true account - abducted by aliens

in #unexplained3 years ago

I have experienced the paranormal throughout my life, this has created a curiosity in me and a desire to discover the truth behind my unexplained experiences. My quest in finding answers has resulted in me asking family members, friends, friends of friends and associates if they have also experienced paranormal phenomena, 80% of the people I asked experienced some sort of unexplained occurrence. Over the years I have collected many interesting and incredible stories and wish to share them with those of you that are interested. In the comments I would love for you to share your opinions on these stories and for you to share your own personal paranormal experiences or the stories you have heard from others.


My first story happened to a friend. From the age of 6 she claims she has been visited by an alien race. Her earliest memory is lying in bed and being awakened by what sounded like rustling noises on the roof. she said her bedroom was brightly lit and it looked like it was daylight, but she knew it was night and her parents were asleep in bed. She was feeling very scared and tried to wake her parents but no matter how much she screamed and shook them they wouldn't awaken, the next thing she remembered was waking in bed in the morning. She does not remember going back to bed, but she did remember having a nightmare. In her nightmare she was running from monsters, then suddenly her running became a slow motion gradually becoming slower and slower until she became paralyzed and couldn't move, the monsters grew closer, before the monsters were on top of her, she woke up. She couldn't remember what the monsters looked like.

Many occasions during her childhood years she would wake in the middle of the night and find herself paralyzed, she said it was like the energy had been drained from her and she couldn't move any part of her body and she couldn't make any noise. During a few of these paralysis events she could hear a soothing voice tell her telepathically not to be scared and that everything would be ok. This would happen to her up to the age of 18. In her late teens, late one night, she and her boyfriend drove to the country to walk across a field, she said she didn't know why they went to this field, they just hopped on her boyfriends motor bike, went to the field, jumped the fence and just started walking, they saw strange lights in the sky and saw what looked like a large bush burning in the middle of the field as they started walking towards the bush everything went into slow motion, then suddenly the burning bush was gone and they were walking back to the motor bike. She said her boyfriend also described the events in the same way. She didn't know if there was any missing time as they didn't know what the time was when they left home.

On several other occasions she and her boyfriend did experience missing time, every time this happened they were isolated and in the country either camping or driving to a location on impulse, during some of these occasions they saw strange lights in the sky sometimes it was just one and sometimes it was several. They would dart erratically across the night sky in a way that would be impossible for any known human operated aircraft.

Approximately 10 years ago she started to experience nightmares of small grey aliens with large black eyes surrounding her and doing some sort of medical procedure on her. During this time She said she knows they communicated with her telepathically but for some reason can't remember what they said. She said during one of her nightmares she remembered hearing the voice of her boyfriend next to her, although she couldn't see him she believed he was on a table near her and they were also performing some sort of medical procedure on him. She also remembers dreaming of talking to a young child in a metallic room with a light that appeared not to belong to a source, she didn't know this child nor had she seen him before, but said he felt familiar to her. A few months later when on holiday in a city she had never been to before, she saw the same little boy she dreamed of, she said he looked at her like he knew her. She was really confused and scared so she and her boyfriend left as quickly as possible, she didn't want to approach the boy and didn't want to turn back to get a second look, she just ran. She hasn't seen or dreamed about the boy since. She believes her experiences and dreams were real, she feels the creatures are neither good or bad and lack a soul, however the one that soothed her with its calming voice when she was younger, felt good to her and had her longing to hear its telepathic voice again, although she does partially believe that this may have been a technique used to pacify her to make her an easier victim.

She has not undergone hypnotherapy as she is really scared of what she might discover. I have not personally spoken to the boyfriend that she experienced these events with, as she is no longer with him, however several people that know him have said he has claimed she is telling the truth. This is a very incredible story and it would be easy for someone to believe it was fabricated or that the teller is delusional, however this story was told to me by an intelligent, sensible and credible source, she has spoken to me about her experiences many times and not one detail has ever changed. Others have also claimed to have seen strange lights in the night sky when in her presence. Please leave comments.

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