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RE: US Attorney General is confusing fictional statutes and regulations with Spiritual, Natural Law.

in #ungrip7 years ago

An extreme attitude my friend. Did you know that I was once a very abusive dad myself? I did not sexually abuse my kids, but I did engage in emotional and mental abuse. It was through the compassion and confrontation of my community that I surrendered my old ways to learn how to have a much healthier relationship with my self, my wife, kids, family and friends. I worked for YEARS to reconcile my relationship with them all and now I stand here as an advocate for peace, freedom, tough love, prosperity, love and compassion. I know that people can be healed and helped. How many people are willing to write people off like me and execute them? I am deeply saddened by your black and white view of these issues.

I also find it interesting that this conversation started with you asking about kids being taken from their parents but now you justify the behaviour by sending a bunch of child rapists to live in my neighbourhood. If any such people moved in, I would physically put myself between the abuser and those being abused. I've done it in the past when I stood between a 300lb physically abusive man and his wife & 8 kids. I would do it again in a heart beat. That is what it means to be in a family, clan or tribe. While you may not be able to relate to what I speak of, I do know that what I do works and I've helped protect many kids as a result ... without having to resort to violence to take them away or get the state involved. There are options ... if people are willing to get involved and participate in the solutions. I refuse to let the state do that job as it does a horrible job doing it. I rebuke you or your lack of compassion to help everyone. Your views sadden my greatly. If you ran the government I would have been killed in 2000 and we would not be having this conversation. That is a horrible thought. I pray that your heart softens so that you can find within yourself the capacity to look past the violence and start to address the root causes of these issues. We are not to judge these people but instead help them. How Creator judges us will be based on our actions in this life time. I choose non-violence as it forces me to be creative to solve the problems we face peacefully rather than resorting to violence. Violence is NOT the answer.


Mental and verbal abuse, while harmful, probably would not be a capital offense. The ballot initiative I would like to propose would be for those convicted of child rape. I think that's a good place to start.

The problem with vigilantism is the lack of oversight or for the victims to defend themselves. That's why its better for the state to do it. I want them to be executed after a fair trial, vigilantes don't provide due process.

Thou shall not murder is a foundational principle. The fact that you have no issues murdering people does not surprise me. I will pray for your spirit AND for those who hurt other people. Violence will not solve the spiritual issues we face today.

But I will do more than pray, I will also stand between those who want to do harm and their victims. I will rebuke those who engage in violence. I rebuke you and your support of state sponsored violence. I cannot and will not support people like you. Your violence is repugnant.

Thou shall not murder is a foundational principle in Judeo-Christian ethics.

"The fact that you have no issues murdering people does not surprise me."

That's a pretty shocking false strawman claim, I am sure I just said that I did have a problem with the vigilantism you were suggesting and that my problem with that is that it is in fact murder. I actually know what the word "murder" means, you are apparently misunderstanding what it means or being facetious. The Bible says "thou shalt not murder". "Murder" is a word with a very clear and specific definition, for something to be murder it has to be a killing of a person outside of the laws, lawful killing is not murder. God would never ask anyone to murder someone, because that would be wrong, but there are loads of Biblical examples of God asking people to kill people, including their own children and entire cities. So what's up, are you trying to misuse the word "murder" and make up lies about my feelings about it intentionally or what?

" I will pray for your spirit AND for those who hurt other people. Violence will not solve the spiritual issues we face today.
But I will do more than pray, I will also stand between those who want to do harm and their victims. I will rebuke those who engage in violence. I rebuke you and your support of state sponsored violence. I cannot and will not support people like you. Your violence is repugnant."

I think your straw man arguments, vigilantism and lawlessness are absurd and nonsensical.

And that is why I don't participate with the state. Good bye.

I support you in that effort. good luck.

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