The GDPR however set crucial new parameters for data gathering and in respect of the continued claim of the data generation to the data limited to them. Two of the crucial parameters relate to (1) The right of the person generating data to give or withhold permission for the use of data linked to him (his data) and (2) the right to have such data erased.
Data is very crucial for business. They need data to decide which kind of product that they can sell, what's the current trend and how customer perceive their product design, what their competitor is looking to do, what is lacking from them and how can they improve it and so on. Sure, SMEs might not have the mission to make other business fails (big companies and crazy rich people are the ones who mostly does that, IMO). But they still need data in order to stay competitive and able to sell their product. If they don't understand what kind of product that their customer needs, a bankruptcy is just a matter of time.
The developers of the unification project also observed one other hurdle – the potentially high cost of storing data on the Block chain. Blockchains are arguably not the most conducive to storing large quantities of data. They are also not adequately secretive enough since anyone could query a block chain all the way back to its genesis block such that a compromised algorithm could enable the jumping of access hurdles. Finally, it was recognized that the immutable nature of blockchain represents a potential violation of the right of the user to have his/her data erased.
The platform will use a transparent and easy-to-use interface that will provide statistics on the data available at the current moment and how many tokens we receive in exchange for this data. The entire system will be controlled by smart contracts on the EOS blockchain . This ensures control and at the same time transparency and certainty of the data (both in terms of their origin and that they can not be removed or changed according to the wishes of third parties).
Unification stands out with its approach to adopting its solution. Instead of creating new formats, standards and systems that customers must adapt to, the protocol can be easily integrated into the current site and program infrastructure. One of the main assumptions of the project is to eliminate the need to rebuild current systems. They want to provide a system that will work anytime, anywhere, instead of forcing users to navigate within a single platform.
Help to organize datasets efficiently: In terms of data organizing, SMEs can use Unification with its Capsule to record data from users with their consent (depends on the business too).
Connecting SMEs directly to the data market: Unification, with its Babel, Haiku and so on, will help SMEs to get in touch with the data industry anytime they wanted to be. There is no need for them to survey in a traditional way and trying to find 'mafia' to connect them to other parties. They just have to connect to the network and after that, they can find anything that they wanted. This will greatly reduce the cost and time for SMEs to get more data to expand their business
Team Unification
Neyma Jahan - CEO and visionary who created the project. Has a comprehensive experience in marketing and IoT /
Paul Hodgson - CTO. Experience in the IoT and Big Data industry. Architect of Unification protocols. Former database worker at the British Royal Mail.
Maziat Sadri - CPO. Responsible for scaling the project. He worked in management positions related to marketing and products in Yahoo!
The main project advisers are: Sishir Varghese, Sam Marx, Karim Z. Kanji, Nikolay Savchuk, Henov Tekle and Nelson Chen.
Conclusively, Unification is essentially important for #SMEs growth. It provides them with the opportunity to connect with other business or parties who wish to buy or sell their data, with very low transaction fees. Compared to the traditional steps to acquire or sell data, Unification provides a new, blazingly fast and efficient data trade platform which gives benefits to individuals and business.
If Unification is successfully adopted and implemented, it's highly guaranteed that they will become a key player to improve the quality of SMEs across the globe. In other words, contributing to the world economic development.
For more information kindly access the links below
WEBSITE: https://unification.com/foundation
WHITEPAPER: https://bit.ly/UnificationWP2
VISION PAPER: https://bit.ly/UnificationVision
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/UnificationUND
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/UnificationFoundation
MEDIUM: https://medium.com/unificationfoundation
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUrnvYlnrchkeIFBx4LzPGA
Author: Dulo Wegner
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