Bullies need weak communities in order to thrive. Strong communities are necissary to confront them!

in #ungrip7 years ago (edited)

There is a concerted effort over hundreds of years to separate and destroy communities.  Why?  Because strong communities are very difficult to control, manipulate or pillage.  This is the strategy of the colonial empire and the puppet masters who control this evil agenda.  

My dear friend @cecicastor lives in Nicaragua which is being destroyed by evil people bent on causing chaos and violence.  The communities don't stand a chance as there is no unity.  Here is what she had to say to me last night about her community:

That is the one thing that really bothers me about this conflict. People don't seem to want to work together.  Even the churches here in this community are against one another. There are 6 churches in this particular area and not one would offer to help the other as the others are not the true and correct religion. - @cecicastor
I have seen and felt the change in the society here over the past couple of years. It was like a red tide coming in and poisoning the country. - @cecicastor
It would be a blessing indeed if our small community could come together but I have been working on this problem for the last two years and I see it slipping backwards instead of progressing. I have sought help from our indigenous community to no avail. - @cecicastor

This is done by design by those who want to rape and pillage this earth.  We see it even here in Canada with the actions of the Provincial and Federal Government.  They have successfully isolated the Indigenous Community to the point that everyone is brain washed into thinking they are dirty, filthy and drunk; not worthy of help or assistance.  The same goes with other identifiable groups.  

Google satellite image of a small portion of the tar sands in northern Alberta (Treaty 8 Territory)

The problem is that people judge others based on labels rather than actions and make those judgements based on the opinions of others.  We are influenced by others to be prejudice against those who associate with specific labels.  Oh how easy is it to manipulate the opinions of the populations on this planet.  Mention the word Indian, Muslim, Gay or any other identifiable word and the programming from the feudal masters kicks in to ensure discrimination and hatred bypass our Spiritual gifts to love, express compassion or even empathize so that we choose to help one another.  

Judge me as a conspiracy theorist if you want.  I don't care.  What I see is a concerted effort to destroy our communities by separating us into groups so small that we end up powerless to confront them.  As a result, the pirates can do what ever they want and nobody can stop them.

The Solution - heal thyself and build strong communities

How many of us would have 100 people show up if we put a call out for help?  Not many right!  A Spiritual Warrior recognizes that violence does not build communities but instead tears them down.  Instead, a Spiritual Warrior will go out of his / her way to help others and pay it forward with no expectation of payment or compensation.  It must be done so that no feeling of debt has been built up as debt enslaves our neighbour and that is a form of violence as well.  

When our community is big and strong, then it has the resources, knowledge, relationships and awareness to recognize when a wolf has infiltrated the community to tear it apart.  The wolf can no longer hide as our distrust and hatred for one another no longer exists, which then shines the light on their own violence.  

I am indeed prejudice, against people who engage in violence in all forms.  I work very hard to see past the color of peoples skin, the language they speak, which books they read or who they love.  Those don't matter to me.  What matters is when people engage in violence.  The actions of the individual is what I focus on!  That is what tears communities apart and makes us all vulnerable to attack, rape and pillage.  Check your privilege as it is most likely granted to you from the colonial system!

The Standing Rock protests that ran from April 2016 to February 2017 is the best example of how a strong, non-violent community can stand up to even the most violent people.  The state engage in brutal violence against them and they maintained the peace!  As a result, the violence by the police officers and other state officials ended up back firing and making them look like the brutal, violent oppressors that they actually are.  The mirror turned back on them and shined the light on the bully and they don't like that.  

Gandhi also took the same approach in India (1915 - 1947) when he organized the whole country to peacefully no longer comply with the colonial rule of Britain.  The British agents of the colonial state were the ones that engaged in violence and lost that struggle against millions who focused on self sufficiency, symbolized by the spinning wheel, peaceful non-compliance and community building.  It over threw armies without the use of guns.  Sun Tzu would be proud of this peaceful alternative to war.    

Just a small portion of my 'community'.  I love them all very much.

I've also read stories of communities banning together to prevent homes from being foreclosed upon or protecting children from CPS agents hell bent on destroying families for their own agendas.  There is considerable power when we stand together for just and righteous causes in order to protect the individuals within our communities.

While the situation in Nicaragua is brutal and not acceptable, it is also not unique.  These issues will play out in areas all over the world and even here on social media too.  There is a focused, dedicated, well funded, planned and organized group of evil people hell bent on destroying any organized group of people so that they can control the world.  They are not afraid to engage in genocide to accomplish such goals.  Being aware of these facts and their behaviours and techniques can help ensure we don't fall for their lies and violence.  

I cannot express enough how important it is that we increase our awareness so that we are consciously aware of what is going on around us.  The propaganda machine these people setup is hard at work to cause doubt, destroy the reputation of the truth teller or hide the events so that people cannot 'see' what is actually going on.  They are hard at work to separate us all.

My own personal safety and security rests in my own awareness but also in my efforts to help build people UP.  I work hard to do that here through the Stewards of Terra Mater program that I run, but I also work hard to help others in my local, physical community.  Their success means peace, safety and security for me and my family as well as theirs.  There is no excuses when I hear of people going hungry, being homeless, having unsafe drinking water, etc.  The government does not give a shit about those issues.  They only care about ensuring their corporate empires have the right of way to engage in commerce for profit.  People are merely resources to be extracted for profit.  If they are hungry, have no shelter or safe drinking water, then that means they don't have the resources to resist their plans.  That is why the government does not help and has zero interest in helping.  

It is up to me to do what I can to help those in need and support my community the best way I know how.  I have skills and talents that goes towards that work and that is why I continue to work on these issues even though my own needs are met.  I will not give up until the needs of my community are met as well.  That includes feeling loved, valued, appreciated, protected, nurtured and safe from bullies who hide behind the fictional constructs we call governments, courts, police, corporations, etc.  

Camping in our front yard to learn how we live off the land.  Beautiful weekend!

The violence that I see unfolding is a manifestation of this colonial conspiracy to destroy this planet and rape everything in the process.  Right now it is in places like Nicaragua, Syria and other locations around the world.  Soon it will be in our own back yard.  Would you be able to see it when it shows up?  If so, what are you going to do about it?

If you do anything, it must be peaceful!

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Standing together, united, in peace, makes us stronger. This morning I have talks with three other families who feel the same as we do. We are uniting in our peaceful efforts to provide security for the children of these families, 7 children under the age of 8, two are but infants. We feel more at peace knowing that we can work together. Others have refused. They would rather fight.

@cecicastor I am inspired by what you have done by talking with the families in your community. Keep it up. Now it is three families, but soon others will see the resilience that your small group has and they will ask to be a part of it. As we talk about our community and what it does for us and how we each make our contribution, others want to know about it. Keep talking, keep thinking about what you want to see. Change can start slow, but once it gains momentum, it is unstoppable. I pray more and more families and groups come on board with you.

One of the ways we strengthen our community is to plan regular fun get togethers. It is during the fun times and celebrations that our minds join in harmony and the ideas flow. Peace.

We try to make fun times for the kids especially. It is so tense for them right now. Today we will check out the new hatchlings and the new baby rabbits. That usually brings smiles to everyone's faces.

Bravo to you. <3 My thoughts and prayers go out to you all. May those that want to fight find peace within their hearts so that these energies can be softened and healing can continue to unfold.

I have been taking a good hard look at how I interact with individuals around me. I have been judgemental in many instances. Religious differences didn't bother me neither skin color. How individuals conduct their private lives did dictate how I treated them. I would shun them. lf I didn't agree with the way they conducted their private lives. I am having success changing my attitude. It's a lot of work. I realize lately that I am in a position in life to contribute to the benefit of humanity. Many individuals have children and are uneasy about taking steps to withdraw from the systems that attempt to control us . I have no young children. Therefore I see it as my spiritual duty to speak out and take what ever action I am capable of to rectify the situation. Always peacefully. Building community is vital.

My friend, it takes a great deal of consciousness to do the work that you have been doing. My hats off to you for having the courage to do this level of work. To be so brutally honest with oneself is a rare trait and I encourage you to keep doing this fine work. You are leading by example and I am honoured to be a witness to it and to walk this path side-by-side. Thank you for being you my dear spiritual sister.

Thank you @wwf for this incredible post! You've done a great job of exposing the fact that the strength of a communities bond will determine the ease of which bullies or dominators will be able to successfully assert their will upon the community. You have brought up so many critical points in this post, I feel like I could write an entire post of equal length just to add my commentary to it. I appreciate your courage to speak about these kinds of issues! You're no conspiracy theorist, you are one who is able to see the situation for what it is despite the fact that Evil doers have effectively obscured themselves and their devious agenda from the majority of people.

Thank you. While most people like to focus on the evil doers, I work hard to peer into the mirror and figure out what my role and responsibility is in it all. By exploring steps that I can take to turn the tide, that is how we start to change the world. It is too easy to blame others rather than accept responsibility for our own life and take action based on what we see, feel and hear. I am 100% responsible and accountable for my life. As such, it is my responsibility to do something about the bullies in my life too. I'm glad that you resonate with what I shared. I encourage you to write your post in response to this one. I would love to hear what you have to say about it all.

Thank you for encouraging me to write my own post in response to yours! I must say that I don't feel as qualified as someone like you to speak on specific aspects of that particular topic, but I Know the Truth of what you have explained and whatever I write will just serve as a compliment to your post. I will have to focus on that after completing a post that I'm currently working on.

Indeed we do and it is important to speak up and walk the path of peace. The war does not serve anybody but it did hurt the community and weakened it. So we will stand strong and continue to help the community the best we can.

Yes bullies are everywhere. I guess they always have been... I have just always chosen to ignore (to the best of my capabilities) their onslaught of hatred, jealousy and/or inferiority complex.

I am wallflower by nature and prefer to be forgotten in the jumble of people. I rarely go out with exception of the library, grocery store and a few other nearby locations. I have always had an issue with eye-contact and avoid drama-fueled issues and conversations.

But I can remember back in my high school days being the victim of a bully's angst and belittling. I know I did nothing to deserve it. I was just different. I was just "me".

As an adult I still see bullying happening to people of all ages and it saddens me.

The worst are the ones that hide behind the fictional constructs of the state and claim authority and use guns to enforce it. About as bad as the ones that hide in the privacy of the bedrooms as well. We all will need to stand up to these people. I am willing to do so to help people like yourself. But at some point the boundaries are necessary even for your own freedom too. :)

I hear you and respect the fact that you are a wallflower. I don't think ignoring it is the answer though.

I am better about being the lost in the shadows as a person now. I tend to want to be alone though; with the exception of family.

I hear you. I used to be that way a lot. Very shy, introverted and meld into the background. In some regards I still feel that way. I do get out there as well and found it liberating being able to switch back and forth. In some ways, you get out there too with your work here my friend. :)

Ironic you say it that way. I just did a post this morning about what has been the BEST thing(s) about steemit in my life and that was one of them. Being able to interact, develop friendships and meet the people I have so far.

Ahhhhh, the power of spirit. How wonderful eh! I love it.

There are those who say that we need a war for peace...
This can work for a few years only, but violence cannot propagate lasting peace and love...
The United States says it fights terrorism for peace, but the reality is that the United States fights for hegemony, oil and money only...
There are also peaceful demonstrations in the state of Armenia... I hope they continue without violence...

And there's something else I think about it: "woman"... Why do they want to make a woman without morals... there is a fierce war against women to make them just a sexy body of libido... Because the woman is the basis of societies...
The woman is the mother who will care for children of the future...
They want to distort woman in order to make a distorted society... and this will keep them in their domination...

I hear lots of people saying that too and I call bull shit on it all. War feeds death, anger, hatred and conquest. There is no peace in that. It only breaks us all apart. War for peace is to appease the peace lovers and it will no longer work. I agree with you brother. Peace on!

It's a shame, you'd think as humans wellwe'll be wiser by now. Divide and conquer is the oldest trick used by oppressors in the book. If we don't find a way to unite in the face of differences, then not just Nicaragua like you said, but the whole World is doomed

I agree. Sad to say, but organized religions are a central part of that process as well. Dogma separates people. But if we embrace the root messages of all the religions of the world, we will find ways to love thy neighbour! That is what matters most!

Very True. Sadly it sounds more like wishful thinking than something we can actually be hopeful for

Something that is being done within my community. No more excuses. Wishful thinking is giving our power away to somebody else. When we stop wishing and start doing, that is when change happens. We will influence others through our own actions. Lead by example!

The whole world has been destroyed. It is a matter of shame, people will be well wisher now. The oldest technique used by book abusers is separating and conquering.

This whole world has NOT been destroyed. There is still a tremendous amount of beauty and sacredness left that needs protecting and sacred stewardship. There is still a lot of hope and opportunities left to turn this around and bring peace to the hearts of those who choose violence.

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