Can fictional constructs manifest into our physical reality and have spiritual implications?
Warning: This post is the musings of an individual who has a state of mind that prevents perception that is in line with mainstream society. Reader discretion is advised.
It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. Jiddu Krishnamurti
When we go online we often use the analogy that we are 'surfing' the net as we can only touch the surface of all the information that is stored on line. Surfing allows us to ride the waves of information that comes at us, lest we perish in the undertow that follows. This 'ocean' of information is created through a web of technology that makes it all happen.
Why is this analogy so important? In my book Graduating Life with Honours, I introduce the idea that there are three realms that we are dealing with here; fictional, physical and spiritual. While the fictional realm only resides within our own minds, it still exerts a tremendous amount of influence on our behaviours, decisions, actions and inaction in the physical realm. As such, the fictional constructs are brought to life through our own actions which can have a profound spiritual impact on us. We animate these ideas and act them out in our day to day activities. Whether that is done consciously or unconsciously is irrelevant. It is happening.
Through our creative genius, we are creating systems that have taken on a life of their own. The majority of those systems were built with the intent to make life easier. That has drawn billions of people to use these systems. However, some are being built to enslave and control people with the intent of sucking our energy. In the vast ocean that was created from the systems that we built, beasts are manifesting with the intent of feeding off of us. In the past people have been directly responsible for this behaviour. What is new in our experience is that the systems themselves will be doing this work instead of people. The systems are taking on a life of their own where the fictional realm is finding a way to manifest into the physical realm. In scripture, we are told that the beast rises up out of the sea.
And I stood upon the sand of the sea, saw a beast rise up out of the sea - Revelations 13:1
What if the sea is the vast fictional, digital, virtual world that we created and it grew to a point where specific ideas manifested and came forth from the abyss of our own creations? What if the sea is the Internet and specific individuals are working hard to manifest these ideas? The Internet by itself is not inherently evil, but specific energies or ideas stored on line definitely are. Many AI tools bring functionality and convenience to our lives, but some don't. I suggested in my book that I viewed the beast of Revelations as a fictional construct. The fiction can manifest into the physical world through our own creative powers and abilities! If this is the case, then we must be VERY careful over the coming years as I do feel we are on the cusp of such a manifestation taking place.
Digital ID Card issued by Estonia. Photo by Masayuki (Yuki) Kawagishi [CC BY 2.0]
Again, to be clear, the Internet is not evil, but some of the technologies being used are, especially when it comes to commerce, government issued identification, government run guaranteed basic income, government benefits, privileges, health care, policing, courts, etc. How can we tell the difference? The beast is given powers by Satan. What is his realm of influence that provides the power to be granted to the beast?
Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. - Mat 4:8-10
The word 'kingdom' comes from the Greek word βασιλεύς (basileia) which means:
royal power, kingship, dominion, rule; not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom
In the third temptation of Christ we find out that Satan's domain is in regards to the right to rule, not the right to the land itself as that has always belonged to Creator. The fictional constructs that were created by Kings and Queens are the domain of Satan. In the past that was recorded on feudal pieces of paper with seals, ceremony and armies. However, it is no stretch to view the virtual worlds that we created online as being a very powerful extension of that feudal fictional realm. After all, physically all that exists is computer hardware that stores binary bits on hard drives and computer memory. That is the extent of the physical manifestations of the internet. However, the fictional realms that we created within those physical devices is amazing and far beyond the comprehension of any single individual on this planet.
Is it possible that a fictional entity could rise up out of this sea to cause us all a lot of problems? Is it possible that this fictional entity will use the technology to further the agenda of Satan, in an attempt to rule the world? How can we tell the difference between tools that we use to better ourselves or tools that the beast would use to enslave us?
Easy! If the tools are used by a centralized authority (kingdom), then they are being used for control, slavery and other evil plots that violate spirit. However, if the tools are used by individuals through a decentralized, distributed, open source model where the individuals are the authority under Spirit, then those are safer to use and there is less risk of being induced into slavery as a result.
When central banks and governments start issuing their own cryptocurrency, virtual residency, e-commerce, e-police, e-banking, e-courts, e-citizenship, guaranteed basic income, etc, we must take note and recognize that they are creating a feudal virtual digital world that will bypass and overlay the nations of the world as we currently known them. The idea of a one world government is not something that will be done through physical war, conflict and conquest, but rather will be created virtually in the fictional realm of our computer systems and rolled out to all areas of the planet under the guise of peace. People will sign up willingly to receive benefits and privileges of this new virtual reality that is manifesting. That is the bait and I will do everything in my power to refuse, avoid and expose that bait.
It is paramount that we recognize this fictional virtual feudal reality beast as it starts to manifest before our eyes. It will only exist within our computer systems that we built but can influence the world through us and the systems we created. It will start to control and dictate what we can or cannot do. We must not allow ourselves to be controlled by our own creations. We must retain our capacity to self-govern and command our own creations. Many will succumb as they are addicted to instant gratification and addicted to convenience.
When I worked with Ben Stewart to created the film UNGRIP, I never imagined that the internet systems that we create would be a part of the "grid". I find myself writing today to express my deep concern about the creation of virtual governments, citizenship, residency, governance, banking etc. and how critical it is that we resist using those systems or surrender our power and authority to them. Self-governance is mandatory as it allows us to be governed under Spirit rather than fictional constructs that have no spiritual guidance, or high ethical or moral values or standards.
Blockchain, cryptocurrencies, artificial intelligence and other creations of our genius are wonderful tools and can help us build a new framework for prosperity, peace and freedom all across this planet. However, it is absolutely mandatory that we not surrender to the centralized authority who are rolling out these same technologies with the opposite goal in mind. We must be vigilant and diligent to ensure that we don't get caught up with fictional constructs that have evil intent.
The underlying foundation of freedom must be our own ability to govern ourselves. That means taking actions to disconnect ourselves from local, provincial or federal governments and ensuring we don't get caught up in any virtual forms of governance. I AM responsible for governing myself. I will not surrender that right, power or authority to some other individual or fictional construct. I AM responsible to ensure that I am forever vigilant so that I don't fall into the web that is being cast out in this virtual reality fictional construct we call the internet. So far Steem is safe and I don't currently see it being sucked into the realm of the beast. We can keep it free but it requires work on our part to ensure it stays that way.
However, if that changes I will be the first to bid you all good bye as I have no qualms about bailing the moment I feel that the freedom of this platform has been compromised. After all, this virtual reality is definitely out of sight of land, which could also be viewed as being at "sea", where the beast was said to come from. Whether I'm right or not, due diligence is required.
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We name all things and forget the names are just labels and not the real thing. When I was reading your article @wwf, I kept thing of the old nursery rhyme; Row, row, row your boat, life is but a dream, merrily, merrily, merrily, gently down the stream. I see the net as a stream, we can row merrily through this dream if we can remember to let go of our habit of naming all things as me and mine...
I never thought of this platform as free, but it is an interesting way to fund a lightening quick blockchain. I’ve had fun testing and made a little money along the way🤑🚣🏼♀️
You are one of my very favorite members to learn from and enjoy.
Bless You Sis-Star... Keep Shining and SteemON!
Great article and love the scriptural references.
What do you think about delegating your steemit votes to auto upvotes such as found at I personally, don't like the idea.
I am also surprised at the comments that worry about the dollar amount. I do know many are here to make money for their content, but I'm more interested in the unfiltered idea's which, like yours feel refreshingly truthful in an ever shrinking (as far as freedom on the web) internet. Yes, expanding and growing more powerful and at the same time the mainstream is being pushed into a narrowed chute.
Thank you. I don't use bots other than Ginabot so that I am informed of when people tag me in posts and stuff like that. The vast majority of the steem that I delegate to others are spiritual beings working hard to express their message through this open, distributed, decentralized platform that functions using principles of anarchy rather than being governed by centralized rulers. That is the reason for me being here. I don't care much about the cryptocurrency, instead I am here because I cannot be shut up, censored or muzzled in any way. I am grateful that you are enjoying my blog. It has taken years but I am starting to find a way to express my voice and views. May Creator bless you with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love my dear spiritual sister.
I hear you in it taking years to be able to find an outlet and way to express your voice and views. Glad you found a way in which to do that.
Thank you for the blessings and, you too :)
Highly rEsteemed!
So glad to be a fellow CIVILIAN of THIS Blockchain network with you.
Well, I'm not actually a citizen of anything. ;) A citizen is a feudal serf and an active member of the military industrial complex, while a civilian is not a member of the military. So the closest word one could use to describe me would be a civilian as I've declared peace, resigned my commission to 'their' military and I work as an advocate for peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love. As a spiritual being working to learn how to be in full command of my vessel, I have dedicated the rest of my life towards helping people learn how to have healthy relationships! Thanks for sharing my spiritual brother and blockchain friend and neighbour. :)
Edited Bruv! Thank you kindly.
Interesting post. I'll link it to a convo I'm having with @percetualflaws.
Is your fictional Maya, illusion, the dream world (subtle), matrix?
I view the matrix as objectively real and not a construct of my mind--it would exist even if I didn't.
The difference between centralized and decentralized has to be ethics and at this point, I'm not really seeing much in crypto that isn't shady as fcuk. One recent example is whether Steemit Inc. steals your money if they arbitrarily shut your feed down. There should be an open policy that anyone's money is transferred to them prior to termination otherwise it's a prime exp. of shady.
If Steemit shuts down your feed, all they can do is revoke your access to using the web interface. They don't own or control the blockchain itself. So if they block you from using the interface, then go to another one. There are plenty of them around. They cannot 'steal' your cryptocurrency, however they can ensure that you don't access it through their site. The blockchain is completely independent of the original developers and under the stewardship of the witnesses. That is why it is important that we vote for the witnesses that we feel will best protect the blockchain from any such attempts to steal or jeopardize the blockchain.
Thanks for the reply. I admit to being a techno Luddite. I can't imagine how to access my wallet here if I can't access the site. Perhaps someone could do a detailed post on how to go about doing that.
I am happy to hear that that is the case. Perhaps, if possible, shoot me the link of the 'how to' on this issue. Cheers!
@flauwy wrote one about 5 months ago. Many others have written good articles too. I hope this helps you in your own research. Peace to you.
This is also a good site to look for tools.
Awesome! Thank-you:0
So, would it be reasonable to assume that if one opens up an account under the username that was your Steemit profile one would be able to gain access to one's crypto? Again, assuming one was blocked out of
The 'steemit profile' is actually an account for the steem blockchain. That is yours and it cannot be recovered if you loose your encryption keys. You use those keys to access the blockchain through the other interfaces, whether it is,, etc. All can do is prevent you from using their interface. They cannot stop you from accessing the blockchain.
I really appreciate you clarifying this issue for me:) I've linked this post to my post on this subject. I hope that's okay with you.
I'll look into and consider your metaphysics over the coming months.
Thankyou my sir, this good information for me
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