Have you heard the statement "Great power comes with great responsibility" by uncle Ben of Spider man? It is so timely because today is the showing of Infinity War wherein spider man is one of the major character that portrays one of many "saviour" of the world. In this movie they have lots of action scene or fight scene and trying to achieve one goal - World Peace.
But this time I want to present to you a man with ability to fight with different perspective, fight not physically but mentally. I will show you some of his initiative that really matter to many people. Let us start, let us try to remember his ideas and what we learn from those ideas.
Did you remember this? - Yes, steemsecrets, the idea of Terry wherein he help us to think differently regardless of situation or status.
The knowledge will be applicable to every steemian regardless of location, level of education, status, reputation etc.
I know we really learn a lot with all the intel that @surpassinggoogle shared to us, but I just want to reiterate some of his intel and principles that we acquired:
We are not just a minnow but we are a whale inside, steemit is not owned by other rich people but we own it and it is our!. From being self-centered he teached us to shift our focus from money as reward to real purpose of doing things. He also exhort that the awesome person in steemit is not those who are big and rich but the real you. He added the principle of respect and acknowledging the our steemit history so that we can appreciate more the things that we have now in steemit. Lastly, he teaches us to appreciate ourselves instead of begging for upvotes and attention from others.
@steemsecrets by the lead of @surpassinggoogle really helps us to understand the world inside and outside of steemit. It is just a review for all of us to pursue what we need to purpuse. Let us all apply again all the learning.
I tried to summed up all the number of upvote and comment to all @steemsecrets post and it shows a very impressive figures. It shows that there are lots of people who engage in @surppassinggoogle's idea by commenting and upvoting.

Just in case you missed his post here is the LINK
2 . It Is Time For An Exciting Series, That Celebrates The Human Behind Each Steemian.
In this initiative I really learn a lot, directly from Terry because we had a personal messages to each other. Personally I learn how to value the opportunity that people is giving us. We should always give our best when the opportunity knocks. I learned that I should always read between the lines, try to dig deeper as I engage and interact with other people. I learn how big people think and the heart of Terry in teaching me.
This was his message to me that I won't forget
but be wilder. more expressive, more untalented, more imaginative. let go. dig and drop. bro,
It seems that his voice is echoing in my ears DIG DEEP, DIG DEEP, DIG DEEP.
Personally I apply this in my work, people who live in surface are not enjoying the blessings in the deep. Same with people who went on swimming, the people who can swim can enjoy the center of the sea while those who cannot swim are just staying at the shore and clapping for those who can swim, it is very meaningful. For us to enjoy the treasures that are hidden in the deep we really need to dig deep. Golds are hidden, diamonds are hidden so we need to exert effort to find them.
Just in case you missed his here is the LINK
In this initiative his goal is to make the trading and crypto conversion easy and fuss-free to all ASIAN people.
He said in his post
This post applies mostly to people residing in southeast Asia but the logic will gradually be applied to other locations. For now, i want to try to create a moving movement; one that's sincere, real, passionate and see if it is possible to move a Asian-based cryptocurrency exchange that is especially popular in the Philippines, to add Steem and SBD to their exchange.
We can learn from here that if you put people's agenda first many people will support you. "Great power comes great responsibility". We can impact the world if we will always put their business over our business. Very impressive attitude. Leaders always take the lead.
Just in case you missed his here is the LINK
Here are some major principles he stated in his first discord talk show.
Quick Summary of some of the things said during the talk show
"The Steemit effect" exists and it is happening to each steemian, even oblivious to you
- Community is key and can matter even outside of steemit
- You are on steemit at the best of times. The past was harder and steemit has evolved.
- We take steem to the moon
- Alot of steemit success has to do with "you" succeeding; "YOU!"
- Promoting steemit should be a fun privilege. It doesn't make you bigger than others.
- A simple blog is powerful and opens you to opportunities on steemit and outside steemit.
- You can use steemit to find yourself.
- You can use steemit to build a dream.
- is under completion to build every noble dream.
- You are celebrity because i am your fan.
- Steemit is an enabling environment yet it doesn't require a visa.
- Influence the blockchain with your own beauty.
- Attempt out-of-the-boxness.
- There is now light in the tunnel.
Great and fantastic, when you look at it as a whole you can see the whole picture. But I know there are more intel to come, in different way and approach. Just keep on following @surpassinggoogle, @steemsecrets, @teardrops.
By the way I did some graphical presentation of how engaging Terry is, here are the list of his initiative and the number of people who liked the post and the number of very interactive people who leave a wonderful comment in his post.

Thank you for reading this post, hope you like it!
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Thank you for this great presentation sir!
Wonderfully posted. I love the graphs. Will make us just go to this link and check the summary of programs in one place. Yes, these programs will all be successful.
Good job @joeysison, keep it up!