What is a solar system?

in #unidentified6 years ago

We are from school accustomed to this picture. And it comes as no surprise.
And there is something to be surprised.
In 90% of the star systems known to our astronomers, the planets line up from the star, decreasing in size.
And only the Kepler-90 system, discovered in 2013, has a similar structure to the solar one.
This is how the Solar System should look like in order to become typical:
But we see a different picture: five small planets (assuming the destroyed Phaeton) for some reason turned out to be between the Sun and Jupiter.
It seems that this is not a random arrangement: large planets serve as a shield, preventing dangerous objects inside the orbit of Jupiter.
Amateur astronomers have many more amazing coincidences in celestial mechanics. They can easily be found on U-Tube, so we will not bore the viewer, considering the two facts cited are quite sufficient for an understanding of the engineering approach in creating the Solar System.
And let's set ourselves the goal of creating such a complex engineering structure.
And for this we will think about its location in the Milky Way galaxy.
What is the purpose of the planets of this complex?
The planet that controls the processes on the sun.
Metal to protect against the dense solar wind


The dense atmosphere consists mainly of carbon dioxide, which is the raw material for the production of carbohydrates for the starship food complexes.


Typical galactic hotel for the rest of the crews of starships.
Natural areas for all tastes.
Disneyland with folk ensembles.


Repair base with underground factories and hangars.
A planet with a complex manager for the entire system.
Now it is destroyed and its fragments have formed a narrow asteroid belt along the orbit.
Gas station.
The atmosphere consists of hydrogen and helium, necessary for photon engines.
vid007.jpgElectronic factory.
Rings are fields for the growth of crystals used in computer technology.
This ensures the purity and symmetry of the crystals.


Rings - antenna, directed along the ecliptic. That is why the rings of Uranus are unusually perpendicular to the ecliptic, and the axis of rotation of Uranus lies in the plane of the ecliptic.
Part of the galactic communication system.

This explains two more phenomena of Uranus:

  • every day this giant planet interchanges its poles - the radiation pattern rotates;
  • The atmosphere is saturated with helium and molecular hydrogen - fuel for pumping the antenna.

For what are the other planets, no ideas. Perhaps only for protective purposes.

Everything looks very functional.
But, at first glance, such a construction is just an author’s fantasy.
And the Earth is not a Disneyland at this stage of historical development, and our astronomers do not observe any starships.

This contradiction is resolved quite unexpectedly: we considered the solar system, but we do not live in this system, but inside a starship that had just recently flown into this system.

Many have heard of Nibiru, which roars about the solar system. Well, so: we are the very Nibiru.
Well, not the same. But something similar

ris154.jpg And running along the system for the last 200 years.
What is the purpose of our arrival?

The answer gives Phaeton.
Why is the control center of the system destroyed?

Система была захвачена врагами.
Скорее всего, агрессоры из другой галактики захватили плацдарм для подготовки галактической войны с империей Млечного пути.
А у кого еще найдутся ресурсы для создания такого перевалочного комплекса?

И наш звездолет был послан отбить систему у захватчиков.
Для успешной борьбы нужны сотни тысяч воинов и база снабжения.
Вот почему наша Земля столь огромна.

Но почему мы об этом ничего не знаем?
Как, находясь внутри звездолета, мы уверены, что живем на поверхности планеты?
Sistema byla zakhvachena vragami.
Skoreye vsego, agressory iz drugoy galaktiki zakhvatili platsdarm dlya podgotovki galakticheskoy voyny s imperiyey Mlechnogo puti.
A u kogo yeshche naydutsya resursy dlya sozdaniya takogo perevalochnogo kompleksa?

I nash zvezdolet byl poslan otbit' sistemu u zakhvatchikov.
Dlya uspeshnoy bor'by nuzhny sotni tysyach voinov i baza snabzheniya.
Vot pochemu nasha Zemlya stol' ogromna.

No pochemu my ob etom nichego ne znayem?
Kak, nakhodyas' vnutri zvezdoleta, my uvereny, chto zhivem na poverkhnosti planety?
The system was captured by enemies.
Most likely, the aggressors from another galaxy captured a springboard for the preparation of a galactic war with the Milky Way empire.
And who else will have the resources to create such a transshipment complex?

And our spaceship was sent to repel the system from the invaders.
For a successful struggle, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and a supply base are needed.
That is why our Earth is so huge.

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