Please Support Me on BitBacker! We Need Your Help!

Hey guys, Voluntary Japan is now on BitBacker, so as to have a backup and avoid some of the evils of Patreon!

As my wife and I have started several new small businesses here as I transitioned away from full time content creation and back to a regular job—and as we have lots of unschooling hoops to jump through on the horizon—any support would be greatly appreciated, to help me keep getting the message of principled Voluntaryism out there!

I’ve just started using the site, so excuse the scant postage as of now. I’m also using mobile as I needed to sell my Macbook to pay bills last month, so it’s nothing ornate, but I am going to try and keep it updated like the Voluntary Japan Patreon page.

Cheers, and looking forward to a great February of voluntary human interaction, running for peace, unlearning, and blogging!

-Graham スミス



Hey Graham. I noticed there has been nothing posted on here or your kafka account for a couple of months now so thought I would leave a comment to see if you pick it up as I was interested in your wellbeing.

Hope all is well


You've got your plate full. All the best to you man, as always. Sorry to hear you had to sell your MacBook, but hopefully you'll be able to buy a new one in the not so distant future. I'm thrilled to hear about your zazen practice. Keep at that. It will benefit you more than anything else you are doing. Right now things are tight here too, but I will pledge as soon as I am able. Until then, at any rate, you have as much support as I can give.

Thanks so much, @dbooster. Yes, zazen has been huge for me. I've always kind of been interested in these things, but for some reason, am starting to "get it" now. Cheers man.

I can't presume to be able to teach you anything. I've always abided by the old Socrates saying "The only thing I know is that I know nothing". But having said that I have been studying zen half my life, and many of those years under a zen monk in Japan, so if you have any questions or concerns about your practice, I'd be happy to help if I could. If you ever want to message me on iMessage, [email protected] should go through (I think), or I'm probably the only David LaSpina on FB, or at least the only one from Indiana.

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