is 1 issue I have with it so far and that's the fact that I'm not able to change the positions of where my videos should be at, so I don't know what is up with that but other than that, yes, you will now see most of my content going up on Facebook besides YouTube.

It's going to take me time to upload all of them and schedule them for post every day, out of the week or weekend, but I'll get there.

Now As for rumble on the other hand, it's a bit of a different story. Rumble takes its time to actually monetize or post my videos, and I believe they are a bit slow at getting most of my videos up. I will say rumble may take a long time for me to get most of my content up there. I'll still try to upload as much as I can when I can.

There is a new platform that I am now starting to upload my content on and that's Odysee.com.

While I'm glad that it's able to sync my videos from YouTube, sadly, it was only able to sync 71 of my videos over 1000s of videos I have on YouTube. The cool part about this along with rumble is that I'm able to create different channels for different subjects. I would have preferred to move my videos that were sync to those channels, but since it didn't move all of them I have to re upload the ones that were not synced. This two will take time along with rumble, but I probably will put more effort into getting videos up on Odyssey more than rumble as it's similar to YouTube.

So yes, the new platform Odyssey, I am really looking forward to uploading and establishing a base there for the future. Now this does take up my time when it comes to uploading on different platforms besides YouTube , and uploading photography stuff as well. But I will get there.

Now the biggest change I want to mention on my YouTube channel is that you may notice that the podcast playlist is gone. Well, I decided to combine any subject talking about a specific thing two different playlists. Now the podcast section does exist but not on YouTube anymore, it will exist on whooshkaa, impossibly new podcast pages in the future. I wanted to make things very simpler for my channel , so, I decided to put each podcast episode in different playlist of series that I'm doing on the channel. So for gaming discussions, if we did a podcast episode about gaming then it will go there but only as a podcast version. same will go with movie and TV show room discussion. On top of that behind the scenes for original content. I feel like this is for the better, and hopefully I won't be as busy with multiple things I'm working on all at once. I just think that combining these two will make it simpler. But if you just want the podcast and only the podcast you will have to go to the other pages for the audio versions.

I will no longer be editing let's plays as it also takes up too much of my time while I'm focusing on a lot of other things. From now on, live let's plays will go to the let's play playlist and not live stream playlist. I made it to where I'll be able to use an intro and outro for the video so that way I can only trim bits of what I need to trim out so that way I'm not fully editing much. Let's watch videos will still need to be edited but let's plays probably not. what I did like about editing let's plays is adding some things to the video but I think it's best to do it this way even though I do lose that factor for adding some comedy to the video. I'm too busy and just better to have the let's play videos as is when it comes to streaming them and keeping the comments during streaming.

I won't be updating anymore original content until I am certain that I've filmed or finish some productions on episodes for anything. Until I have gotten stuff done, then I will bring up some updates on that.

As another note to original stuff, while I took down all the Sally and Chica episodes on my channel, I've gotten permission to add the playlist from the main channel of Sally and Chica to the Arturelia Studio Playlist section. While not on my channel anymore, you can access Aurelia's show from there. I felt like this would have been a better option than uploading all the content in the first place but never thought of it till recently. I think this would work out as my sister wants to promote her channel, and I would agree. You can access all her episode of Sally and Chica in that area of the YouTube channel. Season are, however, broken down to playlists.

If you guys want the quicker version of my update check out this video.

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