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RE: Helping @harvardhomestead with her hempcrete tiny house
Wow! Well this is the best strategy to live. Make tiny homes hempcrete and say bye bye to the Feudal Lords System.
I can see the expertise of @wwf and @harvardhomestead to make this beautiful house. I am following @harvardhomestead and i did not find any blog of her in which i can find you too My Best Friend @wwf
By the way I have not seen Amulti-talented guy like you in my life
An Author, Spiritual Healer, Doctor, Architect and Offcourse A Great Mentor <3 Massive Respect to you @wwf
More strength to you My Best Friend :)
Stay Blessed, Steem On!
She has not posted yet regarding what we did this morning. When she does, I will update the post and provide a link to her blog post. She took lots of pictures of what we were doing today. When one lives this way, we need to learn a lot of skills so that we can put it all together. This is not an area where specialists would do well. We need to be generalists. The great thing is that the internet provides us with access to the specialists which then allows us to draw upon their knowledge and experience. But being a generalist is the only way to make this type of life style work.
Aaa i see, i will wait for the link My Friend ;-)
Yes in all these i did lot of research work & came to know one must be multi-skillfull to survive on such place
More Strength to you Great Guy :))
Her post is up.
Oh yeah i went through and i felt you guys are so skillful in it Just Wow <3
Look here you are ;)
Great Job Guys @wwf & @harvardhomestead May the Creator shower His blessings upon you people all the time :)
Stay Blessed :)
Thank you brother. Yup. There is a picture of me. I'm actually sitting down in front of my computer typing this right now. The picture is not me, but a snap shot in time. ;) I've changed and grown since then.
Thank you. <3
Hahahaha You look so great in this Picture and i am sure this is you :D
Yes i can imagen that you have changed since then My Best Friend :)
You're Welcome <3
hahahaha. Ya, I was just being very technical with my comment. When I teach a class I get somebody to hand me their drivers license and then I ask them if the DL is them. Obviously it is not them as they are sitting right in front of me. Instead the picture on the DL is a likeness of them, but it is not them. So when an authority asks you if a document is you and you say 'yes', what did you just agree too? ;)
The picture is of me doing work on the tiny house. :) hehehe