The unity with Jesus: If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him. John 14:23
In the Gospel of John, during the Last Supper, Jesus taught with wisdom to his disciples the importance of always keeping the word in mind, because those who do this are faithful to the truth itself. And this is explained by another teaching of the Bible, the word is the beginning of everything and through it all things exist as explained in the gospel of John: "From the very beginning the Word was with God. And with this Word, God created all things. Nothing was made without the Word" John 1:2-3. In a metaphysical sense what this spiritual fact is explaining is that the material or physical world comes from immaterial truths such as wisdom or mathematics.
Most of the parables of Jesus, such as the parables of the sower (Matthew 13:1-9), the hidden treasure (Matthew 13:44), and the pearl of great price (Matthew 13:45-46), refer to that word that in a very small way makes progressive and gradual changes until in the end it manifests itself as the most valuable thing for man. The Holy Spirit according to the Christian faith cannot dwell in people who are not devoted to the word of God. Listening to and living the word is ultimately the only path to spiritual enlightenment: "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it" Luke 11:28.
This is why Jesus during the Last Supper, referred to the blessing of unity and the spiritual love (Agape) that the word brings with it: "If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him". John 14:23. What Jesus expressed with this is that the promise of new life, the new promise of God to humanity that is the contemplative life, comes with that word that makes possible the fullness of the spiritual gifts of God and thus unity with the spirit. Jesus did not address his disciples with empty words but with a very concrete message; a message that is very reminiscent of the teachings of the ancient sages of the Old Testament such as Salomon or Ben Sira, seeking the word and living it to receive communion with God is the most intelligent and sensible choice for man.
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