Unique Private Bank Ltd - banking licence or -lie sense?
Unique Private Bank Ltd - banking licence or -lie sense?
Summary: The Central Bank of the Comoros (BCC) issued a notice on 17 June 2022 stating that no licence has yet been issued for the conduct of offshore financial activi-ties on any of the islands that make up the Union of the Comoros. This confirms the il-legality of the banking licence of Unique Private Bank Ltd. and the sham structure of the Mwali International Services Authority - M.I.S.A., which issued this "licence". In an online conference on 24 January 2023 with BCC officials and a representative of the in-ternational press, these connections were intensively discussed and confirmed. Is this the real background of the disbursement difficulties beginning with the Swiss domino effect from the end of April / middle of May 2022?
The search for the truth behind the crumbling backdrop of Unique Private Bank Ltd, Paraiba World and Trillant and the TTT concept
Paraiba - an unparalleled success story, or so it seemed for about 2 ½ years. Exponential streamline increases (growth in re- and invested capital) from USD 1.8 million in December 2019, to USD 3.5,million in April 2020, to USD 100 million in June 2021 and on to USD 1 billi-on in July 2022 and finally USD 1.3 billion by the time Paraiba was discontinued on 21 August 2022. According to the CEO, there were over 1,600 home-grown millionaires and thawing pe-ople who could live financially and freely and independently. The company lived on and ad-vertised the attributes of security. Setting itself apart from other companies in the crypto-MLM sector, it advertised with a banking licence for which the CEO allegedly had to strip down to his pants, with a system of up to 10 profit traders who traded almost around the clock with the deposits in the crypto sector and had to hedge possible losses anew every day before trading, who traded 4 days a week (the so-called pay days) for the investors and 3 days for the com-pany, so that it could be set up in a stable and secure manner and the returns of the investors could be kept at the highest possible level. They also advertised with the hedging of values via high-value real estate and not least with the success system itself, which paid out returns to investors over the years with clockwork reliability and with the nimbus of the CEO, who al-ways kept everything he announced or promised.
Desire for a genuinely passive income
Especially people who dreamed of a real passive income invested their money here, either because they did not trust themselves to trade in the crypto area or because they did not want to and entrusted their money to an anonymous but reliable team of professional traders, be-cause the words "security, legality, experience, risk management, less risk, 4 to 3 protection of deposits, maximum risk minimisation as security..." and so on were always written in capital letters, in contrast to the reference to a risk investment, which was displayed at the bottom of the page like a mandatory indicator. "and so on were always written in capital letters, in con-trast to the reference to a risk investment, which was displayed at the bottom of the page like a mandatory indicator. On average, each investor or account here had about 15,000 USD in deposits, but the average is, as always, a farce. There were quite a few with deposits in the millions and corresponding six-figure monthly earnings and many who put their last savings, sometimes 1,000, sometimes 3,000 and sometimes 5,000 USD on the much-vaunted card of financial independence and freedom, following the shining examples of those who had al-ready gotten rid of wage labour, because according to the company there were over 12. 000 accounts in Pool 3 and above (as of 21 August 2022: almost 25,000 accounts in Pool 3 or above), generating income at least equivalent to that of a full-time job. So far so good ... until in the second quarter of the year 2022, sand obviously got into the gear.
Question about the technical competence
It was already noticeable in the run-up that although they wanted to revolutionise the crypto sector worldwide and include 1 billion people in the Trillant system by 2030, they were obvi-ously not technically able to implement a functioning dashboard with exact account number values in the Unique Exchange. Also, neither the messenger app Paraiba-Talk nor Paraiba-Conference made it out of a very glitch-prone beta version, but the Trillant Pay and Messen-ger app was supposed to be a compact smart tool for all the functions of the new financial ecosystem. However, to date, at the end of January 2023, this ingenious multi-app can only be found in commercials, e.g. those where you can pay with the TRIL itself at the petrol pump of the petrol station, although it was "definitely" supposed to come into use in 2022, according to the CEO's statement of 15 November 2022. Considering the above comments, probably a mammoth task, but what has become of the mammoths we all know. And the outfit and per-formance of the Trillando marketplace, one of the three supporting pillars of the concept, still resembles that of the official Paraibaworld telegram channel of 22 June 2022, even after al-most half a year. June 2022 that the "developers are working 100% to complete ALL aspects of the NEW Trillando concept and will "fully present" it in the next few weeks", it still looks mo-re like the marketplace Dealshaker, which is also inadequate for the alleged total volume be-hind it and which shows similar visions and partly identical rhetoric in connection with OneCoin.
The early vision and the "safeguarding of values“
According to his own statements, CEO Erich E. recognised as early as the summer of 2020 that the development of the financial markets made it necessary for Paraiba to make a chan-ge (statement on 6 August 2022 on the official Paraibaworld telegram channel). It can be as-sumed that this was also discussed controversially in the so-called top leader circle, because there is information that in December 2021 the first investors had already decided not to follow the new path and cancelled their accounts in good time. Obviously, these were only in-vestors from the top leaders' circle, because at that time no word had been communicated to the ordinary investors about what was in store for them.
Also according to the CEO, there were difficulties with the Swiss banks from the end of April 2022 onwards, starting with a bank that referred a large payout amount back to the Unique Exchange, which is said to have led to a domino effect at the Swiss banks, which referred back funds in considerable amounts to the Unique Exchange. Did some of the top and global leaders who were already in the loop, anticipating a longer lean period or a slow exit scam via Trillant, want to secure considerable amounts of value?
What might have been known in the usually well-informed Swiss banking world about the Comoros Central Bank's communiqué before it was published on its website on 17 June 2022? Did this information, coupled with the considerable sums that were to be "cashed out", trigger the domino effect of the Swiss banks?
On 13 May 2022, Attiora crashed out of existence and on 19 May 2022, 50,000,000,000 TRI were generated on the Ethereum Blockchain. Whether and how this can have a connection and the evaluation of this should be left to the reader at this point, as it is a marginal note for the actual topic.
The retention of profit entitlements
In between, the inexorable withholding of investment returns then began on 15 May 2022, initially with a "temporary" limit on payouts to $5,000 in fiat currencies and the equivalent of 0.15 BTC in cryptocurrencies per week. This was justified with the incidents in Switzerland, where the large payout amounts allegedly put the banks in position against the Unique Exchange.
There followed an unspeakable succession of promises such as "NOBODY needs to worry about their money. Paraiba is fine!" and "According to management, the situation with disbursements will change for the better as early as "this" week." as well as "...that these times will begin to normalise by the end of THIS week." (statements from 07 to 22 June 2022), which were in complete contrast to the results: Increasingly longer disbursement times, more and more restrictive measures, new orders were only processed when the previous ones had been completed, but their completion took several weeks, in the end up to more than ten. Some of the withdrawal orders were also cancelled completely and the investors were allo-wed to start again from scratch with the waiting times by setting new withdrawal orders until finally no fiat withdrawals and, from 14 August 2022, no more BTC payment orders were pro-cessed, coinciding with the "pre-launch call" - an online conference on the upcoming conver-sion of Paraiba to the TTT concept and exactly one week before the official end of Paraiba.
A successful game of "no way out"?
In retrospect, it is clear that since mid-May 2022, work has obviously been done with increa-sing momentum to ensure that as few as possible to "in the end" (German „im Endeffekt“), as the CEO is constantly wont to say, no more payouts have to be made, at least not to the mass of investors; top leaders were allegedly still offered the opportunity to make payouts.
The system was successively hermetically sealed off piece by piece. Money gains continued to be made possible and also promoted through advertising for the groundbreaking new con-cept of a supposedly globally unique financial ecosystem (as I said - OneCoin and Dealshaker started with a similar vision right down to the wording), but the investors' claims (cf. 03 Aug.2022) were no longer served (this also shows parallels), which for quite a few investors has since probably meant income losses of several tens or hundreds of thousands of USD or EURO.
The responsibility for these circumstances was sometimes attributed to the technology, some-times to the irresponsible investors, sometimes to the banking and financial world, the crypto winter as well as the FTX crash, but always clearly pushed away from themselves and the "company", although and precisely because the statements and the effects drifted further and further apart. An increasingly conspicuous mechanism, at least for those investors who, des-pite all their hopes for a financially free life, still retained a good measure of common sense.
Did the "restructuring" also have to be staged because it was apparently making the rounds more and more in the banking and financial sector that Unique Bank Ltd. and thus also Pa-raiba is an illegal sham structure and the whole edifice of the confidence-inspiring "banking li-cence" stood on increasingly fragile and battered feet of clay and, moreover, the financial re-sources that had been necessary to satisfy the claims to earnings were and are simply not available?
The "market-strategic" self-demolition of a visionary system
In view of the numerous statements about "price developments" of the Trillant value coin in the run-up to the changeover, the reality was that investors were in for another fiasco after an already very exhausting lean period. Instead of the simultaneous listing of the value token Trillant and the stable token Trillon, which was repeatedly mentioned in the run-up to and even after the changeover, the listing of the Stab-le-Coin, one of the three pillars of the TTT concept, was postponed to the first quarter of 2023 for "market-strategic" reasons, and inves-tors were now not allowed to cash out their earnings in a stable manner at a 1:1 rate TRIL: USD, instead they were forced to generate their earnings via the volatile TRI. After this launch was also postponed twice, which increasingly caused existential hardship for many investors, what inevitably had to happen happened. First, the technology could not withstand the "ons-laught" of investors on 5 December 2022, and then the price of the TRI plummeted to almost nothing, so that even the neediest investors lost the joy of selling their TRI on one of the two exchanges. There was no sign of any supportive buying on the part of the "company"; the in-vestors, some of whom were completely inexperienced in trading and using the stock exchanges, were left to the mechanisms of the market. Bad luck or "operation successful"? Because in this way the outflow of capital from the TTT system was once again ensured in a very sustainable way. Moreover, the listing of the stable coin TRIL is now only planned for the end of the first quarter of 2023. But there were already far too many prospects by this time and perhaps it was not understood that these were "out" prospects -- an "end effect" in other words.
On 27 July 2022, it was explained on the official Paraibaworld Telegram channel that there are 20 billion of the Trillon (stablecoin), also called cash coin or pay coin, in the Trillon block-chain. Each Trillon is backed "1 to 1" with US DOLLAR, he said. "This means that in fact for "so many" Trillon that have been issued, there "must" also be US dollars deposited. In the "current" peak it is actually up to 20 billion dollars! There are "written and binding commit-ments" from various well-known company partners for this."
Obviously, these "written and binding commitments" for a corresponding deposit of the TRIL did not exist at the end of November/beginning of December, otherwise the "Company" or the CEO would not have had to break his word regarding the conceptually required simultaneous listing of both coins/tokens. An act that had a disastrous effect for all investors and also for the shop operators of the third pillar, the Trillando marketplace, as well as for the overall concept. At the latest from this point on, it should have been clear to all involved that either an elephant in a china shop was smashing its own concept or it must have been a concealed slow-exit scam, because with all the market turmoil and catastrophes, one now had to ask oneself whe-re the alleged streamline worth USD 1.3 billion had gone, when not even the millions initially expected for the earnings to be cashed out seemed to be deposited.
Half the Roman game, no bread but games
From now on, the crowd of investors, already long divided into the "loyal" and those described as "complainers, whiners and negative talkers", were stalled with scanty information on the difficulties in implementing the KYB and a sports car raffle, the Raffle, i.e. half the Roman ga-me, no bread but games for the people. This raffle was apparently meant to bring in fresh money for the system. But already in the first month of December it became clear that with a participation of 400 to 500 purchased "raffle tickets", for which one had to buy externally at least USD 500 worth of TRI and bring it into the system Trillant in a long-term staking, a ma-ximum of USD 100 - 150,000 of new capital flowed into the system, which is a joke to say the least for an alleged USD 2 billion project (nominally after internal doubling of deposits).
It is doubtful whether the second month will be more successful, since the prices of the sports cars have to rise from month to month in order to reach a profit of 1 million USD after four months. With luck, it will be a zero-sum game in the end.
What do you think was the real reason for the connected house banks to freeze the accounts of the Unique Exchange?
Another interesting reason given by the company for the delays in the payouts was the written notification on 16 October 2022 that the Unique Exchange had been at odds with the associa-ted house bank for a few days because partners, which probably meant desperate and angry investors, had contacted these house or correspondent banks directly, contrary to the general terms and conditions, in order to settle "matters" independently, which meant nothing else than obtaining the claims that the Unique Exchange was withholding from them by other me-ans.
Here they have also stooped to the statement that it is forbidden for good reason for any part-ner to contact the partner banks independently without consultation with the management via the GTC, both previously with Paraiba and now with Trillant. Now that unreasonable partners had contacted the cooperating bank directly, a special audit was ordered due to their clumsy behaviour and as a result the accounts were frozen on the part of the bank.
Apart from the fact that the statement regarding the general terms and conditions was imme-diately refuted several times by attentive investors, because this passage did not exist in any of the relevant general terms and conditions, the statement is already implausible for anyone without background knowledge, but with the background knowledge of the publication of the BCC, a deliberate misinformation or distraction may be suspected or assumed here.
Moreover, it would be more than astonishing that banks that make themselves available for precisely such transactions and investments as those of Paraiba/Trillant would only block all accounts as a result of a few individual messages from some investors. Evidence for this blo-cking of accounts has not been presented, but a conclusive justification for the reluctance of the banks, which of course risk their own licence if they do business with a bogus bank, is now available due to the communiqué of the Central Bank of the Comoros.
So it wasn't the evil partners after all, but the lack of a "banking licence"?
Following the discovery on the net of a document dated 15 June 2022 entitled "Communique de la Banque Centrale des Comores sur l'exercice illegal d'activités bancaires offshores" (translated: Communique of the Central Bank of Comoros on the illegal exercise of offshore banking activities), on 21 December 2022, by means of an international press request, the Governor of the Central Bank of the Comoros was asked to confirm the authenticity of this document.
This confirmation was provided by letter dated 21 December 2022, received by mail on 26 December 2022, under processing number 1208-22/DSBR.
In this letter, it was once again clearly stated:
" 1- The "Unique Private Bank" has no existence or real representation in the territory of Comoros according to Comorian law and the Uniform Law on General Commercial Law of the Organisation for the Harmonisation of Business Law in Africa (OHADA). It is an offshore entity operating illegally with a fraudulent licence. According to Articles 34 and following of the Uni-form Act on General Commercial Law, the Organisation for the Harmonisation of Business Law in Africa, of which we are members, any newly established entity or company must have a legal personality acquired through registration with the Trade and Personal Property Credit Register (RCCM) of each island. Unique Private Bank" has not been registered in any of the Trade Registers (RCCM) of the Union of the Comoros.
2- "Unique Private Bank, Banking Licence B2019017" is not authorised by the Central Bank of the Comoros, the only authority empowered to issue licences to carry on banking activities throughout the territory of the Comoros.
3- "Unique Private Bank" does not appear in the Register of Credit Institutions maintained by the Central Bank of the Comoros in accordance with our country's banking legislation (see Ar-ticle 18 of the Banking Law No. 13- - 003 /ZU).
4- Mwali International Services Authority - M.I.S.A. is obviously a criminal organisation with a stimulated appetite for online fraud. As part of a network of online crime and criminality, MISA, through fraudulent processes, continues to create the appearance of a regulatory and supervisory authority empowered to issue licenses in the banking and financial sector, while this prerogative is of course reserved to the Central Bank of the Comoros under the regulati-ons in force in the Union of the Comoros.
5- For several years, the Central Bank of the Comoros has spared no effort to put an end to the fraudulent practices of all so-called authorities and offshore entities claiming the status of financial institution and all those claiming to be a regulatory/supervisory authority, as exempli-fied by "MWALI INTERNATIONAL Authority".
The Central Bank of the Comoros rejects and strongly condemns the activities of the Mwali In-ternational Authority and its members, whose illegal and irresponsible activities, which are contrary to international rules and best practices, call into question the Central Bank's efforts to play a lasting role in the fight against money laundering, the financing of terrorism and all forms of organised crime.“
(Translation from the original French text)
banking licence oder -lie sense?
Since Unique Private Bank Ltd. as well as the Mwali International Services Authority - M.I.S.A., which is responsible for issuing the banking licence of Unique Private Bank Ltd., re-fer on their respective websites to an apparently legally guaranteed autonomy of the island of Mwali (Mohéli) in the financial sector, including an "International Banking Act" from 2013, and thus claim not to be under the control and administration of the "Central Bank of the KM Uni-on" (equivalent to the BCC), this initially indicated a contradiction to the statements and the communiqué of the Central Bank of the Comoros.
Those who want to hear the truth should first be asked whether they can bear it.
In order to clarify the situation, the representative of the international press and representati-ves of the Central Bank of the Comoros arranged a zoom call, which took place on 24 Janua-ry 2023 in the presence of a translator.
This zoom call was attended by the Director of Banking Supervision of the Central Bank of the Comoros, the Director of Control and Internal Audit of the Central Bank and responsible for combating money laundering, the Permanent Secretary of the Financial Intelligence Service of the Union of the Comoros and the Personal Assistant to the Governor of the Central Bank of the Comoros.
The statement of this clarifying conversation, which was confirmed several times, was very clear: For all islands of the Comoros, only the Central Bank of the Comoros is authorised to issue licences in the banking and financial sector or to authorise institutions to issue these li-cences. The Comoros is a federal state with a president and a uniform legislation and consti-tution, and the assertion of autonomy for the design in the financial sector lacks any basis. The authorities of the island of Mohéli do not have the competence to issue corresponding li-cences and the M.I.S.A. (Mwali International Services Authority) is not a legal and recognised institution, the representations on its website are purely fictitious. The Banking Act of 2013, to which the M.I.S.A. and the Unique Private Bank Ltd. refer on their respective websites in terms of legitimacy, is also a pure invention in this form, according to BCC representatives. Since 2000, the Comoros have been misused by numerous bogus companies to falsely legi-timise illegal financial transactions. These activities are usually all virtual, pure internet constructions and only facades. This is also evident from the fact that on the respective websites, as well as on those of Unique Exchange, Unique Private Bank Ltd, the sites of Pa-raiba and Paraiba World, as well as Trillant and Trillando and EUPAC Digital Services Ltd. and also Neomoc Global Limited and Pameroy Management Ltd., nowhere are the names of those responsible, the CEOs or the managing directors to be found; all operate in anonymity. The BCC has already filed numerous complaints with international financial regulatory institu-tions, including in London, but the number of frauds is so large that it clearly overwhelms the capacity of both the Central Bank and the Comoros law enforcement agencies to prosecute. The BCC has already applied to the national court for a judicial prosecution against M.I.S.A. in December 2021. The BCC recommends that all defrauded investors file appropriate criminal charges in their home countries against the persons specifically responsible there and to sup-port the competent authorities in the Comoros in their action by reporting the names of the persons involved and information from these fraud institutions, as these also damage the re-putation of the Comoros as a financial centre.
A complete video recording of the conversation is on hand.
Deposit protection not given
In addition, not only the existence of this illegal bank licence suggested security to potential investors, but also the amount of 2.5, then 20 and finally increased to 50 million USD on 30 April 2021 was supposed to suggest to potential investors that a profound protection of their deposits was guaranteed. But if you look closely at this "licence", it says "Authorised Capital: 50,000,000.00 USD". This does not, however, indicate a deposited asset, as was often sug-gested to investors, because then the term "capital laid down" or "paid in capital" would have to be written here.
The "authorised capital" of a company („genehmigtes Kapital“ § 202 German Stock Corporati-on Act), sometimes also referred to as authorised share capital, registered capital or nominal capital, especially in the United States, is the maximum amount of share/unit capital that the company may issue or allot according to its founding documents. The purpose of authorised capital is to enable the board of directors to increase the share capital within a maximum peri-od of five years, depending on capital requirements and the situation on the capital market, without having to first obtain a resolution from the general meeting.
This clearly shows that not only the existence of this "banking licence" but also the security of a de facto capital deposit in the amount of 50 million USD was and is obviously pure window dressing.
So what does this mean for the overall construct?
Here, it is first worth recalling the announcement made on 23 August 2022 on the official Pa-raibaworld telegram channel:
"We were legal. We are legal and we will be legal in the future."
Whether this can be allowed to stand in the light of the communique and the statements made by Banque Centrale des Comores is now at least as questionable as the statements made in the run-up to the launch about the price performance of the Trillant (TRI).
For a statement on the official Paraibaworld telegram channel on 25 May 2022 suggested to the loyal companions a truly golden time, quote: "Furthermore, imagine that the price doubles from 10 cents to 20 cents by the end of the year (or slower, but probably faster) due to de-mand. Then the capital you accumulated at the beginning has simply doubled in value, = 4-fold."
The fact was, however, that the price of the Trillant-Value-Token "unexpectedly" stood at ap-prox. 0.0086 USD at the end of the year 2022 and already continued its downward slide on 01 January 2023 to below 0.004 USD, which is also, with the usual ups and downs, approxi-mately its current market value. m.a.w. instead of "doubling twice" we are dealing with a loss of over 90 % compared to the pre-launch preferential price. This means that any trader can now buy the token 90% cheaper than the "sensational" pre-launch preferential price offered to former Paraibians. Hard luck or guided development, that is a legitimate question?
And contrary to what investors expected in view of the grandiose pre-announcements of the development of the market value of the value token, the price is not stabilised and supported by the management but, as can be seen from the movements on the corresponding block-chain address, on which 50 billion TRI tokens were generated on 19 May 2022, rather desta-bilised by means of exits in the multi-digit million range.
But what intention, what credibility and truthfulness is expressed overall already with the start of the Paraiba enterprise, but at the latest from June 2020 with the acquisition and presentati-on of a banking licence fake, which moreover in no way corresponds to the apparent security also with regard to any deposit security?
What does this mean for the new financial ecosystem Trillant - Trillon - Trillando, presented as an ambitious project and praised as revolutionary? The 4th T - Titanic?
So far, the following statements obviously have as much value as the alleged "banking li-cence" of Unique Private Bank:
"The Paraiba World Universe was created to bring a "new financial freedom" to many people. The NEW T-T-T concept (Trillant, Trillon and Trillando) does not change this basic attitude. On the contrary, it will create even more freedom, because all transactions will then be block-chain-based and fully automated with corresponding smart contracts."
(July 21, 2022 info from UNIQUE Crypto LLC via newsletter)
"If you want to continue to have permanent passive income generated, then be there-and look forward to a gigantic advancement of our previous engagements."
(07 August 2022 from the official announcement for the official online info stream on the offi-cial Paraibaworld Telegram channel).
This "new financial freedom" obviously corresponds entirely to the reference to risk investing that has been made conspicuously often and sometimes very aggressively by the "extremely loyal investors" and "spokesmen" since the changeover: in other words, a "liberation" of inves-tors from their financial resources.
For many investors it is not only a bitter thud at the bottom of the multi-level marketing crypto market and a total loss of their income, their retirement security, the financing of their projects but apparently also a deep-seated traumatising human disappointment. For already in the run-up to the changeover and at the latest in the course of the first TTT months, CEO Erich E. exponentially dismantled his self-created nimbus of the shirt-sleeved and good-hearted doer who always kept all his promises. And for this, there was no need for "greedy complainers" and "negative talkers" from the community or the social media, because this only confuses cause and effect in the unacknowledged despair of the denied catastrophe.
Paraiba became a new vision, very fine, ... and now already the end of the line?
Author: M. V. Dietz - Registered Member of the International Reporting Press
A short, partly commented, incomplete but informative history:
January 2019 Unique Exchange was launched as an independent Crypto / Fiat Exchange in January 2019.
27 May 2019 Issue date of a document presented as a "General Banking Licence" of UNIQUE Priavte Bank Ltd.
01 October 2019 Launch of Paraiba World
17. October 2019 Official launch of Unique Exchange as an independent crypto / fiat exchan-ge.
June 2020 Erich E. "procures" a "banking licence
September 2020 Unique Crypto LLC incl. Unique Exchange is sold to Unique Pri-vate Bank resp. Erich E. by contract. Various products were created, offered there and various new dis-tribution partners were connected. The guarantor for all products on the Unique Exchange is the Unique Private Bank, which has been owned by Erich E. since April 2020, even though he was never registered as the owner due to various entries on the Internet by Georgian au-thorities, and a local managing director was appointed instead.
Oct 2020 Unique Exchange goes live
05 July 2021 Date of issue of a document presented as a "certificate of incorporation" of Uni-que Crypto LCC in Georgia, showing registration of the company on 07 March 2019.
April 15, 2022 notice on the official Paraibaworld Telegram channel:
Paraiba is NOT an investment platform or holding company!
Correct: The licensed Unique Private Bank offers credit facilities in collaboration with the li-censed Unique Exchange.
vs. 13 May 2022 Representation in a non-official Telegram channel of an ambitious Pa-raiba /Trillant investor: We buy Bitcoin in the UNIQUE Exchange and send it to Paraiba. Paraiba works with it and puts the resulting revenue into our credit account.
28 April. 2022 INFO from the accounting of UNIQUE Crypto LLC:
Notifications that Swiss cantonal banks reject incoming funds from the UNIQUE Exchange correspondent bank and return the funds immediately.
Therefore, to protect UX clients from unnecessary fees, no more withdrawals will be made to these cantonal banks. It is noted that Accounting is working on a solution and asked for "some patience".
15 May 2022 UNIQUE Crypto LLC notice:
"temporary" limitation of withdrawals to 5000 EUR in fiat currencies and to the equivalent of 0.15 BTC in cryptocurrencies per week.
23 May 2022 statement on the official Paraibaworld Telegram channel:
UNIQUE Exchange has "NEVER" had money frozen and it will not happen for loyal part-ners.
-- Just 8 months ago, yet how many tens of thousands of "partners" seem to have become disloyal in that time --
25 May 2022 statement on the official Paraibaworld telegram channel:
Further, imagine that the price doubles from 10 cents to 20 cents by the end of the year ( or slower, but probably faster) due to demand. Then the capital you accumulated at the begin-ning has simply doubled in value, = 4-fold.
-- The fact was that the price of the Trillant Value Token at the end of the year 2022 was about 0.0086 USD and already on 01.01.2023 it continued its downward slide even more clearly to below 0.004 USD, which is also, with the usual ups and downs, approximately its current market value. instead of "doubling twice", we are dealing with a loss of over 90% compared to the pre-launch preferential price, i.e. every trader can now buy the token 90% cheaper than the "sensational" preferential price offered to us in the pre-launch phase --
01 June 2022 statement on the official Paraibaworld telegram channel:
I would even "blindly" follow Erich, because for 32 months (!) he has NOT DISAPPOINTED US A SINGLE TIME. Because he has DELIVERED to the day, while others chase one promo-tional tour after another across the country, but never get to the payoff.
-- that has changed significantly since then, only TTT is also "Others" all of a sudden with sports car raffle and an almost half-yearly payout freeze --
07 June 2022 statement on the official Paraibaworld telegram channel:
NOBODY needs to worry about their money. Paraiba is doing well!
13 June 2022 Statement on official Paraibaworld telegram channel:
According to management, the situation with payouts will change for the better already in the course of "this" week.
15/17 June 2022 Publication on the official website of the Banque Centrale des Comores:
Communique de la Banque Centrale des Comores sur l'exercice illegal d'activités bancaires offshores" by the Central Bank of the Comoros on the illegal execution of offshore banking ac-tivities.
"The Central Bank of the Comoros also draws the attention of the public to the following bogus structures that purport to be authorised to issue licences to banks and financial institu-tions in the Union of the Comoros.
- Mwali International Services Authority - M.I.S.A., https://www.mwaliregistrar.com/"
June 22, 2022 statement on the official Paraibaworld telegram channel:
You will be paid ... currently I am looking at 12-14 days based on feedback. So, NO need to cancel a payout, NO need to notify an admin, and NO need to send a ticket. You will ALL be PAID as normal. Erich's final statement on this is that we would see these times start to normalise by the end of THIS week.
22 June 2022 statement on the official Paraibaworld telegram channel:
Trillant Progressing:
As our CEO said in the last webinar, his developers are working 100% to finalise ALL aspects of the NEW Trillant concept and "fully present" it in the next few weeks.
22 June 2022 statement on the official Paraibaworld Telegram channel:
Executive response: even if the Trillant token was still at 10 cents after a year....
-- clear suggestion that the TRI Value Coin will certainly rise, cf. also statement of 07 Aug.2022 "Should the price then unexpectedly fall..." --
Early July 2022 statement on the official Paraibaworld telegram channel:
meaning: The unreasonable and selfish attitude of many investors with far too many small payout orders is the main cause of the payout problem, which on
08 July 2022 leading to the following message:
All payouts have been cancelled
-- contradictory to this then the following differentiation --
08 July 2022 message on the official Paraibaworld telegram channel:
Due to the high number of tickets, all tickets are closed which are BTC payouts.
-- and --
July 11, 2022 Message on the official Paraibaworld telegram channel:
Dear community, unfortunately the fiat payouts had to be cancelled as well.
July 11, 2022 Info from UNIQUE CRYPTO LLC - Management Notice:
Due to the high number of tickets, all tickets are closed which are BTC/SEPA payouts.
All SEPA payouts have been cancelled, as already communicated by Paraiba. The SEPA disbursements are to be reset. In doing so, only one open SEPA payout is allowed for faster processing. The limit for crypto and fiat instructions still applies.
-- The fact that the UX itself no longer pays out BTC, which requires no correspondent bank and no fiat gateway but only two keys and the corresponding BTCs in the blockchain and nothing else, is not esoteric crypto knowledge. But the fact that this is not done can only have to do with the fact that there are no or no longer enough BTCs for the UX to fall back on. This is almost certainly a fact, because otherwise BTC instructions can and must be executed, since the company itself says that the capital in the UX account has become a claim of the in-vestors. And since this has not been done since 14.08.2022, i.e. for far more than 5 months, it is obvious to associate this act with the terms embezzlement or misappropriation, because the assets on the UX are usually earnings that are still there from Paraiba times and have be-en withdrawn from the recently much talked about risk investment, or earnings that have al-ready been moved from the Trillant Dashboard to the UX and changed into BTC there. Customer funds are simply blocked here without any real justification being provided --
21 July 2022 Notice from UNIQUE CRYPTO LLC via Newsletter:
!!! At this point I would like to explicitly confirm again that ALL "values" stated in the dash-board of Paraiba World and Unique Exchange are present and also the funds are paid out.
Please be prepared that it "may" take up to two weeks until the backlog is cleared.
... the UNIQUE Exchange pays out around 15 million dollars in EURO and BTC per week.
... this in about 40,000 transactions per week !
21 July 2022 Info from UNIQUE Crypto LLC via Newsletter:
Dear Community, The Paraiba World Universe was created to create a "new financial free-dom" for many people.
The NEW T-T-T-Concept (Trillant, Trillon and Trillando) does not change this basic attitude. On the contrary, it will create even more freedom, because all transactions will then be block-chain-based and will be processed fully automatically with the corresponding smart contracts. NOBODY will have to sit down and check and approve bookings "individually". This will be a milestone in the development of our joint enterprise. More announcements will follow in the near future to keep you informed.
Thank you for your understanding, yours sincerely, UNIQUE Exchange team.
27 July 2022 statement on the official Paraibaworld Telegram channel:
TRILLON (stablecoin), also called cash coin or pay coin. It was communicated that there are 20 billion of them in the Trillon blockchain. Each Trillon is backed "1 to 1" with US-DOLLAR. This means that for "so many" Trillons that have been issued, there "must" also be US dollars deposited. In the "current" peak it is actually up to 20 billion dollars! There are "written and binding commitments" from various well-known company partners.
July 30, 2022 Communication from UNIQUE CRYPTO LLC via Newsletter:
Dear Unique Community, We are pleased to inform you that we are on track and ahead of schedule.
03 August 2022 statement on the official Paraibaworld Telegram channel:
The capital is also in the UX account under the "Paraiba World" button.
The management has NEVER challenged or disputed these values, or talked about the fact that something needs to be corrected.
Whether you get it fast or slow, there is "no other" information than that it has become your claim. (in the original underlining instead of boldface)
06 August 2022 statement on the official Paraibaworld telegram channel:
Anything in Profits credited or and paid out has been earned.
07 August 2022 from the official announcement for the official online info stream on the offi-cial Paraibaworld telegram channel:
If you want to continue to have permanent passive income generated, join us and look for-ward to a gigantic development of our previous engagements.
07 August 2022 Announcement in the official online info stream about the upcoming change-over:
Regarding the staking of the stocks launched at 0.05 USD and staked at 0.1 USD in the long term:
Should the price then unexpectedly fall, the "logged in" price for the last agreed term will ne-vertheless remain in place.
14 August 2022 "Pre-Launch-Call" - Online conference on the upcoming conversion of Pa-raiba to the TTT concept.
14 August 2022
Date of the last processed disbursement order by the Unique Exchange.
21 August 2022 official termination of the Paraiba project
23 August 2022 Notice on the official Paraibaworld telegram channel:
We were legal. We are legal and we will be legal in the future.
Our promise has always been "EVERY partner will have more money, get back, than what they came with".
21/24 August Changeover of the Paraiba system to the Trillant system and nominal doubling of deposits upon agreement to migrate to the new system ("Bleiber") and staking of the entire deposit for 12 months, which entails a change from factually appearing USD in the Praibas system to fabulous TRI values in the new Trillant ecosystem. Assurances to all leavers ("go-ers") that within 7 months (6 monthly instalments of 10% and a final instalment of 40%) they will have their deposits and balances listed at Paraiba transferred to the Unique Exchange and paid out with appropriate limits and deadlines (which should have been the case by the end of March 2023).
Reminder in this context: ALWAYS a partner who had resigned has received his money inclu-ding earnings! (Notice in the official Paraibaworld telegram channel 29 July 2022)
-- So far, however, none of the "goers" has seen a single cent, as the payouts are made in USD via the Unique Exchange, which no longer makes any payouts --
16 October 2022 Announcement by UNIQUE CRYPTO LLC on its in-house Telgram channel.
- announcement EXCHANGES
In a few weeks Trillon and Trillant will be listed on "at least two" more Exchanges. There they can be bought as well as sold and cashed out. We will also announce the names of the Exchanges in the next live conference.
16 October 2022 Announcement in the official TTT telegram channel:
Dear Community, since a few days we have been overrun with the Unique Exchange connec-ted house bank, because partners have turned directly to them, contrary to our T&C's, in or-der to want to regulate "things" independently.
In the GTC's, both previously with Paraiba and now with Trillant, it is forbidden - for good reason - for any partner to contact the partner banks independently without consulting the management.
Now that unreasonable partners have contacted the cooperating bank directly, a special audit has been ordered as a result of their clumsy behaviour, and consequently the bank has now frozen the accounts.
07 November 2022 Announcement in the official TTT telegram channel:
Because it is asked and questioned again and again.
There will be no more money at both XT.COM,
as well as at COINSTORE.COM
- as well as the TRILLON
are listed for purchase as well as for sale.
This is agreed upon and therefore does not need to be asked 1000 times.
15 November 2022 Information from the Trillant Live Broadcast on the topic of payouts:
As of today or tomorrow, the TRI (the value token) will be listed on the two exchanges XT and Coinstore. From this point on, it can be bought and sold there.
The transfer from the Trillant Dashboard to the Exchanges is not yet possible and will be rea-lised step by step to keep the token stable.
-- Note that it was suggested to the investors that the aim is to keep the token stable, which should at least promise a price of the token above 10 cents. --
In this Trillant Live Broadcast, investors were also told for the first time that the TRIL will not be listed on the exchanges at the same time as the TRI and that they can/have to send their proceeds in TRI to the exchanges from 28 November 2022.
Yet, it was said that "...Trillando's guarantee that the trader will get his money, that is given..."
-- which to this day, except for a few test shops, is still waiting, which has led to the fact that even small traders, in blind faith, have in some cases paid 50,000 euros in advance and are now on the verge of insolvency --
"You have to look at ... who is really there for the people here ..." (CEO quote)
The CEO also said that even they "are not stock market specialists" and first have to observe the market behaviour.
-- in other words, it was allowed to become clear to the investors that from the previous state of the service, that trading was taken over for them by professional traders, they now have to get their earnings themselves by trading on the stock exchanges and this is obviously not even professionally accompanied by the Company --
17 November 2022 Message on the official TTT telegram channel:
Good day dear Trillant partners,
As some of you have already noticed, the listing on the Exchanges has not yet taken place.
No need to panic, technical details had to be updated. Unfortunately, we were not aware of them, hence the delay. We assume that the listing will be done by tomorrow afternoon.
Thank you for your understanding and forbearance.
28 November 2022
The announced possibility to exchange TRIL proceeds into TRI and then send them to the exchanges is postponed for another week to 05 December.
30 November 2022 official announcement on the official TTT Telegram channel:
TRILLANT transactions from the Trillant Dashboard to the two external Exchanges COINSTORE and XT are possible within the announced limits (initially "to the value" of up to $2,500) >> from 5 December.
05 December 2022 official announcement in the official TTT telegram channel:
Dear TTT Communities
as of today it is possible to "order" a TRI transaction from the Trillant Dashboard to the two Exchanges, however, it is - at the time of this post - NOT executed yet.
The reason is: the blockchain server is "overloaded".
-- since then the price of TRI has plummeted so low that it makes absolutely no sense to convert the TRIL proceeds from staking to TRI and dump them on the exchanges far, far be-low value, the losses are immense and unacceptable --
28 January 2023
The price of the TRI is still underground, around 0.004 USD, i.e. in order to receive a return of 500 USD, around 125,000 TRIL must be spent, these must be purchased at a price of 1 TRI at 0.05 TRIL in the Trillant Dashboard, the investor must therefore use around 6250 TRIL from his returns from the Staking, which were once supposed to be equivalent to approx. 6250 USD, in order to now only receive approx. 500 USD.
The reader may find his own term for this; in the old days this would probably have been cal-led a completely reprehensible usury.
The possibility for traders to finally exchange their own TRIL into fiat currency was postponed from the end of December to the beginning of January and has still not been fulfilled by the end of January 2023, which means that apart from a few test shops and audacious people, no traders will accept TRIL any more and investors will therefore not be able to buy any goods that are really useful for their lives. Ergo, out of sheer desperation, the proceeds are conver-ted back into TRI and invested in new staking packages or the TRIL are simply hoarded in the hope that they can be cashed out 1:1 to the USD at some point, which could suddenly burden the system with sums of 100 to 200 million USD or more. The system will therefore be depen-dent on introducing draconian restrictions at the end of March, when the TRIL is supposed to be listed, or on further delaying the listing of the TRIL, if it still exists at all.
Sources, links, references:
The following link is no longer available after the reconstruction of the BCC website:
The Communique is therefore posted below as JPEG and instead there is now this link:
supplemented with the list of banks authorized in Comoros:
The fake pages of Unique Private Bank and M.I.S.A.:
Former call of the Communique:
The BCC's initial response to the international press inquiry:
Thus, it is clearly proven:
Everything else can be found on YouTube in the interview with the journalist, including a short video sequence from the Zoom call with the representatives of the BCC:
Interview with journalist M.V. Dietz on the subject of the article (in German):
Other supplementary links:
Article in the BTC-ECHO:
The Chainalysis Crypto Crime Report 2023 referenced in the BTC Echo article, see page 87:
The section on "Pump and Dump Tokens" from pp. 104 - 107 is also interesting and extremely informative
Coinopsy's assessment:
Reference to the bank fake of 10/2020 by tbbop:
Communication from the law firm Reesch & Partner dated 05.07.2022:
Publications of the Schutzgemeinschaft für geschädigte Kapitalanleger e.V.:
Assessment of the Herfurtner law firm:
The link to any specific information about Unique LTD, doesnt work. The international press/journaling is not documented. Where can anyone find the legitamacy of your claims?
This entire "search for truth", is made up of assumptions, opinions, and speculation.
Erich E. met with his investors in Florida, if he were running a pyramid scheme or wanted to scam anyone, he would not have flown across the world.
The person who wrote this will delete it in the next couple weeks, after they realize the people in Trillant are profiting.
You discuss the amount of money that was deposited into Paraiba. Why didnt Erich E. and his compadres cut ties when they accumulates the 2Billion btc/usd?
If you're looking to discuss this matter further, on a live recorded Zoom, my telegram tag is @Whatdoeshumilitycost
I dont expect you to message me. Your opinions and speculative journalism failed with this article. You clearly do not understand crypto or the project you're even referring to.