John Kiriakou Pays Tribute to Unity4J and Says Mainstream Media are Right to be Worried.

in #unity4j5 years ago


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John Kiriakou quotes from this clip:
"When I was first asked to participate in [the Unity4J vigils] ... I had no idea of the people we were going to touch; to connect with. "
"I began to get calls from ... even mainstream journalists, saying that they watched Unity4J, and took in everything that we were saying. ...
We've actually begun impacting the debate - not just around Julian, but around broader, bigger issues of transparency, and freedom of speech and freedom of the press."
"I'm talking about journalists for Murdoch papers, for British-owned Australian papers, national publications. They are worried. And they ought to be worried. At the same time they know we have been telling this story for many, many months, and they have finally come around to seeing this story the way we see it."

John Kiriakou was a CIA Intelligence officer for 15 years who revealed information about the US intelligence community’s use of torture techniques.
Kiriakou spent two years in prison for reporting on the CIA torture program and while he sat in prison the Senate Intelligence Committee investigators were revealing the horrendous details of this torture. None of the torturers (or those who ordered or authorised the torture) were ever even charged with a crime.

Sam Adams Award:
Background story:

Suzie Dawson, co-founder of the #Unity4J movement, is a journalist, activist and head of the New Zealand Internet Party.

Source Video:
#Unity4J Online Vigil 34.0 in support of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks -

With Thanks to Eschatus for the intro and outro music and video contribution.

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