What's the craic with the untitled posts. Whatever it is you are doing it made a good read. I work in retail so I hate people also. I like dogs though . Dogs are sound .
Posted using Partiko Android
What's the craic with the untitled posts. Whatever it is you are doing it made a good read. I work in retail so I hate people also. I like dogs though . Dogs are sound .
Posted using Partiko Android
It is hard to think of titles, and they are mainly posts that I write whatever comes to mind and don't have to categorize via a title so Untitled seemed like a good fit. It is what it is haha. Agreed on the dogs, although I only have cats even at their worst they are better than people haha.
I have one of each . The cat is the boss . He knows it and so does the rottweiler. We got him a bell collar to stop his killing spree but the killing never subsided. The vet told me the bell made him more sneakier . I was never more proud. After nearly getting clawed to death putting him back into the transporter thing. I went to shop and qot him a tin of tuna. I was always a dog person until that day.
Posted using Partiko Android