
False, there were no weed laws passed and Jeff Sessions cannot strike down laws. Jeff Sessions did rescind many extrajudicial memos among them was an Obama era memo about cannabis enforcement, this memo was redundant. Despite NPR claiming Sessions was initiating a crackdown both of the experts on their show said very clearly that it was no such thing. Rescinding that memo had no effect on the status of cannabis law enforcement. We can tell because that was a long time ago and the feds in fact have not been cracking down on legal weed dispensaries have they?

There is a bill currently in process to legalize weed on the federal level and President Trump has pledged to sign it.


The Obama administration had it set in place where each individual state could police themselves. Hence the favorable laws. Jeff Sessions squashed the idea and enforced federal laws on each individual state.

But your efforts have been noted - Thank you!

The Obama administration had it set in place where each individual state could police themselves. Hence the favorable laws. Jeff Sessions squashed the idea and enforced federal laws on each individual state.

You are still incorrect, the memo didn't set in place that each individual state could police themselves, it was redundant and extrajudicial and along with many other Obama orders it was rescinded. There was absolutely no effect from rescinding that memo. Jeff Sessions squashed the idea that laws should be made by the president instead of congress and had zero impact on federal cannabis enforcement in the process. That was many months ago now, there was and is no crackdown.

If there was a crackdown then there ought to be a crackdown, where is the crackdown? Why aren't we seeing dispensary raids every day?
We are not seeing them because you are wrong.


Are we finished now? Thanks.

F Jeff Sessions. You can be an advocate of the self righteous, bible misrepresenting prick all you want. But he squashed my favorable weed laws, period.

Prior to jeff Sessions: I walk in the store, buy a bag, walk out and I even had dedicated smoking sections.

Post jeff Sessions: I walk in the store, buy a bag and upon exiting, authorities have the legal right to arrest me because inside the shop is state ran and the sidewalk is federal.

So the raids you’re referring to are actually taking place, they just wait until you exit the store with the product you legally purchased inside the store.

We could be all done, you just proved my point for me, I started off saying that the media was making such false claims months ago. That is a good example of one. What you need to prove there is a crackdown is hit me with articles about all the dispensaries being raided by the FEDs, you know, like a crackdown.
So your article was from February, fearmongering the impending crackdown, a great example of hype like NPR was pushing. Yet the experts kept trying to tell the host on NPR that this was not actually a crackdown and would not effect law enforcement or your pot shopping experience.

Let me get this right, your article about someone suing Jeff Sessions is evidence of a federal crackdown on pot?

Where is you pot shop that the sidewalk is federal property?

Since Jeff's crackdown how many times have the federal authorities picked you up on the sidewalk on pot charges?

Zero right?

There was never a time when it was legal to possess cannabis on federal property, even when the memo was in effect, it of course had nothing to do with that.

Hint: if there was a federal crackdown, if the federal policy of not busting those who are complying with their state laws had changed in any way, there wouldn't be a fucking pot store!
There would be a busted out store front where a pot store once was.

Your boy hates weed.


Your boy hates weed. Repeat: Jeff Sessions is not pro marijuana.

derp, I am sure I never said he liked weed, or that he was my boy, I also never said that he was pro marijuana. Did you forget what we were talking about or are you just doing some straw man arguing?
What you failed again and again to prove is your old fake news claim that there is a federal crackdown on legal marijuana. Try to focus. Again, what you need is a article about nationwide busts on legal cannabis businesses, but you can't because there are not any.

You could also try to prove that Sessions overturned some laws like you had claimed earlier

he squashed my favorable weed laws, period.

which ones and how did the AG "squash" them?

I didn’t say I got arrested. I didn’t say they’re “cracking down” mr session representative. I said now that he squashed the states ability to police themselves, it is now legal to be arrested on the sidewalk.

I live here, I’m telling you what armed police officers with badges are now required to explain as we enter collectives.

I don’t love you. That means I have no reason to lie to you. :kisses:

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