RE: 10 unMEAN sTWEETs On The Issue: "Is It Still Essential To Read In The 21st Century?" Are Books Still In Vogue?
Awesome post on an important subject. I love reading and would much rather read than watch videos. As a fast reader most of the time video is just too slow to get to the point and I can gain the knowledge I'm seeking faster by searching and gathering information at my own speed. I used to get so frustrated by finance page funnels that had great click bait but the slow video to go with it. I'd want the answer to their question I was enticed into watching but no way would I sit through 51 minutes of video to get it answered. The transcript options are way more attractive to me. Speed read through it and see if it merits any future action. I do buy kindle books, read daily but I have to say since I joined Steemit I'm reading a lot more here! So many great diverse posts from a truly fascinating community that's obviously growing fast and making a difference in people's lives. Reading on Steemit is beautiful!