2018 : Dear Hajar,
(Photo taken from WeHeartIt)
Dear Hajar,
Please be noted that your new life principle is,
“ Biar hidup sendiri susah, jangan menyusahkan orang lain.”
Dear Hajar,
You are not the only person who is going through tough time. But at least, don’t be the cause for others’. Semester 3 out 8 semesters of law school have gave me such a big lesson, that I should not forget. So that the future me would be a better person.
Dear Hajar,
Please please and please. No more last minute assignments, no more last minute study. Please Hajar, please do manage your time better. Even if your carrymarks are good, but do feels lucky the lecturers are being nice to you. But what if still happens in the future, it becomes your habit and you can’t get rid of it. Don’t blame me, I have remind you.
Dear Hajar,
Please do note that because of your disability to have better understanding of legal words, you suffered to write your assignments in your own word. Ctrl C + Ctrl V, until when will it be. Do write based on your understanding !!
(Photo taken by my mom, edit by me)
Dear Hajar,
Do you know that “Yang penting confident!” doesn’t really works for now. Because of your efforts trying to look confident, you are like an empty can. It sounds loud but is empty inside.
Dear Hajar,
Please learn how to communicate better. Please learn how to be more professional, don’t expect people are going to be nice to you. They won’t. They won’t be nice to you. Jangan cepat melatah. Don’t say “Tak tahu,” , "Entah," Do make efforts to find better word to answer each and every questions. Dan....jangan tuding jari.
Dear Hajar,
Be productive. List goals and try to achieve it. Enhance your talent, there is no such thing as “Takde masa,” when you are all the time on your phone, scrolling.
“ Just do it already, 😊 then evaluate later. The hardest thing to do is to start. But once u dah kickstart everything will get into place Insyaallah. 😊 for me kalau pikir banyak2 lama2 usually end up memang I takkan buat. “
(Photo taken by my mom, edit by me)
Dear Future Hajar,
Be strong.
*“ The world is so tough.”
“ No one says it is going to be easy.”
I like what I see, especially like that
there really is also like that in other parts of the world, I was surprised
continue to experience what you get there try to be told a little
Dear Hajar,
You are doing awesome and great! Just believe in yourself and work smart!
With love and hugs 💖💕❤️💗♨️🐳
Wise words 👍
Dear Hajar,
You are taking life seriously and that's what counts :)