UN = VOTER INTIMIDATION. United Nations said THEY ARE MEDDLING in the 2020 ELECTION in order to make sure TRUMP LOSES. Amy is talking about how the 4th amendment is a principle that can then be specifically applied. I love the 4th amendment. Billions of people got Covid but only thousands died, globally, in 2020. The numbers people share are highly inflated statistics shaded in fallacy. Lockdown to NEVER END. Terminator: INFOWAR.
Can't Share Election Outcome 2020
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc, will be censoring posts, users, videos, Tweets, etc, which simply say Trump won on Tuesday, the 3rd of November of 2020, many accounts will be terminated for sharing real news. My accounts will be destroyed by the technocrats. They will be deleting posts which will simply state the actual outcome on election night. People will simply share what happened and big tech will say that is fake news. They will say two plus two is NOT four. They have already PROMISED they will. Also, the United Nations have already said they have OVERSIGHT and will make sure Trump loses. But that is just the tip of the iceberg. I can tell you ten other things. You would be surprised. But I will be deleted soon because I speak the truth. If you expose the monsters, they will try to eat you. When Trump wins 2020, when people report on who won on election night, Twitter have ALREADY PROMISED to BAN those people and their tweets. What did the Pentagon called the Internet in the 1970's? They called it SkyNet.
Crump For Trump
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2020-10-13 - Tuesday
Oatmeal Daily - 2020-10-13 - Tuesday
Published in October of 2020
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.
Banned News
Information You Can Gobble: We Are The News
Oatmeal For Trump
Oatmeal English
Learn English You Can Eat: Communication is Fundamental
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Oatmeal Health
You Are What You Eat: Natural Remedies
When will lockdown end?
Lockdown WILL NEVER EVER END says Bill Gates, the United Nations, and other control freaks, that is the ongoing plan, to walk the prison planet deeper into the vortex of spiritual slavery.
Who are the zombies?
The people who wear masks will now REPORT YOU for not getting the COVID VACCINES or the tracking phone apps, etc, these next ten years into 2030 and beyond. People who wear the masks are the ZOMBIES.
Chat with me on Facebook
Here are some of my Facebook posts, comments, etc
12:02 PM
I clicked on remove and it then said unsent in regards to a private message on Facebook but you can't really unsent. You can remove or take or steal but unsent is a bad word choice that seeks to brain wash people in changing how people view private property rights because if this was traditional mail, then you would have to sneak into my house and steal my letter to unsent it which would be theft or robbery. Unsent makes it sound so innocent but it is not.
Can't Share Election Outcome 2020
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc, will be censoring posts, users, videos, Tweets, etc, which simply say Trump won on Tuesday, the 3rd of November of 2020, many accounts will be terminated for sharing real news. My accounts will be destroyed by the technocrats. They will be deleting posts which will simply state the actual outcome on election night. People will simply share what happened and big tech will say that is fake news. They will say two plus two is NOT four. They have already PROMISED they will. Also, the United Nations have already said they have OVERSIGHT and will make sure Trump loses. But that is just the tip of the iceberg. I can tell you ten other things. You would be surprised. But I will be deleted soon because I speak the truth. If you expose the monsters, they will try to eat you.
What will happen on election night?
01:00 PM - Facebook
Ryan Forrest said it may take a while to count the votes. That is what the fake news wants him to think. But that is incorrect. There are many articles that can tell you why that is incorrect on several levels like I said above, there are over ten other things I'm not telling you right here and right now, this is the tip of the iceberg. You need to ponder a series of things.
Marilyn Mitchell, Project Red Mirage has already been announced and it is one of the many things happening simultaneously, interconnected, and that is what I was trying to tell Ryan Forrest, long story short, it is connected to what happened in 2016 in some ways and is also related to what happened in 2000. But ultimately, the purpose of this post is to highlight what Facebook and other websites promised they will do and in regards to what they already do. They promise to respond to fake news. So, when Trump wins very big on election night in 2020, because he will, the plan is to delete the YouTube videos that simply show that Trump won. If you simply say Trump won in a Facebook comment or post or private message, that will be deemed fake news. Same thing on Twitter and other websites. Big tech will attempt to hide the fact that Trump actually won on election night like Trump did in 2016. They were not ready in 2016 but they've had four years to prepare for 2020. This time, they know they will lose. In 2016, they were so blind, they thought they would win. But, on top of that, the United Nations are helping with election meddling, fraud, ballot harvesting, in deleting Trump votes, in accepting fake Biden votes, in doing whatever it takes to make it look like Trump lost. They will try to drag out the counting the vote to go beyond the 20th of January of 2021 and then try to go for the 20th amendment to appoint their own president. They will try to also create a new country as well at the same time. Also, lockdown, Covid 2, masks, vaccines, etc. And the list goes on and on, way more than ten things happening around the world, good and bad things which people should talk about. We should keep all of the moving parts in mind and in context as they all move around. One of the plans involves brain phones which I told people about at least by 2018 and Covid is a bridge towards that for example.
Chat with me on Twitter
Here are some of my Tweets on Twitter
11:27 AM - Why are people talking about USB-C and not talking about Ubuntu?
Regarding Amy Barrett
11:34 AM
I wonder how many of the viewers are able to read between the lines in regards to what they are saying to Amy Barrett. I would act like Trump if I was sitting in her seat. Amy is doing pretty good at responding. Some of the questions are traps and trick questions, etc.
Go Full Trump in Debates
11:40 AM
The good news is that some people do make commentary videos on these hearings for example and those videos can be spread and do a similar job to the extent they go viral.
Twitter Sucks
11:37 AM
Part of the issue Twitter has is selective enforcement through a complaint system which the big tech social media networks uses, an illegal marriage between platform and publisher abilities. One thing we can do is encourage people to use Gab, Minds, Hive, or in your case, Parler.
Do you talk simple?
12:34 PM - Sure haha, but simplicity is an art, the ability to dumb something down, and Trump does it, and it can be hard to simplify stuff but it is also memorable.
Chat with me on YouTube
Here are some of comments, activity, etc, on YouTube
What about the takeover?
The rollout of the AI tracking apps is an element of the criminal takeover which Trump, Congress, and others, must directly confront, expose, and reverse.
What did the Pentagon called the Internet in the 1970's? They called it SkyNet.
Family History
I remember when Whiz Bang was near the laundromat and one evening while we were going home, I slipped on ice in the parking lot. This may have been in 1992.
I remember Turtles in Time that time and we probably rented that same game many times after that too.
I kind of remember the destroying of the wall in our room. I also remember other times when we slid off the bed on mattresses or we used the mattress like a slide. But this wasn't when Josh was there.
I remember the walkman and I enjoyed listening to How do you Talk to an Angel. When did we get that Home Alone 2 walkman tape recorder device, was it that Christmas in 92?
Can you identify the people in that photo above, do they look like anybody who lived in our neighborhood, like Dusty from space 159 or Damien from space 166, Bill, Jaya, the boy that played piano who lived near church, etc?
What is the TGIS song?
Lockdown WILL NEVER EVER END says Bill Gates, the United Nations, and other control freaks, that is the ongoing plan, to walk the prison planet deeper into the vortex of spiritual slavery.
Why is Alex Jones standing?
Find out on https://Banned.video
United Nations promised to make sure Trump loses as they oversee the counting of the 2020 election ballots.
Trump Projection
Wow, another terrible hit piece trying to brain wash the zombies who wear masks to vote against America.
Is this your opinion?
Not your opinion, they said they would for centuries now as seen in Event 201, the Rockefeller 2010 Lock Step, in at least one book from the early 1980's and I'm not talking about the book named 1984. But that is just the tip of the iceberg.
General Shepherd
12:30 AM - ELECTION COUNTDOWN (Full Show) Monday - 10/12/20
Good callers
Klobuchar HATES diversity and said it is alarming that Amy Barrett does not align 100% with Ruth.
A president is not elected for 3 years, he is elected for 4.
NOT democracy, Klob
NOT a pandemic
be a poll watcher
United Nations said THEY ARE MEDDLING in the 2020 ELECTION in order to make sure TRUMP LOSES
Yes, right now, Amy is talking about how the 4th amendment is a principle that can then be specifically applied. I love the 4th amendment.
Sarah Corriher
12:08 AM - Big Tech Plans Election Night Strike
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc, will be censoring posts, users, videos, Tweets, etc, which simply say Trump won on Tuesday, the 3rd of November of 2020, many accounts will be terminated for sharing real news. My accounts will be destroyed by the technocrats. They will be deleting posts which will simply state the actual outcome on election night. People will simply share what happened and big tech will say that is fake news. They will say two plus two is NOT four. They have already PROMISED they will. Also, the United Nations have already said they have OVERSIGHT and will make sure Trump loses. But that is just the tip of the iceberg. I can tell you ten other things. You would be surprised. But I will be deleted soon because I speak the truth. If you expose the monsters, they will try to eat you.
General Shepherd
12:22 PM - ALEX JONES (1st hour) Tuesday - 10/13/20
Billions of people got Covid but only thousands died, globally, in 2020. The numbers people share are highly inflated statistics shaded in fallacy.
Lockdown WILL NEVER EVER END says Bill Gates, the United Nations, and other control freaks, that is the ongoing plan, to walk the prison planet deeper into the vortex of spiritual slavery.
Bill Gates said last night we won't have entertainment until 2030, meaning ten years down the road. Watch the video from last night. Bill said a number of things and admitted to what the globalists have been talking about for centuries.
Bill Gates says we must take at least 5 annual covid vaccine shots for many years to come.
Bill Gates said last night we'll never find a cure and we'll not be able to have entertainment until 2030 or possibly never.
When Trump wins 2020, when people report on who won on election night, Twitter have ALREADY PROMISED to BANNED those people and their tweets.
The rollout of the AI tracking apps is an element of the criminal takeover which must Trump, Congress, and others, must directly confront, expose, and reverse.
Why is Alex Jones standing?
Schooling should get a priority versus entertainment, said Bill Gates who also said that finding a Covid cure is the last thing people should think about because the lockdown will never end they say. My question would be, who gets to decide priorities for individuals?
"Society should be able to have things like schooling that get a priority versus certain more entertainment related things." Bill Gates. But who should get to decide what individuals get to do? Whatever happened to freewill?
All the dumb people wear masks.
If you like Kanye West, vote Trump and then Kanye 2024. Not really mental health, Kanye had. @Vladimir Putin, just invite Ye over, big concerts, Russia would love it.
Glenn Beck is right, when too many people choose evil over good, then their nation falls, historically this has happened many times, different empires.
Chandler Crump
Chandler Crump banned me on Discord in 2020.
Bill Gates was on TV yesterday, he talked about how it will take ten plus years to get the economy and many things back to normal last night.
We should talk about Bill Gates.
Scott Presler has the greatest BLM rebuttal I've ever heard yet.
When people say Black Lives Matter, say yes, black lives do matter and that is why I am voting for Trump 2020.
Project Veritas is awesome.
Kris Jacks is lying, etc, which he says is morally acceptable, in a new Project Veritas video, 04:00 PM.
United Nations promised to make sure Trump loses as they oversee the counting of the 2020 election ballots.
YouTube violate copyright fair use exception, etc.
General Shepherd
04:16 PM - ALEX JONES (Full Show) Tuesday - 10/13/20
Globalists learned that when they hide in plain sight their plans, as opposed to hiding them, then people end up accepting the prison planet tyranny and ultimately extinction of the human race through a series of events.
Police in bed with Antifa in Europe, USA, etc.
Attack the head of the snake, not the pawns.
Carlos Zapata is a patriot
Starving kids in North Carolina.
ReallyAmerican.com is really not American
Just Another Channel
Masks are not enough, plug your butt too.
11:30 PM - RAW VIDEO: President Donald Trump FULL SPEECH at Johnstown, PA Rally 10/13/20
General Shepherd
Sarah Corriher
General Shepherd
Chandler Crump
General Shepherd
The Next News Network
Just Another Channel
01:30 AM - 06:00 AM, 06:10 AM - 08:30 AM. Starting cooking oatmeal but none for the hamster unlike yesterday. Just a bite I swear, what's the difference between an oat grain and a corn grain which is on his diet, I gave all my rodents oats. Like horses. Good to have measuring sticks like I said Sunday when I made them. Good to have a beach. Private property rights is so good. Good to measure at 4 inch for oysters. Good to understand what buyers want. Look at the seagull. Interesting to see online schooling and yet people should have choice and not be forced to do something in some situations or for some things at least. That's the the desired balance in life. It is tough for me regarding being screwed at times in Vietnam. I talk about that sometimes. Was down there for like 30 minutes and back around 09:40 AM or something. Maybe down there longer than that. Maybe closer to an hour. Came back and was eating around 10 AM. Hey there young man. Good thing you got a bed folks. Going to another universe, you may not have a bed like when Angel went to a place and came back with son. They probably didn't have a bed.
01:40 PM - Stove-top heated peas on rice and stuff while watching Alex Jones talk about Covid which has been planned for decades in Event 201, Lockstep 2010, etc. Run around in the afternoon or evening, maybe 4 PM or 5 PM. 2 on 2, the nerf game. For an hour or so. Maybe just that one time today. Also 3 versus me. I was sweating, running. I did pretty good. Gathered wood for nesting boxes. Chicken coop prep. Dinner around 7 PM, rice stuff, chicken, really good. After, a game of Uno and then SkipBo. Played with the hamster off and on today including around 8 or 9 PM after Skip-Bo. He was chewing on the tea bag tag part and then I took it. That was while I sat at the desk in the living room reading chicken related books for dummies and magazines.
Lockdown WILL NEVER EVER END says Bill Gates, the United Nations, and other control freaks, that is the ongoing plan, to walk the prison planet deeper into the vortex of spiritual slavery.
Bill Gates said last night we'll never find a cure and we'll not be able to have entertainment until 2030 or possibly never.
The people who wear masks will now REPORT YOU for not getting the COVID VACCINES or the tracking phone apps, etc, these next ten years into 2030 and beyond. People who wear the masks are the ZOMBIES.
When Trump wins 2020, when people report on who won on election night, Twitter have ALREADY PROMISED to BAN those people and their tweets.
The rollout of the AI tracking apps is an element of the criminal takeover which Trump, Congress, and others, must directly confront, expose, and reverse.
Why is Alex Jones standing?
United Nations promised to make sure Trump loses as they oversee the counting of the 2020 election ballots.
What kind of chickens are you looking to raise, what kind of breed, how big, how tall, might the kind you get be the average size and not larger chickens? The standard size for a nesting box for one hen is 12 square inches. some nesting boxes are as large as 18 inches. The largest types of chickens can stand to the height of 30 inches they say. I don't know much about chickens, this is just what I've found on the Internet on YouTube and other websites. They say a hen may want to stand and turn around in the nesting box. The most common size, based on what I've read, is 12 square inches for a nesting box.
I saw that video you sent me regarding Benghazi from The Next News Network. That's good news, blessed be the whistle blowers.
BREAKING: Whistleblower Drops HARD Evidence, Biden, Obama, Hillary EXECUTED Seal Team 6, Audio Proof
What did the Pentagon called the Internet in the 1970's? They called it SkyNet.