Another quick shift at Universal Studios in Orlando
My normal research is on hold this week while I'm in Orlando to work my seasonal job at Universal Studios. I love returning here! The sea air, with all its iodine and minerals, is so healthy! And I love seeing my friends at work. Photographs are prohibited backstage, so I usually only take a few when I'm out in the park. The weather yesterday wasn't my favorite thing, but what are you gonna do? In order to keep my job for another six months I had to work a shift before June 23, and summer is never fun in Florida.
This time around, I got to spend the day with Agnes, one of Gru's three adopted girls from the movie Despicable Me. She's the one with a fluffy unicorn and it's my job to zip her jumper before we go on set. Like I've said before, this is the easiest and best job in the world! We do three shows (plus I do support for another three shows, this time for the Dora, the Explorer unit) and then I get to walk parade next to the Despicable Me float with all the characters on board. We do two show stops during the parade; my job during those is to clap and... enjoy the show! Did I mention....? Yeah, I think I did.
I also needed to come back this week to get my annual audiogram done. Working in entertainment, we're often near pretty loud music so these are annual checkups to make sure we're not going deaf on the job. I tried to get this done last December when @kubbyelizabeth joined us at Universal, but there was a glitch, so I'm happy to have finally completed that particular task on this visit!
Trying to use my employee discount as much as possible while I'm here, I went shopping for my two boys in the Marvel comic store on Hollywood Boulevard and got them a few useful things... and then I ran into my friend Doc Brown! He's a co-worker and friend... it's always fun to take set breaks with Doc when I'm here!
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to use my discount at the Irish store as they didn't have any keyrings with my maiden name: McPeak. I know it's an Irish name -- there's even a place in Ireland called Bally MacPeake, but I can't seem to convince any of these Irish shops that they need to stock my name! ☘️
Universal has been doing a Marilyn show for over a year now, but I've never seen it! So I fixed that on this trip. It's a fun period number that reminded me of the candy girl dancers who danced to the song Lollipop -- that's a show we no longer have, but it was part of our Hop unit. Anyway, Marilyn and friends did a great job!
Before I leave Florida I'll be taking a quick jaunt on the Crystal River and will hopefully post on that in the next day or two!

I so now envy you. Lol you are literally being paid just to enjoy the show. If it wasn't for all the heat I would have already had applied by now lol
Well, I do have a few other duties... I run her photo lines and sign autograph books with her stamp, but the great part is we're on set for 20 minutes and then take a break for 40 minutes each hour. One fun thing I did yesterday was back-door a family with a 12-year-old birthday boy onto the Minion ride. Turned out they were also from Denver! Funny that we ended up meeting one another in Orlando! lol
Thanks for sharing your fun! Was it hot? I used to live there.
Yes, super hot!
You took pictures with some of my favorites! Wish I could have visited :( hopefully next time
lovely geke, glad you had time to chill
aww you are looking pretty mam😍😘
thank you @xawi