All life is sacred. No exceptions. No excuses.

in #ungrip7 years ago (edited)

I know of people who feel broken, in deep pain and feel anger, guilt, sorrow, disgust, anguish and hopelessness.  To have a daughter sexually molested by family members brings great sorrow and feelings of failure, especially while others protect the family members who perpetrate the violence against others.   

How do we heal and protect ourselves in a world bent on violence and abuse?  It seems like the violence is so pervasive that it is everywhere.  Our governments, corporations, treaties and even our own family institutions are all founded or function on coercion and violence, most of it covert and legal.  We must face some sobering truths, these institutions are morally depraved and as such they are NOT sacred.  They are not worthy of our protection, loyalty, support or participation.  It is time for them to be dissolved forever and replaced with relationships based on respect and honour.  

Despite the temptation to try and change or protect these institutions, the only change we can make is within our self.  We must start the evolution of our consciousness by exploring peace within our hearts and stand on a moral and ethical code of conduct that supports that peace.  This requires a lot of internal work and fully recognizing that all life is sacred.  Governments, corporations and old family constructs cannot follow us down this path as it is impossible to change them. 

When we finally admit to ourselves that ALL life is sacred, then our attitudes towards our self and others must change as a result.  All life came into form by the hand of Creator.  As such, all life is sacred as it all reflects the holiness of our Creator.  It does not matter if it is your own body, that of someone else, an animal, plant, air, water or the stones on the ground.  All of it is holy and sacred.  As such, every single form in existence has the right to a veto power against any violent act perpetrated by another.  No exceptions.  No excuses.  

Anybody who violates the will of another is engaged in an unholy act and breaking the sanctity of life and all that was formed by Creators hands.  If we ignore, hide, support or encourage such behaviours, we are just as guilty as the ones who engaged in the act directly.  If we hide behind masks of fictional constructs, then those constructs are evil and do not deserve to exist.  None of these morally corrupt individuals deserve our loyalty, support or encouragement.  

This requires tough love as we must recognize that the only one we can change is our self.  When we recognize the sacredness of life, we have a duty to confront those who violate it in the hopes that we can bring them onto a righteous path of peace.  Even if it means confronting those we love most dear.  It also requires that we take every step possible to no longer support evil in any way or any form.  That is why I quit my job, declared sovereignty, revoked my citizenship, returned all the documents back to the government and refuse to participate in anything that they represent.  That is why I wrote about Treat Six being dead as well.  

My loyalty is to those who choose to walk this path, which is very few.  I have no loyalty to blood, old friends, governments, corporations or any other institution as they are all engaged in violence.  My loyalty rests with Creator and those who are committed to changing their life towards peace, freedom, love, prosperity and respecting the sacredness of life itself.  It is those individuals who are my family and clan.  I care not what skin color they have, what language they speak or which holy text that they read.  What matters to me is preserving the sacredness of life itself in a peaceful, loving way.  

My righteous anger over the vile evil that people do to one another has reached its limit.  I am absolutely disgusted with the abusive, predatory, violent, deviant behaviours that I continue to witness on a daily basis.  I'm done watching people in pain and agony as a result of the abhorrent behaviour of those too blind to see, acting out on their own pain or to indignant to really care what their actions do to others.  No more excuses!

I will not be silenced as I rebuke everyone who violates the sacredness of life in all its forms, but especially against our sons and daughters.  Creator did not fail us, we failed us and it is time that we remedy that immediately.  No more excuses.  No more legislation.  No more committees.  No more governments.  No more protecting abusive family members.  This demands immediate action by each individual to ask some really tough questions about where each of us stands in our own view of life itself and make the appropriate changes as all our relationships go under the microscope!  Either we will respect the sacredness of life or we won't.  The choice is ours!  Our choice will result in support or rebuke.  


Having dealt with those same issues in my family I empathize very deeply. But I want to address your post: You are walking what the Buddhists call the Middle Path. On this path one may be enlightened (or not) but is definitely committed to a Higher Purpose while at the same time dealing with the issues of life. It is a challenging Path to walk in that our old reflexive and instinctive drives pull us into the muck of lower frequencies. And yet engage we must. It is not enough to sit under a tree in deep meditation and chant "oommmm......". At times we must carry the sword, so to speak. Just as Christ cast out the money changers from the temple, so must we too stand against evil in all its forms, while at the same time anchoring our souls in Love. Blessings.

Yes, indeed. It is a very difficult and challenging path to walk. Very well articulated. I thank you for saying this as many people refuse to walk this path as they want to ignore the darkness. Just by focusing on the light we don't address, confront and find peace with the darkness. It is a part of us as well and it all must find recognition, acceptance, healing and balance. I thank you and find myself expressing gratitude to you for what you just shared. Thank you. <3

wwf: don't know how else to reach you so this message is not about your comment above. I finally figured out how to register at Discord (I messed up my password it seems) and put in wwf2870 as a friend request and it didn't work. I also tried wwf#2870. That didn't work either. Suggestions?

Try WWF#2870. Discord is case sensitive

Another powerful message.

I send you full energy as you counsel your friend...may your words inspire and your emotions be controlled...may you be a vessel for the divine to tap into what is needed for each of that at that moment.

At the core of all violence and anger is fear. People are scared. At the core, that is what this planet is...most of the 7 billion people are walking around scared to their wits. And it is by design. The powerful, the elites, the constructors of society, whatever you call them, maintain their power and control from this. It is the only way they can have that standing. If the masses did not fear them, their power would instantly vanish. The numbers would be too overwhelming, they would overrun the system. Blind obedience is much better.

I just wrote an article about how the Whales on here are continually losing power. Over the past two weeks, their share went down almost a percent. The reason I bring this up is because STEEM has the chance to be an economy that is not controlled by the few. In the beginning it was. But as the masses arrive, the newer people, because of the numbers, will simply overrun the system. The Whales cannot do enough each day to maintain their present stake in the reward pool. Over time, their influence will diminish.

It would be the same thing in society if people woke up. We see it periodically. In the US, there is the big debate about pot. Some surveys conclude 90% of the people have tried it. 90%!!!! An overwhelming majority favor it being legalized. Now some states are adopting it, some medically, one or two for recreational use. Of course, the biggest bully of them all, the US Government, is still against it. 90% of the people have tried it, most favor it being legalized, and the USG is against much for government by the people and for the people.

Another sensational read. Thanks for all you do and the message you carry. You inspire me to look at myself in an effort to improve myself on a daily basis.

Wow excellent point here comparing the operations of steemit and the whales to society waking up. Even when I was pretty much on my own in my beliefs (incl pot) I believed we'd eventually see things turn upside down. Everything is backwards and it's amazing to witness that all change albeit arduously. May I share a part of this as a reminder on fb? I shall tag you @taskmaster on there, if that's not alright please let me know. That's kind of all I really use it for now haha, promoting steemit, logging things I want to be reminded of and what I think people should see.

Very well said @taskmaster4450. I agree so much.

The key now is to change that. How do remove the fear?

I believe that the Age of Abundance is upon us. The scarcity mindset so common in the bankster era has people scared. Once people realize that abundance is everywhere, and cryptos are a path to this realization, then people might be less likely to succumb to fear. They also could be less controllable which does not bode well for the establishment.

It starts with me. Walking my talk. Standing. Face the fear. Diminish the power.
100 monkey effect.
I also believe cryptos will be a part of that dissolution. The grip of the establishment will lessen as we start ungripping.
This steemit forum is helping to network the awakened masses. Very powerful time.
How great we are witnesses to this amazing journey!

Not only are we witnessing it, we are part of the force moving it. It is our collective efforts which are starting to turn the tide. The success of the entire STEEM ecosystem resides on each of us. No one person is more responsible than another. Every person on here has a part to play and for STEEM to maxmize its potential, it requires the efforts of all.

The grip starts with the monetary component. It is obvious that is the main controlling mechanism and the one that instills the most fear. Too many people feel alone and isolated. And it is amazing how much of a secret it is. People will give explicit details of their sex lives yet will not tell you how much money they make. Isnt that odd? This is how much we are conditioned to believe that money is the value of worth. It isnt but this is what we believe.

As this article states, every living being has is sacred. @wwf nailed it...too often we overlook that in our desperate need to judge so as to feel better about ourselves.

I agree we are all apart of the movement. It is important to witness, respect and honor other beings journeys.
I don't agree that starting grip of fear is monetary. (Although it is a major one)
Fear has been integrated into every facet of our lives. Fear of God, fear of change, fear of the law, fear of someone finding out you are being abused, fear of success, fear of losing a job, fear of many layers.
Money is just a facet. If we are not careful, and stand in our sacredness, the pendulum will continue to swing violently. Just in a different direction.
Such a delicate balance needs to be maintained. I navigate daily through these thoughts and actions. As I suspect we all do.

While I agree that the monetary component is a powerful one, the relationship between money, state governance, feudalism and all the other components is a complicated co-dependent web. In my view, the most insidious component is the trauma left as a result of the violence through war, economic failures, debt, courts, police, politics, terrorism, residential schools, conquest, pollution, vaccines, propaganda, etc, etc, etc.

We have all been traumatized by some or all of these campaigns. We need to end the violence so that we can heal and move past it all. There are a few who have the courage to do the healing despite it all, but I suspect the majority of the healing will only happen when we find the peace and stop the trauma from happening. Divorce, separation, declaration of peace and sovereignty are examples of how we can remove ourselves from the violent offenders. The economic models being demonstrated here can support those efforts as they are removed from the control mechanisms in place right now.

Yes I agree it is an interwoven consortium of terror waged upon the masses. the reason I point to the financial component is that it appears to be one of the main pieces that people focus upon. After all, it is the root of their scarcity mantra. It is also why people engage in the system to a great degree. I need a new car to drive so I go to a bank. Need a roof over my head so I get a mortgage. I need to take that trip (I'm entitled after all) so charge it. Plus it is why most of society shows up to work (I commend you for leaving like you did and taking the step of removing that aspect of control from you).

Yes the violence..but how to end it? The forces that profit off it are continually manifesting it. War is a profitable business. Now we dont even need to have a country to hate, just terror. Who is a terrorist? Whoever they deem that can stir the masses and get them excited.

I know it starts with one...followed by another...than all starts at the individual level.

The economic models being demonstrated here can support those efforts as they are removed from the control mechanisms in place right now.

I believe we are onto something grand here. This is a experiment in is telling how some react. It is an eye opener when people realize what freedom truly means.

The desire to run back to mommy, big brother, daddy is still there.

We learned the lessons of our conditioning well....sadly, we were excellent students.

We have to be careful as abundance will provide a mask for the fear. When all is good, who wants to make any changes? It is too easy to hide the fear when everything is ticking along and all appears good but in our bedrooms evil continues to flourish in the shadows. The fear will then be stuffed away and fester, repeating the process that we are experiencing now.

What is required is the will to do this work. It is uncomfortable, painful and even ugly work, but it must be confronted and completed. The turmoil is the catalyst for the change. When the fear has been processed, then the prosperity can re-enforce the lessons we have learned and be leveraged with love, compassion and empathy rather than the energy that supports it now.

That is true and I agree with you. It is often only out of pain that change occurs. When things are going well, few are willing to ask the tough questions of oneself. It is difficult enough to go inward and get honest when in pain; a great deal more difficult when one is comfortable.

In recovery, we call it "the gift of desperation".

Oftentimes, we need that kick in the tush to get us going in the right direction.

My heart bleeds for your friend and his daughter, I too am a survivor of abuse and it literally takes over your thoughts, feelings, emotions and life for years to come. My abuse happened at 17 years old, I am now 38 years old and it still affects me every single day of my life. I did not go to the police as the animal who abused his power was seen as a person of good standing within the community and I was just a 17 year old girl who had no parents to turn to. I am quite open about my past with people as I have found talking about it can help empower other people as well as go great lengths to healing myself. My husband is very understanding and he has even offered to bring about punishment to the individual, however I don't want to lose my husband so I would never allow him to do anything to the vile scum. I hope that Karma is indeed at play and one day, they will regret taking what was not theirs to take. Much love x

I am grateful that you found the courage to talk about your own experience. I believe it does help others find the strength and courage within themselves to do the same, which then can start the healing process. I find great comfort and healing by talking about and sharing my own experiences too. At some point we will have to confront these people, forgive them and help them heal too. It will take a strong individual to take that step. I pray that we are all up for it when the time comes. Thank you for sharing what happened. It touches me deeply when people share like what you just did. Thank you. <3 Deep respect and love for you my friend.

I cry reading this. My heart breaks. I have been there. I have lived and survived sexual abuse from the very family that "loves" you. Please know I am here for your friend and his beautiful daughter. Yes.. she is beautiful. She is fragile, but strong. It is my hope she is not assigned labels. She is a divine spirit, a blessed gift. I know she is surrounded by great love. True love to help heal. May she find strength in her voice, not the cutting.
I will be laying tobacco for your friend and his daughter.

"I will not be silenced as I rebuke everyone who violates the sacredness of life in all its forms, but especially against our sons and daughters. Creator did not fail us, we failed us and it is time that we remedy that immediately. No more excuses. No more legislation. No more committees. No more governments. No more protecting abusive family members. "

This could not be more clear or true.
Much love and peace.

This is the actual philosophy of life while after looking at our actions i feel so awful and painful when we harm the beauty of life. I am so touched after reading about the daughter of your friend- this should be stopped at once. Otherwise we are harming ourselves because ultimately we all the creature of the Creator. He sent us to spread love and peace not at all to break the spirit of Peace through evil practices , I am fully agreed the philosophy you shared my friend

Anybody who violates the will of another is engaged in an unholy act and breaking the sanctity of life and all that was formed by Creators hands. If we ignore, hide, support or encourage such behaviours, we are just as guilty as the ones who engaged in the act directly. If we hide behind masks of fictional constructs, then those constructs are evil and do not deserve to exist. None of these morally corrupt individuals deserve our loyalty, support or encouragement.

Yes, we all are responsible for the outcomes the actions we are doing. If we are spreading peace then we will receive Peace and if we are spreading hatred then ultimately hatred will come to us.

I agree that now is the time where people need to examine their lives and make a choice about how they are going to live. So many people are not willing to admit that they are responsible for violence and acts against other people through staying silent or not taking any action against it.

The comments under this post show how far removed people are from their own personal responsibility. The fact that well meaning people responded with a government or legal solution first demonstrates that a very small amount of people are willing to be responsible for their own actions in accordance to a natural law system.

Terrible and painful story for your friend and his daughter. I hope healing will come to them.

The sad part my friend, is that I know in my heart that matters have to get worse ... much worse before people will surrender and start doing the work. The darkness has to sweep over the face of the earth so that the only option is to surrender and change or die! That is what it will take and I do not look forward to reaching that point. I've been there once already in my life and it was the most painful and dark chapter of my life.

I've believed for years that the world has to go through a similar experience in order to start the healing process. A few of us, who have already done the work, will be here to help facilitate that process. I pray it happens within my life time so that I can serve as a catalyst for that level of healing. I pray all of us step up to serve!

One of the worst feelings I had in recent times is about the rape and murder of a 6 years old by a serial killer. Then there were series of such instances. This was not first of its kind crime rather it was just that someone reported it and then media took the news to limelight. It's true that thousands of such cases go unreported everyday. In a society, without structure and proper education, everything looks upside down. People believe rapes happen because women wear jeans and not because of sexual frustration, where earthquakes are interpreted as anger of God for the wrong doings of becomes very much difficult to fight evil. A lot of work is required to bring this society on the right path. I'm not pessimist as all my life, I've been fighting evil all my life and often time it costed me a lot...even couple of years in my career yet I'm hopeless about the future of the society where I live. Actually, I'm hopeless about the future of the world because there is primarily something wrong with the system of the world. I mean how can we have funds for wars (mass murders) and not for safe/clean drinking water....for education of the underdeveloped countries...for the basic needs of deprived majority of the world? I believe, poverty is root cause of many evils. We can't negate the wide gap between the tiny majority of the rulers of the world and the vast majority of the people they control. We need inner strength, agreed but we need control on external factors as well to make our world a better place. These days, I'm stuck somewhere else but I agree with you in many ways. May be, we've a detailed discussion on how the world works and how we can play our important role in it. We both want to fight violence in the world. So, you got my support. Peace out.

My friend, my blog is a testimonial as I describe the control mechanisms of the world and describe what I've done to start the process of removing myself from those mechanisms. I do believe it already provides a detailed discussion on how the world works. The time for discussion is over. We are now in the phase where we need to take active steps to remove ourselves from those control systems and learn how to govern ourselves in peace and love. Then we can confront those who still refuse to acknowledge their own violence and participation in evil systems.

At times I too feel hopelessness and then I find another shot of energy to help me keep going. Are we pissed off enough yet to peacefully do what ever it is going to take to end this level of violence? Are we ready now to make the sacrifices that is necessary to do this work?

I've been doing it for over a decade. The only way I will stop this work is if they take out my ability to interact in this physical realm. That would require a complete failure of my vessel.

You've reminded me of something a native American said. I can't remember the exact quote, but it was something about when we stop caring for the animals, we stop caring for each other. I think this is very true, because anyone who cares for the lives of all creatures can only hold the lives of other people as dear too. We have torn ourselves so far from nature that many of us don't even see the destruction we reap around us. Many cannot even put themselves into the shoes of another.

I can imagine your freind's pain only too well and my heart goes out to them both. So sad that the family has chosen to protect the abuser.

Yes, life is sacred and it is for everyone. But I am disgusted by what is happening in Brazil today.
When criminals are identified and arrested, they are often protected by someone who represents Human Rights or the Rights of Children and Adolescents in the event of a crime committed by a person under the age of 18.
Support for the criminal is often faster than the victim or his family.
We should do our part yes, becoming better people focusing on living well with life, in peace and harmony with everybody.
But it is difficult when the government imposes laws that go against our simple sense of justice.

The state, no matter which country we are in, is founded in violence and coercion. The state is a huge part of the problem, yet people still support it, fund it and participate with it. That makes them complicit as well. This problem is pervasive, deep and all encompassing. Is anybody standing up to this stuff in the land that people mistakenly call 'Brazil'?

Here the greatest violence is not that of common thugs but rather of corrupt rulers who divert resources that should take care of health, safety, pensions.
When the government is omitted and fails, crime takes over the streets, as seen in recent times in the city of Rio de Janeiro.

I hope that your friend and his daughter will heal.

I like to think that our individual lives are just parts of a much bigger life – evolution. We are distant relatives to all forms of life on our planet, including monkeys, wolves, whales, orcas, dolphins, flowers, and trees. The life as a whole, as the evolution, as the ecosystem whose part we are, continues long before and after our individual “death”. Thus, we are a little bit of everyone, human, animal, and plant alike, and we all contribute to and enjoy a bit of the ongoing, uniform life. By hurting any form of life, we are, in a way, hurting ourselves too.

That is why consent is so important!

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