BOScoin $BOS Appreciated 125% In the Last 24 Hours
Crypto currency BOScoin surged 125% over the past 24 hours.
It has recently traded at 0.0000023 Bitcoins or about 0.263 Wax tokens.
BOScoin is a Cryptocurrency Platform that enables the development and deployment of Trust Contracts which are decidable and approachable framework for creating and executing contracts on the blockchain.
BOScoin is based on a Modified Federated Byzantine Agreement algorithm which will allow for low latency transactions while being more energy efficient.
BOS is the underlying value token in the platform with 500M tokens and a 5 second avg. transaction time.
BOScoin can be traded on Kucoin, HitBTC and CoinBene cryptocurrency markets.
What are your thoughts about BOScoin and its outlook for the future?
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