Spiritual Tribes are important
Thousands of years ago our ancestors lived in tribes. The purpose of this type of tribal life was to protect each another from predators like lions, cougars, bears and other creatures that like to eat humans. As our tribes grew in size, our ancestors realized that they could raid other tribes instead of doing the work themselves. Roaming gangs of thugs turned into predators themselves and took to the country side to pillage other tribes for what ever bounty or rewards they could find.
As these wars started to increase, the war lords decided that they could control vast ranges of land if they had the support of all the smaller tribes on that land. They formulated a plan to create a feudal empire. The kings would offer their military to protect the people if they surrendered their land and dedicate a percentage of their time and energy to the king. The tribes were abandoned in favor of this plan and they swore fealty to the king. As a result of this plan, they can now engage in even larger wars and control expansive tracts of land.
These kings are predators themselves and their other predator friends quickly realized that they could engage in their predatory behaviours with the consent of the king. By using law, these predators now continue their activities under the color of law. Has anybody ever wondered what happened to the gangsters of the 20's and 30's? Why is there no modern versions of Al Capone, Bugsy Siegel or Baby Face Nelson?
Chicago Bureau (FBI) - [Public domain]
The gangsters realized that it is safer to infiltrate the king's empire and engage in their activities by making it legal. They realized that they can control their empires through the king's courts by taking over the courts. Parliament and the Legislative Assembly are all courts, just like the Supreme Court of each province or of Canada.
As a result, the predators can now legally engage in genocide, traffic women and children for sex and slavery, control their business empires and shut down any competition, put people in jail if they interfere with their empires and profit greatly from continued war, death and destruction. There are gangsters in today's world, but they don't go by the name of Al Capone. Instead they go by the name of Rothschild, Rockefeller, Gates, Soros, Queen Elizabeth II and others. We don't call them gangsters, but we should be. They use their power and influence to rig the system for their own benefit.
Natural Law is still at work here on Mother Earth. Here on this planet, the young, old and sick are often taken out by the predators. The purpose of the tribe was to have the stronger members of the tribe help protect the weaker members. Are people so blind that they cannot see that the very system they swore fealty to is the predator in their life? They love stealing babies from people, making people sick so that they can profit from their drugs, controlling food, water, land and the very air we breath.
Over time, we got hoodwinked into thinking that feudal life was safer as the King and his men could protect us better than our tribal members. This is well beyond any reasonable level of logic and truth that it boggles one's mind. For those of us who can see the predatory nature of these people and the systems they use to engage in their predatory ways, what are we to do?
Rebuild our tribes, except this time we do so through spirit rather than blood. We extricate ourselves from the predatory systems and find ways to work and live together with a new paradigm never seen on Mother Earth. This will require that we rebuild our relationship with Mother Earth and Creator as there are profound spiritual gifts and abilities that we can use to protect our tribes from the predators. Our youth, elders and sick absolutely depend on us figuring this out.
Yes, there are many of you who believe that the only way to protect ourselves from the predators is to shoot them. However, when we embrace spirit and really focus on being masters of our spirit and vessel, spiritual gifts get switched on. These gifts allow us to do things that the predators cannot see, feel, touch or even comprehend. They are blind and deaf to the powers of spirit and they will run around in circles trying to figure out what is going on.
As more and more of us make that conscious choice to walk away from being predators ourselves and chose a peaceful, non-violent, spiritual approach to life, we change this world for the better. The predators will do everything they can to continue farming us like chickens, but we can and must break free from their prison. We can start by walking away, refusing to participate and reconnecting with Mother Earth and Creator. We find the support for that journey by reaching out and forming spiritual bonds with other like minded individuals.
This requires a great deal of healing and finding peace within. Dedicating ones life to peace and non-violence is a key component to this level of freedom, health and growth as a spiritual being. Loving our neighbour as our self will save us and others in the process. The predators will soon find that they are running out of prey and start to starve themselves. When that happens, they will become most dangerous, but in the end, they too will heal and figure out the errors of their ways. They will either perish or ask to join our spiritual tribes.
I foresee reformed predators eating at my table. Will Rachel Notley, Justine Trudeau or some of the lower ranking predators find their way through this amazing spiritual maze? I pray they do, but suspect they will flounder. I foresee a small percentage of people who will make it through these coming times. Those that see the predators teeth, have felt the sting of their bit and saw the blood that flowed will soon realize the truth of their nature. Predators need to feed off of other people. Period. Are you a predator? Are you sure? Remember, if you participate, benefit from or receive privileges from the high ranking predators, then you too are a predator, just prey with a low rank in their empire.
Photography by Chris Schwarz/Government of Alberta Creative Commons
We are spiritual beings and it is our job to not surrender to the physical nature of our vessel but instead find ways to allow spirit to govern our lives. By finding other spiritual beings and working together, we can bring Heaven to Earth, peace and prosperity in our time. Our Spiritual Tribes will end the reign of the predators and our children, elders and those that are sick will find healing, protection and salvation. Time to Tribe Up people!
Spot on.