"Kill the Messenger" preview Pt. 3 -- #Unity4J // FREE JULIAN ASSANGE!

This is a project being worked on by @v4vapid, @fortified, and myself. If you are interested in supporting this project, head down to the bottom of the post for ways to support.
So this is the first rough draft. Very very rough draft. No mixing was done at all, just raw recording. Should have the entire song professionally recorded in a studio within the next couple weeks.
One of the reasons I am showing you guys the step by step construction of this project is that we are trying to make this as professional as possible. To do so, we need to get this recorded in a professional studio, and that costs $$$. We are also going to be making a music video for this song, and some other songs as well, and that too costs $$$.
We could just make it all from the house, but the amount of people we will reach with that will be much less than a professional product.
This is so important that just half-assing it isn't enough.
Verse 1
In my dreams I walk free in the city streets
twenty five hundred days, plus fifty weeks
Doing hard time for these wikileaks
Trying to bring the truth out, man, it only gets you heat
Then they gag you, don't get to speak
And when you get the leak, they try to hit delete
The masters of the masses, they want this shit discrete
That's why my middle fingers up to these sick elites
Free speech, it's freedom of press,
Take the deepest darkest secrets, never leave em unsaid
If I'm a thief, then I'm a thief for the people you dread
The people of the red, white, and blue, you keep them in bed
seeing the sheep, keep em asleep, deceiving the weak
keep seeking the leaks, til you cease and I see your defeat
until I'm deceased underneath a freezin red sheet
become a deadman, then I hit the switch and release
When Goldman Sachs is your creditor – You kill the messenger
Story's axed by the editor - You kill the messenger
Pay-to-play on the regular - You kill the messenger
Need to silence any questioner – You Kill the messenger
Why this matters
Free speech and freedom of press is necessary for a free people. It should worry everybody, regardless of political bent, how Julian Assange is being treated. He has committed no crimes. He is a truth-sayer, and for that reason alone he is being hunted.
I strongly encourage each and every one of you to speak out about this to any/all followers your have on your different social media accounts. We might not think that it amounts to much, but it really does.
The information he has shared isn't he-said-she-said bull shit... It's the unadulterated truth. https://wikileaks.org/
We need to speak out and show our solidarity! http://unity4j.com/
There will be another livestream on July 3rd. Show your support!
If you wish to supper there are a few ways to support. You can upvote, resteem, retweet, reblog, etc. This post to get more exposure for it and the #Unity4J movement.
You can also send Bitcoin, Litecoin, or Bitcoin Cash to these addresses.
This is a very powerful song and would love to hear this all over the radio waves and so forth...
Thus, here's my tokens of appreciation and words of gratitude for your work among us all, on the platform and beyond.
Namaste :)
Thank you so much for your kind words! Comments like this really lift the spirit and help remind me why I do this in the first place!
We live in a world, where everyone saying we free. But when we try to speak, that is the time we can understand how much free we are. We were never free, may be will not be. Still we have say it loudly, we are free and happy.
Wow, liking this! A LOT!
And they try to tell us that America is a country run by the people, for the people, but when someone steps out of line for the good of those people, they become a sacrifice to the machine. This is a country run by the powers, for the profit.
Keep up the good work.
I love Julian Assange I drew THIS
This is great Suzie just tipped me to this wish I saw it earlier.. great work!