RIGHTLY REALLY REMEMBER: Now that We’s & Us’s understand unity, and ancient ancestry and anointed artistry, inclusively, who was the first humans upon planet Earth. Where one came from, etc. As aboriginals – aborigines, indigenous inhabitants, inferred “Indians”; ‘Native-Americans’, “African-Americans”. Bio-bodily beings bogus branded; “blacks”, Nationalized namely “Negroes” and called “Copper Colored” citizens of the USA.
IMPERATIVELY IMPORTANT: Is indeed getting our priorities right and straightened up, basically because they’re out of order. Our one only originating organisms, principal + primary purposes, were to be able to breathe clean air or inhale oxygen. Drink clean waters and eat fresh foods that are wholesome and healthful for Hue-Mains or humans. Unfortunately misunderstanding these necessities, negates all other ideas and ideals, indubitably!
Fortunately, I Am The Original Creative ArtistCHD1: advising and admonishing, all Americanized citizens of THE UNITED STATES, hereon, The Continent of North America. Place your personal priority upon the above aforementioned affairs and airways accordingly. Disruptive discussions – disputes – debates defeats our original intent: = THE ULTIMATE ULTRA UNIVERSAL UNIFICATION!!!