10 unMEAN sTWEETs About: "When Homelessness Decides To Strike And The Aftermath Of Homelessness!"

"Life is something else": that is something i will always say, when i try to instill in others what life is. That sole knowledge of the concept called "life", is something many in the world haven't come to understand; many feel they do though but the reality is "hearing/reading of a fire as described by the most decorated writer on Earth, is way different from actually being in "fire"!

Yes, there is a school called "school of life" and this is not a very secular school. "It doesn't have certificates"! However, it is a stand-out school because it gives you more substance than a regular person. 

The  truth is "life is really something else" and understanding "life" is a gem. People who have done "school of life" understand some basic things, like "no one knows tomorrow"; "we are basically dust"; "anything can happen"; "things change etc. Yes, in life there will ever be unanswered questions. Some things will ever be unexplainable! 

People who did "school of life", will easily be able to understand that "the lowly tattered man on the streets begging bread, could easily have been a prince in the past or angel in disguise or a potential king and they know how to not under-rate these ones. They know life is more about generations yet unborn and that "it's a small world".

People who have done "school of life" have a broader perspective when it comes to understanding suffering and its impact on people and grow into really practically loving and empathetic people. There more prone to forgive and less-condemning. These virtues aren't weakness!

So how do you view a homeless person? Are you very snappy at announcing that you don't have money? Do you try to read between the lines, when you someone on the sidewalks who appears homeless? How exactly does homelessness feel like? Have you been homeless? 

Can you have home and still have experienced homelessness? 

I have experienced homelessness many times maybe not with the same intensity as others, however, there is no real need for comparisons as many times it is not about being homeless, it is more about the timing; "when homelessness decides to strike. 

Many steemians have had experiences with homelessness as seen in this:

10 unMEAN sTWEETs About: "When Homelessness Decides To Strike And The Aftermath Of Homelessness!"

1. Can Any Good Come Out Of Being Homeless?

@anti-sophist relates his experience in this amazing comment!

When I was in my early 20's I ended up sleeping in a tent for a couple months due to a series of bad decisions and unfortunate events. That wasn't the end of the world and I made it out just fine. Gave me some time to develop thankfulness and stack some cash (which wasn't easy sliding by on minimum wage day labor) , but yes everything is much harder without permanent residence and friends to help. It has to be far more difficult for someone with children or one who is mentally Ill.

2. Should Have Experienced Homelessness To Be Capable Of Empathy Towards The Homeless?

@philogyny knows a thing or 2 about this:

I will admit that, while my mother did struggle raising my sister and I alone, I never had the misfortune of becoming homeless. Growing up, it took my a while to understand why all my friends could have the coolest toys and wear the latest trends in fashion, But I myself was limited to what my sister couldn't fit anymore and looked forward to my mother sneaking us the newest kids meal toys from her fast food job. She raised us well, though, and we understood and respected the struggle she went through to keep a roof over our heads. I may not have experienced the worse, but I like to think i gained a higher level of respect for those who have. I may not have a lot now, but I try to help how I can. The homeless rate is not high where I live, but giving someone else five bucks, a meal, or some extra clothes when they need it isn't going to set me back.

3. How Does Being Homeless For Just One Night Feel Like? 

@carface talks about being stranded:

I remember being stranded in a town one night with a friend with no money and just trying to find a place to sleep for the night. It was a lot lot tougher than I thought and never want that experience again.

4. How About Life On A Bench? 

@denmarkguy shares a little secret:

I cannot even imagine what that experience must be like; I "lived" on a bench by the 8th hole of the local municipal golf course... but I was a healthy 22-year old unattached male. And that was hard enough.Stories like this keeps underscoring the reality I keep arriving at... that the US of A is essentially the world's largest "3rd world country." A dirty little secret nobody talks about.

5. Do Homeless People Have Virtues? 

@bdmomuae keeps it simple:

Homeless people are the strongest people!
Resilience is key!

6. What You Have No Mailing Address; Can That Also Feel Like Homelessness?  

@theblindsquirl has had experience with this:

I, my wife, our 2 kids and 3 dogs spent 16 months without a mailing address. We never got to the point of being in a tent, but there were a few weeks where we lived in a friends motor home. #6 Friends, you can add family to that too. People shun you like they think it's going to rub off. That's not what the 'Murican dream was supposed to be.

7. Can Homelessness Happen To Anyone?

@imransoudagar shares his sentiments in this comment:

I have never been homeless, but I could have been. And I can understand your pain and the hardships that you have gone through. Apparently, homelessness is a big problem than many other things we think.

8. What If People Paid A Bit More Attention To The Homeless?

@journeyoflife talks about homelessness in Pakistan:

A lot of people tend to just walk past homeless people, but what they do not understand is their story behind what made them homeless. Only if people would have a heart to help others, the world would go far. I was left homeless back home in Pakistan and rising again is what makes us stronger and better

9. What Is The Aftermath Of Homelessness?

@skcamper relates some experience:

I just went through 40 days of homelessness THIS time. The last 6 times in 2 years had days, weeks, months. I am safe for now, but I can't get rid of that little voice saying,it can happen again. It has changed me in ways I look at people and how I act. Mostly, I have turned very quiet.And I don't look people in the eye anymore. This last time was the worst experience out of them all.

10. What Is One More Thing You Can Do With So Much Money?

@jeremybro shared these noble thoughts:

There's nothing I would enjoy more than having so much money I can take people off the streets left and right and give them their second chance. It's very heartbreaking and I'm sorry you went through it. Hopefully things are way better now for you.

This is further awareness to the fact that many in the world have had to deal with homelessness and perhaps, we should pay more attention.

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 What are your thoughts and experiences on this subject, please comment away! 

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I really feel sorry for people who do not have their own home for housing. It is very difficult to survive every day and fight for existence. And every day I have to think where I have to spend the night. I have no such difficulties for God, but in my life there have been different, unfortunately the school of life has gone well ...

Jehovah is great. He will safeguard us from these things! Doing a daily routine each night think of where the next sleep spot will be is tough in itself!

There are people who just like this way of life. And no matter how they tried to help them, they better live as homeless people. They are just so accustomed and so comfortable with them.

That is so true. This is prominent in many places. Some people embrace suffering. Mentality is key!

Hmmmm if we keep messing around with Russia we all my be homeless or living in homes without power? Maybe not. Either would suck or at least for me in my mind. I like AC and heat in the winter among many other benefits a home provides. Then again having a home keeps you on the rat wheel of life with all its costs that come along with it. A more plausible homeless scenerio would be property taxes. They too could make lots of people homeless as they just seem to keep on rising. Mr. Mojo Risen............... enjoyed.

Yes, one can still be homeless in a home!

This is so sad and a big problem I noticed 10 years ago. My husband and I opened a homeless shelter in Hollywood FL 4 years ago and today we feed 500 people a day and help 250 Mothers with kids and 100 homeless men and fathers. Every time I see a homeless it breaks my heart. Great post @unmean-stweets

This is a steemit testimony. Make a beauty testimonial posts and bring 200 people on steemit!

ah, a very touching subject. cannot imagine what the situation entails as I've not experiences it but these are great posts by all the writers! thanks for sharing.

True. One needs to have put hand in the fire to fully understand the heat!

Thank you for quoting and tagging me.
Resteemed ;)

You are welcome. Keep your amazing comments up!

"Homeless people - strong people!
Sustainability is the key!" @unmean-stweets But it really is!!! is easier to talk about the poor when you're doing well. When you are not affected.. Actually, many poverty breaks or Vice versa - tempers.

Exactly, to pull one up the ladder, you have to have climbed the ladder to the top!

homlessness is thing which actually learn about life , i never been homeless but i seen my friends and one family member who suffered from this situation. they have no money to eat and stay. we cant judge people that what they feel because its most worst condition that you not have anything to eat or stay , its only that person can tell how its feel who is suffering from it.

Exactly. It is possible to learn resilience, improvisation and a strong mentality from it but mostly if you are good learner!

It's great to hear all these experiences and I'm glad many have recovered.
Homelessness although I have never experienced it tends to make people more humble.

True. Humble yes but it some case, they have been tamed by trauma and may have lost their self-esteem!

Great post !! will follow for sure !

Thank you alot and make sure you stay awesome!

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