RE: Unemployment Payday in Spain what would you do with a 426€ Monthly wage?
Your expenses are even low ! Im also waiting for my employment insurance to come in i was just laid off Feb3 ! In Canada our cheques are deposited every 2 weeks directly into our bank accounts , and we need to go on line and fill out our previous cards as to wheather or not we worked the previous 2 weeks , any amount worked is deducted from your cheque , i think you can only make a certain small amount before its deducted , im not sure yet how much my cheques will be for as it depends on how much i paid into it over the year and how much money i made ! Everyones is different !
The welfare system here pays once a month on the last Wednesday of the month . For any that cant get EI . Or dont work .
But for me my expenses are : rent , car insurance, food , cable and internet , hydro , cell phone , bank loan , and credit cards ! Theres no going out or haveing a life allowed ! Lol ! Steem on ! 👍
Canada is expensive from I can remember. I forgot to include our credit card expenses :( thanks for your awesme comment @karenmckersie
Yes ! And British Columbia the Provine i live in is the highest ! And your welcome ! I would cut off my phone if i didnt need it in case work calls me back!👍😉
I lived in Alberta, but spent quite a bit of time visiting BC, Also spent some time there while working on CP rail doing maintenance on the tracks