Unikrn raises 31 million, this token is now the new game gambling online!
When I first read about it I was like wow, is this what's going to allow gambling online legally worldwide now? The target audience is a bit sketchy since it gears toward eSports where a large portion of minors congregate. I ain't a saint but I won't support it although there's definitely a lot of money to made in this space. Just look at a typical eSport venue....
God that there's a lot of people. As an extremely competitive ex gamer myself I know the amount of money people are willing to pour into this. Besides Unikrn, there's also Skincoin where you can buy skins to change weapons or whatnot in games. The technology however is based on the exchanges between betters against an outcome of competition therefore I don't see this coin bullish for investors any time soon. I see this coin rather as a means of exchange between gamblers and those who are truly interested within the space of eSports itself.
Any volatility within the exchanges or the height raised that difference in value will drastically effect the market of gamblers and gamers so to me it defeats the purpose of rewarding players with a token on the concept that the value of it will go up or down over time. With all of these altcoins popping up at a daily basis in just about anything, selecting the right one is real important for us to truly examine the product itself, the team, and the valuation of where the future holds.
Seeing how stocks went in the past and seeing how much value altcoins have depreciated in value, this really makes me re-examine where I'm putting my money and you should too! I wish you the best luck on your investments and as always, only invest what you can lose...this applies not only in cryptocurrencies but on anything in life.