RE: Unschooling Blog, Vol. 36 - FLEA MARKET TIME! Learning about money is easy. You don’t need to “do a unit” on it, or go to school.
That's a really good concept, (and here is where people might say that I am getting on my high soapbox) however when you said yen, I cringed. And some might say what I'm going to say as meaningless concerning your child age but as you have correctly stated
our kids see us do so, and are highly aware, if only intuitively at first, of its vastly diverse and inestimable utility in...LIVING!
So what my issue? With due respect to my Japanese brothers and sisters the Yen is just like the dollar it is paper. It is currency, but it is not money. The idea of money (not currency) is above many adults heads even without the added concept of cryptocurrencies. Before I get to why I made this reply post. I'd like to give you my ideas of how money and currency differ. After a lot of conversation talking to people about this subject I thought of what I think is the easiest way to understand it and use it in this you-tube comment. Once you know that money is commodities those things we need to live and currency is compressed time (energy compressed into the time took to produce any item) and is way we transmit our energy. (RIGHT CLICK TO VIEW IMAGE)

Use coins not paper in your game!
While I agree with what you are saying here basically, I think you might be assuming a lot of things.
My son also has cryptocurrency knows gold is what is really valuable. We use yen in our daily lives and so used it here in a simple and fun game. We don’t use gold at the grocery store, though I wish that were the case.
I’m interested in what you said about money and currency. Theoretically money is the most saleable good, so yes, I would agree.
Like I said, though, using yen for our game was fine, and if you cringed I’d say maybe you missed the point of the post in a sense.
All the same, thanks for commenting, and I agree that fiat money is just paper garbage that puts people in debt.
You have made very good points. Having children would (of cause) give you more insight as you just given me. So maybe my post is better-addressed to adults more than children as they are with you just about all the time. I stand corrected. Hope you didn't miss the reply to the interview with james above.