Who weeps for the children?

in #ungrip6 years ago (edited)

Many troubling reports are seeping out of the darkness regarding how modern society treats our children.  What I find troubling is how many people support the programs that cause all kinds of harm to the most vulnerable, on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.  How we love ourselves is one thing, but finding the capacity to then extend that love to the youth in our lives is the strongest testimony to our own growth as a spiritual being.

Concentration camps

There is a raging argument on whether the detention centers in the US are actually 'concentration camps' or not.  But is this argument about the camps themselves or are people trying hard to justify the separation of children from their parents and being held without trial in confinement worse than zoos?  I agree with this article from the New Yorker in suggesting that this whole debate boils down to us watering down the terminology from the past so that we don't appear to be the monsters that we truly are.  

Over time, our ability to normalize our actions and behaviours allows us to engage in even more brutal, evil acts and find ways to justify them so that we can sleep at night.  But what if we evaluated our actions and behaviours on a measuring stick that does not waver, change or get watered down with justifications?  What is that measuring stick and how do we use it to evaluate whether we are doing harm to another being or not?

 Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. - Matthew 22:39

The trick about this measuring stick is that it first requires that we love ourselves before we even have a chance at loving others.  When I measure the camps, no matter what terms people are using to describe them, I must conclude that those who support those camps do NOT love themselves.  How could anybody justify separating a child from their parents, confining them, exposing them to abhorrent conditions, sexual abuse, no bathing facilities, toiletries, counseling, support or hope?  If you want to create broken, angry enemies, this is how it is done.  I don't give a shit on arguments about them breaking the law by crossing the boarder illegally.  Using fictional constructs to justify this ugly, evil treatment of other people violates any standard of decency, love, compassion, empathy, prosperity and tolerance.  

Would it surprise people if I suggested that the US government, through clandestine programs, causes social, political, economic and financial instability in other countries in order to effect coups so that they can control and profit from the turmoil?  As such, the people who support, vote and fund the government are complicit in the crimes of that government.  But who is standing up for the children and their families, all those who were displaced by the violence of others?

Child Protective Services

I recently had a run in with an individual who took exception to a recent case of child abduction by the state when a friend called it 'racist'.   The Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) in British Columbia  ceased the child within 90 minutes of being born as hospital staff claimed the mom was not tending to the needs of the baby.  This incredulous claim comes from staff who are also aware that the mom went through a C-Section and was heavily medicated and still recovering from surgery.  The parents had plenty of family around them to help support the mom and the baby, but the government does not take of that into consideration when they take kids away from their parents.  

How much harm do you suppose happens to that baby who is not able to bond with it's mother?  The sad part is that this story is not even an anomaly as this shit happens every single day.  The federal and provincial government is not broken.  In fact, it is operating exactly as designed and that design is to disrupt and break up the family as much as possible so that everyone is broken and dependent upon the state for support, guidance and governance.  

I've seen all kinds of arguments to suggest that the actions of the social workers is in the best interest of the baby.  But what if the social workers spend the time, energy and money to support and teach the parents instead?  What kinds of impacts would we have on the family unit if the focus of the government was to heal, support and help the child bond with his / her family?  What would happen if there was no need for foster homes at all?

 Article 2 of the Convention defines genocide as  

... any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.— Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article 2[4] 

The very existence of a social services program that takes kids away from indigenous communities or others for that matter is, by definition, genocide.  But it goes further than that as there are many reports coming out where indigenous women who had babies in a hospital were forced to undergo sterilization procedures before they could even see their baby.  That is extortion at it's most evil, but it also falls under point (d) in the list above.  You don't think that the failure of the federal government to deal with housing, water and other issues on reserves don't fall under part (c), (b), or (a) either?

I don't care what justifications people use to support or engage in this kind of behaviour.  It is genocidal, evil and absolutely repugnant behaviour.  The sad part is that people argue law and other man made constructs to justify these behaviours without realizing that the moral and ethical standards set out within those fictional construct degrade slowly over time.  The slow march of change blinds us to the evil hidden behind those changes.  Meanwhile, the trauma that has been done to us all, numbs us, manipulates us and brainwashes us to be willing participants and supporters of all this evil.


I'm sure to receive all kinds of backlash with this one, but when we sacrifice children for the greater good, we have completely lost our minds.  The fact that some jurisdictions are now forcing people to get vaccinated tells me that people are now willing to sacrifice others for their own safety and protection.  

Let me say that again:  People are willing to sacrifice others for their own protection!!!

How much is a life worth anyway?  Hundred Thousand?  Million?  Ten Million?  What if life was priceless, sacred and holy?  What if we made decisions based on a whole new paradigm where we did not put a dollar value on a life, but rather we held all life in THE HIGHEST REGARD OF SACREDNESS!

Would it be easier to then force others to go through medical procedures without their consent?  If each of us is sacred spiritual beings and our bodies are temples, then don't we owe it to each individual to help them learn how to govern that vessel and treat it as being sacred?  Can we do that when we force our will upon others, no matter what level of fear we are experiencing?  

Our youth are not in a position to make those kinds of decisions and that is why parents and tribes are responsible for helping them grow up and learn those foundational principles.  But we cannot do that when the state uses force, violence and coercion to destroy the family unit and take over the decision making process.  When we lose control over our bodies, medically or otherwise, we are then slaves to the state.  The use of fictional constructs to force others to obey or comply is abhorrent and evil.  Yet people can sleep at night when they win the argument and use the state to force people to comply. 

Human trafficking

The repugnant behaviours continue as we contemplate that there are people out there willing to pay to have sex with people against their will, some of them children.  The amount of depravity required to engage in actions like this speaks to just how far our social structures have deteriorated and how desperate we are to justify, hide or dismiss these facts.  While some people speak out against these, what I find interesting is the complete inability of the state to do anything about it.  Sure they catch a few, but how many men, women and children go missing every year to be forced into performing acts against their will or even murdered as a result?

What should be turning our stomachs over all of this is that there is a market for human slaves, otherwise why would people engage in these activities.  People with money love to engage in this shit and then they go to their day jobs.  I've read reports that this depravity goes all the way up to the Queen, her family and even the Pope.  So why would people then pledge allegiance to these people, vote in their governments, give them money and follow their rules?  Doesn't this just support and enforce the very actions that people find repugnant?  Isn't that a contradiction when people reject human trafficking but then support people those who fuel the demand for people to be kidnapped, knowingly or otherwise?

Who speaks for the children?  Who weeps for the children?

The foundation question that we all have to ask ourselves is this:  How is my own life style, actions, behaviours and inaction supporting the exploitation, confinement and genocide of children in today's world?  If at any point it is determined that our tax dollars goes towards these activities, are we willing to engage in civil disobedience to ensure that children are protected through our withdraw of support and actions to confront the inequities that we witness?  Is the life of a single child worthy enough to have ourselves sacrifice our lives, standard of living or social status?  If not, then why not?  

Are we cowards or has the march of tyranny over time been so complete that we fear for our own lives and are willing to sacrifice others to avoid any more pain, suffering or even death?  Is our obedience to authority been so completely ingrained into our soul that we cannot even fathom what life would look like if we actually took steps to reject tyranny and took a stand for what is right, pure, spiritual and sacred?

Are we so brainwashed that we don't even recognize what is sacred any more?  After all, we have all been taught that having a home, car, picket fence and 2 1/2 kids is the American dream.  Is that sacred to most people as the majority of them seem content to sacrifice all life on this planet in order to consume and feed their addictions.  There seems to be little regard for others through this whole process.  

That is what saddens me most.  People are willing to not get involved when the world is full of examples on how people have been turned into a commodity that can be consumed, controlled or even liquidated.  How does that fit in with the highest law where we are to love one another as ourselves?  What does that say about the amount of love we have for our self?

If you argue to justify forcing your will against others, then I rebuke you.  This world is supposed to be peaceful, which requires that we have debates, discussions and make our stance, but we NEVER engage in violence, coercion or force against another spiritual being.  That is the foundation of how we evaluate our actions and behaviours.  We don't use legal constructs as they degrade over time.  People can argue that the sky is purple and if nobody states otherwise, the blind legal system will rule that the sky is indeed purple.  Man made constructs are flawed and what we need now more than ever is to return to the spiritual constructs of peace, forgiveness, patience, freedom, love, compassion and empathy.  

Stop the WAR.

Stop the VIOLENCE.

Stop the STATE.

Kevin Carter [Fair Use]

Don't even get me started on cell phones, towers, wifi, 5G and other environmental ways of making people sick!  Save that for another post.


It's so true. If we would simply respect children as actual human beings, so much of this would change. Children have no rights in this world, and it's sick.

Posted using Partiko Android

There are many ways to get sick, what a race we all human are.... shame

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