Parallel Universes
It is said that the most famous of the 20th century physicist Albert Einstein spent the last hours of his life on a piece of paper scraping his last attempt to formulate the theory of everything. After 60 years, the physicist Titan, Stephen Hawking, probably left the world with similar thoughts.
The colleagues of the scientist revealed that the last academic work could potentially allow the discovery of parallel universes, as it is a mathematical model that could help by using spacecraft, to detect multiple traces of big bangs, writes
The theoretical work, currently reviewed by the prestigious science journal, is entitled "A Smooth Exit from Eternal Inflation," which is likely to become the most important scientific legacy of Stephen Hawking.
Professor Carl Frenk, Professor of Cosmology at the University of Delaware (UK), said: The interesting thing about new Hawk's job is that (multi universe) left its footprint in the background microwave radiation that damps our universe, and we could measure that footprint with a sensor mounted on a spacecraft. These ideas offer a breathtaking perspective to prove that there are other universes.
(Photo Credit - pixabay)
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