Does the material Universe need a “external observer” to exist?
"The universe is, in principle, all of material existence or natural things (matter and energy). Therefore, everything outside of the universe is not natural or material, but supernatural (things going beyond nature, literally "above super" + "nature")"
"In our material world, scientists are faced with the effect of the so-called “external observer”, because of which a dilemma arose. Interpreting the laws and consequences of quantum mechanics, the scientific world faced a choice: to introduce the concept of an external observer (God), who observes our universe as an isolated system"
"When an observer measures a particular property of a particle, they are effectively collapsing the wave-function of that particle, causing it to assume a definite state."
"The “Copenhagen Interpretation” is the oldest and one of the best-known interpretations of quantum physics, and an example of what are known as “collapse” interpretations. This group of theories holds that the act of measuring the state of a quantum system causes a real change in the wavefunction. The state of the system “collapses” from an indeterminate state with a wavefunction spread over multiple possible outcomes to a definite single reality."
"the wavefunction will collapse for the "outside" observer."
"Sophia, who is called Pistis,wanted to create something, alone, without her partner, and what she created was celestial.
“A veil exists between the world above and the realms below, and shadow came into being beneath the veil. That shadow became matter, and that shadow was projected apart. And what she had created came to be in matter, like an aborted fetus. It assumed a shape molded out of shadow, and became an arrogant beast resembling a lion. It was androgynous, as I have already said, because it derived from matter.
“Opening his eyes he saw a vast quantity of endless matter, and he turned arrogant, saying, ‘I am god, and there is no one but me.’
“When he said this, he sinned against all. And a voice came from above the realm of absolute power, saying, ‘You are wrong, Samael,’ that is, god of the blind."
"striking aspect of God’s creating is that He speaks things into existence"
"If quantum physics is right, then wave-particle duality is real, even for gravitational waves."
"According to the observer effect, physical systems can behave differently when there is an ‘observer’."
"The Hawthorne effect occurs when people behave differently because they know they are being watched."
"According to quantum theory, we must remain outside a physical system if we want to describe it because in measuring a system we interact with it in a subtle way and therefore change its quantum mechanical state in the process"
this is very deep...