Correcting Our Course

in #unity6 years ago

Our humanity is divided in many ways: Statism, Sexuality, Race, Religion.

We have been convinced we are here to “work” to earn “money” to “pay” someone else who “owns” the resources we wish to use, and that someone other than ourselves has the “right” to limit our thoughts and actions.

The solution to statism (government) comes down to our individual real-eyes-ation of the self-sovereign nature of each of us to determine our own LIFE, and the inherent harm caused by ANY effort made to govern another against their will. If we take the time to listen to the LIFE force within us, the TRUTH of our individual sovereignty becomes clear.

As part and parcel of statism, education of our children has been an indoctrinating process, seldom teaching valuable information other than maths and language skills.

The huge responsibility of raising ALL new life - our children - in FULL awareness of this sovereignty should fall squarely on the shoulders of the parents of the child.

This responsibility falls as much upon the males as it does the females. It takes a balance of male and female, mother and father, to raise a child because we inhabit this realm in bodies characterized by sexuality.

Our sacred sexuality has been blunted and subdued for millennia by various sources. However, some remnants still remain - the many texts of tantra and kama sutra offer knowledge which honors these aspects within each of us, and shows that when we combine our energies in sexual union, we share energy with one another. THIS sacred union is what should be involved in the conception of EVERY child, not casual sexual exploitation for some ephemeral pleasure of physical enjoyment alone - primarily for the male, as many have lost the art of pleasuring their consorts properly.

Whether race can be proven genetically or not, the society we live in relies upon how we conceive and raise our children. The coloration of the skin, eyes, and hair have far less effect on our children than what we teach them. Putting toddlers of different races together to play does not result in separation, but mutual curiosity and wonder - the same as one would experience with toddlers of the same race. Racism has been taught, reinforced by parents and governments alike.

This indoctrination of children into limits on governance, sexuality, and race bring us to another major source of indoctrination: religion.

We are now at a point where we are capable of translating ALL of the scriptures into a common language of science and math. The mythologies, legends, and twisted historical fictions can be separated from the truths contained in all faiths and ideologies, and given a solid, undeniable base in scientific evidence.

The very nature of our individual experience of this LIFE informs us that we cannot be sovereign if we accept or follow another's perception of the inner workings of this realm.

Ultimately, we are here to “divine” our OWN meanings and synthesize our own relationship to everything around us, of which we are NOT separate. We are intrinsically interwoven among the fabric of all LIFE.

Just as with fabric - if ALL strands were parallel, the fabric would fall apart, useless - LIFE itself requires individuals to interlock and supportively oppose one another in a self-emergent pattern of co-existence.

The deepest of ironies, to create peace among the people, we must become wholly sovereign and independent in all we do. All cooperation and collaboration then become conscious decisions of every individual, rather than coercion from outside forces of statist doctrines, expectations of sexual identity, racial discrimination, or religious dogma.

Individual sovereignty with respect to one’s own LIFE is the path we need to forge ahead as beings on this Earth.

acarya π

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