A true Spiritual warrior does not attack the bully, but instead helps strengthen the vulnerable and dependent!

in #ungrip7 years ago

The state and all those who are at war think that they are protecting their community by attacking those who threaten the safety of that community.  What they fail to realize is that when one foe is vanquished, another will rise up to take his place.  There will always be a bad guy sitting in the wings more than eager to take the place of the last one.  This is reminiscent of the futility in fighting the Greek mythic beast the Hydra.  The moment you cut off one head, two more grow in its place.  In the meantime considerable resources have been consumed and great destruction has resulted due to the conflict.  When the solders return home they find millions of vulnerable people who still need protecting.  So the cycle starts all over again.  

This is a symptom of colonialism and feudal methodologies and principles.  What is required is Christ level consciousness to break this cycle.  

So what is the root cause?  Is it the fact that there are bullies, psychopaths and greedy individuals in this world or is the root cause actually the existence of weak and vulnerable people?  I propose that the fact that there are those who are vulnerable leads to this vicious cycle repeating over and over again.  If anything, people use the protection of the vulnerable as justifications for their violent acts.  That has been the rally cry of the state for hundreds or perhaps even thousands of years.  Yet they never find a way to end poverty or raise people up so that they are no longer vulnerable.

I propose to you that a core principle of the Pacem Arts (the art of peace) and even the Martial Arts (the art of war) is to focus on helping the weak and vulnerable so that they can protect and provide for themselves.  It is our primary duty to teach everyone how to fish and that involves not only providing the skills, but also ensure that they all have the land, resources, tools, knowledge and experience to provide for themselves.

What this does is increases the individuals sense of purpose and self-esteem as they are no longer dependent on others.  When they can provide for their own basic needs they are then free to explore life in all its glory rather than stress about where their next meal is going to come from.  The time that gets freed up then provides opportunities for service to others which further strengthens the community.  Over time, a web of relationships grows so strong, vibrant and dynamic, that no violent offender can penetrate the web of protection that has grown around the community.

 "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." - Mahatma Gandhi 

The bullies and psychopaths cannot battle a strong, well knit community.  Their lies, intimidating behaviour, covert violence, guilt trips and other tactics don't and won't work.  The individuals within the community have the strength, time, energy and wisdom to see right through these people, which disarms them and makes their way of life obsolete and powerless.  

A true spiritual warrior who practices the Pacem Arts is somebody who does his best to ensure everyone is independent and free.  He builds communities by giving rather than destroying communities by taking.  Colonial solders go to war to destroy and take.  The way to counter these violent offenders is to go behind the battle line and help those who the solders claim they are protecting.  Our goal is to help them become so free and independent that they no longer need solders.  We don't waste our time on fighting, but instead we invest our time on building and creating peace, prosperity, joy, compassion and love.

Then the Hydra will die for good!  We must rebuke those who go to battle to destroy despite their assertion that their efforts are righteous.  This is a misguided notion as the real battle is in the hearts and minds of men and women as we struggle to surrender violence and chose peace instead.  

 The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members - Mahatma Gandhi

This is what a true Spiritual Warrior does.  


Well @wwf

I got answer of my 1 question asked you today, Thanks for addressing this issue. I am very much agreed upon your logic you gave in your blog. Similar thought i also read in Quran;

And serve Allah and do not associate any thing with Him and be good to the parents and to the near of kin and the orphans and the needy and the neighbor of (your) kin and the alien neighbor, and the companion in a journey and the wayfarer and those whom your right hands possess; surely Allah does not love him who is proud, boastful. [An-Nisa, 4:36]

@salmanbukhari54, I thank you greatly for sharing like you do. I have a dear friend in the UK who is Muslim and we talk on the phone and through facebook in the past and found we had a LOT in common. We would share our views with one another and come to all kinds of agreements and common ground to forge a relationship of respect. I am quickly feeling the same way about you my friend. It brings great peace to my heart to see people from all over the world reaching out to one another to find this common ground. It is there and this is the foundation of the peace we are building. The strength of our community is already forming. I can feel it in my heart and you are a part of that. <3 Much love and respect to you.

Although we were created from One Man & One Woman. Then God made families and tribes of ours so that we may get our respective identity. At the same time God emphasized upon forgiveness and delivered His message through his messenger Prophet Muhammad;

Forgive when you have power over others.

So, actually we all are same and one by heart. Our nature is very much same My Respected Friend. So, it is a matter of honor for me and you that God has blessed us with such spirit that we are spreading Peace and Love everywhere without the hatred of Religion or Politics. This is your affection that you felt it in your heart, Massive respect to you too <3 @wwf

I wanted to say the same words.... I am one of the most opposed people to the Saudi government (I am not a Saudi) because the Saudi government uses Islam to spread hatred and war in the world (Yemen-Syria-Iraq-Libya-Afghanistan...) And now its goal is Lebanon and Qatar... But the message of Muhammad is: peace for all... When we read the life of the Prophet Muhammad we will find that he refused to do much.. Often he waived his rights for peace... Even the word Islam means peace in Arabic language...
Islam is ordered to fight only in case of self-defence. On condition that your enemy doesn't want peace...

Quran surah Al Anfal 61 (QS 8: 61) in arabic and english translation

(8:61) But if they incline to peace, you also incline to it, and (put your) trust in Allah. Verily, He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower.

Hard to translate Arabic language literally... But it is clear from this that the Quran required the Muslim to go to peace. Unconditionally

there are a lot of idiots in the Muslim world who don't understand religion well. And they hear stupid clerics like them...

It is not just limited to the Muslim world. Every religion on the planet has been manipulated for those who engage in greed, violence and other covert & overt agendas. It is up to each individual to work through it all and that is why I would rather get to know the individual than have preconceived notions based on citizenship, religion, color, language, etc. It is tough as the governments and religions for thousands of years have been used for control, judgements and war. The individual must work past these bias and tendencies.

Well the point you raised regarding Saudi Arabia and other neighbor countries I think that is part of International politics and they are using Religion just to become superpower. I am not against any sect or religion of the world but i am against the Extremist Side of the religion in fact of any religion in the world.
Sir Karl Marx said,

Religion is an opium of mass.

How we can minus it from the life of the people yes it's misuse always make the people shattered & disturbed. Misuse of Religion & politics are the 2 biggest factors which can ruin the Peace in no time @wwf @yagoub

In my view it is only a tool to justify what is in the hearts of those who use that tool. If it is not religion or politics it will be something else. So rather than focusing on the tools, how about we focus on the hearts of men? That would require that we get real with ourselves and be blunt regarding our behaviours and feelings that spawn those behaviours. What is disturbed is that most people are hurting and don't know how to heal or are not even aware that they are hurting. Consciousness of how we are feeling so that we can connect with spirit and HEAL is of primary importance. But most people use distractions to avoid the process because it hurts too much.

Ultimately it is all about human heart and i do agree with you @wwf on this factor.
Healing is of two types in my opinion Physically & Spiritually as well.

Both work immensely as human nature appreciates Love and Peace.

the real battle is in the hearts and minds of men and women

This right here is where it's all at, we must overcome our fears of others who are "different" from us and realize that really we are all the same, we are all in this together. This is especially evident now with the size of the population and the state of the world.

We can achieve much more through cooperation and supporting each other than by stealing, competing, and destroying each other. I'd love to see education on how to be self sufficient starting to build strong roots, there are people starting to build this type of atmosphere right here on steemit. I looked at your blog and was astounded by the amount of material you have brought the community. I'd like to have quality work that has a positive affect on people as well.

The modern school system doesn't teach us life skills that would allow us to thrive and prosper as self dependants. It's up to us! We can help eachother, with the power of community and communication we have here we could achieve great things in freeing people from the constructs that seem to try to bring us down that are so prevalent in our culture today.

Nice post

I'd really love to have a big impact here too.

Well @jakeybrown you elaborated another great point in this regard which is The modern school system. I am 100% agreed upon this factor and this is the core reason for the high unemployment rate around the globe. No research work is focused now and cramming is at it's peak. Under all this scenario how can human be skillful ... certainly not possible.

It's ridiculous really, going through it and then seeing it from the other side with the amount of info on the internet, if anyone takes the time they can see the system is broken.

I am grateful that you are finding inspiration to be the change! I agree with what you stated and now that your spirit is on fire, I look forward to seeing the fruits of your labor. It is a lot of hard work, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. But if your will and ability are in harmony, I have no doubt you will find a way to fly with the eagles.

I AM that I AM
My spirit name is White Walking Feather

Thank you for the gentle push :) I am making efforts to find truth and bring it to the people who looking for it, I'd like to read through your work as I have time as I'm sure I still have a lot to learn. I've definitely made more progress in the last few years towards realizing how things really are.

We have the same situation inside the human body. If the host is healthy, sickness won't take up residence. Even Pasteur admitted on his deathbed that he had been wrong and the health of the terrain is paramount. So what you've said is a universal truth.

Great point and I agree! Thank you for making that point! <3 That is why being a steward of Mother Earth is paramount as there is an illness that is taking root and the way to battle it is to bring health back to the environment. It is a monumental tasks, but I believe if we all returned to the land and started working at being proper stewards, we can tackle all these issues at the same time.

A team is only strong as its weakest link.. I guess that sentence makes a lot of sense with what you just wrote. Thoughtful perspective and approach to take on "evil" in this world.

thank you @holm! <3

There always has been bullys and most likely continue to be. The bullys are the ones who are insecure in themselves. They are the ones who are unhappy with their lives. The key is to feel the love and peace within ones self. Nothing disarms a bully faster than seeing they have no effect on you. Seeing you tormented is their reward. It feeds their unworthy souls.

Well said!!!

This topic is very close to home atm at least on a mirco scale as I'm dealing with some serious bullying by grown adults for something outside my control. Im not weak by any means and this is not the first time they have done it as you are correct one leaves and another thinks it there right to step into the new role of arse hat!

Over time, a web of relationships grows so strong, vibrant and dynamic, that no violent offender can penetrate the web of protection that has grown around the community.

Slightly off topic but I think this is how Steem will survive. The community is what hold us together and it is what will make it nit only survive but be a top contender.

It saddens my heart to hear of your struggles. I hope you found some comfort in the topic and I pray that you can find a remedy for the situation soon. Thank you for sharing. This is going on frequently. I have many friends that go through similar situations and we have experienced it too. In time I do believe it will diminish as we work to strengthen everyone within the community. Sharing is a huge part of the healing and growing process. Thank you for sharing!

Hiii @wwf,

I am very much impressed by your writting skills. your research and experience show you are a real peace lover man. your these words attracted my soul because i am also in the favour of peace and love in whole the world.
my support and wishes for you.

Stay Blessed.

Thank you @rabeel! That means a lot to me and I mean that from my heart and spirit! May the spirit of love and peace spread through people like you and I as we strengthen our communities and bring independence and prosperity to all those who desire it and may that influence others to do the same. We lead by example and we are each a leader!

Thanks a lot Sir @wwf,

That's my pleasure that you support me as well as your worthy reply. i have facing difficulties in english language due to which not described much, just say that You and others just like you are real assets of this community, we , just like me take guidelines and learnt much from you. thanks

@rabeel - I just wanted to say that you are doing a fantastic job with writing english. Good job! I hope this translates properly! You're doing a great job and I look forward to talking to you and seeing your feedback on articles such as this one on Steemit : )

this absolutely right,"A true Spiritual warrior does not attack the bully, but instead helps strengthen the vulnerable and dependent!"

great post

<3 Thank you.

What you are stated are to a great extent true, however looking at today's world, what should one do to save a situation where the bully is really coming hard on the person and probably his dependents?

Shine the light and show the world what is going on. I've even stood between an abusive husband and his family. Being a peace keeper is a dangerous job and requires training, experience, courage and wisdom. I don't attack the abuser, but I will confront them and call them on their behaviour. But I also recognize that most have deaf ears and will not see or hear what I speak of. There is no grater sacrifice than to lay down ones life to save another. I am prepared to die for what I believe. Are you?

You go beyond a peace keeper.. your preach and live that of a peace maker. Keepers do what needs to be done to solve an immediate threat and will be needed again and again. Makers resolve the issues, heal the abusers and abused, so no more peace keeping is needed.

Exactly!!!!!!! Well said!

That's wonderful, am humbled by your stand. May the peace which you preach be with you now and always.

I think I do a decent job explaining how we could construct a capitalistic society where that bully doesn't even feel the need to bully. I believe we can construct a society where, if an actor in society feels the need to cause destruction, we can medically, accurately, and truthfully, diagnose them perhaps as mentally deranged. And the consequence wouldn't be punishment, but rather nourishment. Care would have to be taken here to ensure this mechanism wasn't being abused, but it goes a lot in line with the Ghandi quote at the end of the article. At the very least what we could do is make that situation where you have to make those "what if" somewhat non obvious answers as rare or unlikely as possible.

Could you perhaps provide an example of what it would look like "[in] todays' world", "where the bully is really coming hard on the person and probably his dependents?"

This was something I was thinking on a while ago, but you have given me another insight on it. Bullies can only affect you when you allow them to make you afraid. Yes, they might physically hurt you, but it's your fear of that pain that keeps you defenceless. If you can push past that fear of what might happen if you refuse their demands and prepare yourself to deal with the consequences that might come, then you are equipping yourself to stop the problem in its tracks. Helping each other to reach that point does seem to be the logical next step.

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