If you are asking me, I don't care about the rules here. Everything I've done I did despite the rules. But that is a long story and requires one to go through my entire blog to figure out how I did that.
But for somebody who follows the rules set forth by their feudal master, one needs to have development permits to build. Here in Alberta, a builder also needs to have home building insurance, which could cost as much as the tiny house does. When people get permits for their buildings, the municipality will be looking for the insurance to be in place as well. Some municipalities don't have rules for buildings that are on wheels. But if they are on a skid plate, then the rules apply. Some counties around here don't require anything if it is under 800 square feet, while others do. It really does matter which county you live in as to what the rules are. I would recommend contacting the county and ask them what their rules are.
Beware: Some municipalities said it was okay for tiny homes but then later changed the rules. So it might be fine now, but at some point the rules can change and cause all kinds of head aches. Tiny homes really do throw the system for a loop because most people can afford to build one, which then has a huge impact on the tax base, but also for the banking industry, etc. So go in with your eyes wide open.
But for me, I build them without any regard for what they are doing.
With some study, you can tell them to buzz off even within the rules that they follow. Knowing who you are and being strong enough not to be bullied around, it is all workable.
If you are asking me, I don't care about the rules here. Everything I've done I did despite the rules. But that is a long story and requires one to go through my entire blog to figure out how I did that.
But for somebody who follows the rules set forth by their feudal master, one needs to have development permits to build. Here in Alberta, a builder also needs to have home building insurance, which could cost as much as the tiny house does. When people get permits for their buildings, the municipality will be looking for the insurance to be in place as well. Some municipalities don't have rules for buildings that are on wheels. But if they are on a skid plate, then the rules apply. Some counties around here don't require anything if it is under 800 square feet, while others do. It really does matter which county you live in as to what the rules are. I would recommend contacting the county and ask them what their rules are.
Beware: Some municipalities said it was okay for tiny homes but then later changed the rules. So it might be fine now, but at some point the rules can change and cause all kinds of head aches. Tiny homes really do throw the system for a loop because most people can afford to build one, which then has a huge impact on the tax base, but also for the banking industry, etc. So go in with your eyes wide open.
But for me, I build them without any regard for what they are doing.
You are my hero!
With some study, you can tell them to buzz off even within the rules that they follow. Knowing who you are and being strong enough not to be bullied around, it is all workable.
Sounds right to me.