We had Pelibuey sheep which are more a kin to goats than not. They are very smart and do act like they are perpetually three years old. One morning I found one in my kitchen eating the fresh bread that I had made for lunch! Wee did have to get rid of them as they were eating everything, bark, leaves, my garden, and even cactus plants. A handful of these critters can clean pick a homestead in less than a week.
Wow. Not a good way to see fresh bread go. We had ours free ranging for a few years. When there is one or two they stay around the yard. But when our herd hit 15 or 20 we would find them 1/2 mile away. Fencing is like child's play to them. So when they get particularly interested in being else where, we stake them in a nice green patch of pasture. Winter keeps them home though!
What we are trying to figure out is how the little critter managed to open the door to come in! lol
The same thought crossed my mind, but I dismissed it thinking you had a fairly open door policy on your domain. hahaha I've watched one of our goats literally use her lips to unlatch a locked gate and walk out. So now we have to latch and tie the gates to keep her in. Smart they are and they have ALL the time in the world to figure stuff out!
Isn't that the truth! That's how people get into trouble too. Too much time on their hands!
Indeed. Great point. When living off grid, spare time means resting, but also thinking about the next project and how to pull it off!