Ulog : amoled burn in samsung smartphone
Hello fellow steemians! Its been awhile.. And I just feel disappointed with what happen with my husbands samsung smart phone. Which he availed November last year. Yes! 7 months of use. My husband isnt reckless. I don't know. A small portion of his phone SAMSUNG J7pro to be exact had a burn. It started small. But now it became big. I won't be surprise if before this week ends his phone would turn into all black. I hated it so much. He bought it with hard earned money. Well, we cannot do anything about it.
So, now he is looking forward to have a new phone honor10 thats what he said.. But the price! Whoah! Another loan after one. 😂😂😂
Bye for now.
Godbless us! Mommy Leslie
Try to put a magnet on the screen to degause the color.if the screen hasnt crack at all you can do that.just put a magnet and swipe the magnet along the side of your phone.
Thanks for the tip. I hope it will work. I will keep you updated :)
Sorry to hear about your husband's phone

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If that is still under warranty you can bring it to Samsung Service Center in Ortigas San Juan in front of Old Viramall.
It would also cost much. He wanted to buy a new one. He bacame a samsung hater. 😊😊😊